Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

I just slammed a drawer closed on my penis.


I just slammed a drawer closed on my penis.


Running a Massive Co-Front.

Just curious, Ru, but why did you put your penis in there?



I have a tear in the tip with blood and everything, lol. Talk about a comedy of errors.

I am going to guess that I am the first guy here to have this particular injury. Anyone else accidentally slammed a drawer closed on their penis whilst standing in the kitchen neeked fixing a dog dinner?

Running a Massive Co-Front.

Now I don’t believe you wanted to do that.

But please let us know if it results in growth (other than temporary swelling). You may have just discovered the Holy Grail of PE! :D

That sounds…horrifiyng. Hope you heal soon!

And I thought this was going to be a moderator trick to get everybody to look so you could ask for donations. :)

That will teach you to fix your dog’s dinner naked! Did your dog laugh or was he able to hold back?

Dry food, canned food, hot water, and a pinch of garlic! :drool1:

I am tall enough that most counters reach to just below where my wee wee connects to my body. Just as I am mixing up the food one of the cats knocked the open jar of dog pills off the counter. Without thinking my reflexes kick in and I release the spoon, catch the jar and all the pills one handed, and catch the spoon with the other hand and continue to stirring the food.

As I do this my hips shift slightly and my thighs go forward perhaps 2 inches. The hip shift is just enough to pop my unit up over the top of the kitchen drawer in front of me that isn’t quite closed. My thighs go forward slamming the drawer closed with my body weight behind it. :D

Running a Massive Co-Front.

You almost made me throw up.

Originally Posted by iamaru
As I do this my hips shift slightly and my thighs go forward perhaps 2 inches. The hip shift is just enough to pop my unit up over the top of the kitchen drawer in front of me that isn’t quite closed. My thighs go forward slamming the drawer closed with my body weight behind it. :D

I walk around naked a lot, I am going to have to remember this is a possible outcome..


I thought this was a joke thread since I recall a comedian talking about this very same thing once. Who would of guessed someone would actually have the misfortune of experiencing it. At least it will be a funny story you can always share, after you healed up and learn how to wear boxers of course.

Originally Posted by iamaru

I was almost POSITIVE this was going to be a little trick and completely something off topic. I was actually shocked when I opened to find out you did just that. I hate to laugh at something like this, but I think its so left field and weird that you have to laugh. See, that’s whats good about having a small dick, I never have to worry about closing it in a drawer cause it won’t be hanging down that far to get caught in anything. I guess that’s my only consolation. So if this makes you fee better, you should feel somewhat lucky at least you can actually accidentally accomplish this feat.

That has to be a life time experience :( .

"If you always put limit on everything you do, physical or anything else, it will spread into your work and into your life. There are no limits. There are only plateaus, and you must not stay there, you must go beyond them." -Bruce Lee

Originally Posted by M-Audio84
That has to be a life time experience :( .

Hopefully a once in a life time experience.

God I need to pee!

Running a Massive Co-Front.

Find someone to kiss and make it better. And no, I am not volunteering.

sunny A day without sunshine is like a day without laughter :sun:

On a scale of 1-10 how much pain are you in now.

Rub some aspercream on it.
Or if you have arnica rub that on it.

Speak softly carry a big dick, I'm mean stick!

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