Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

I just slammed a drawer closed on my penis.

I would give it a 2 right now as far as pain goes but I am an odd person. I shifted my perceptions around a bit and am mostly experiencing the “pain” as heat and pressure.

I did use hydrogen peroxide to disinfect which was fun.

Running a Massive Co-Front.

Originally Posted by iamaru
I would give it a 2 right now as far as pain goes but I am an odd person. I shifted my perceptions around a bit and am mostly experiencing the “pain” as heat and pressure.

I did use hydrogen peroxide to disinfect which was fun.

That must of felt odd.
To keep it from scaring to much put vitamin “E” oil on it.

Speak softly carry a big dick, I'm mean stick!

On the bright side I’m sure you brightened a few peoples day, I know I got a kick out of that.

Definitely let us know if it grows haha.

Starting BPEL and EG 7 x 5 as of 3/30/07. I'm sure it's bigger now but I'll measure after this tub of vaseline is empty =) of 6/10/07 BPEL 7.25 and EG of 5.6 GOAL: 8 x 6.5...I'm on my way.

I’ve got three words for you:

Nocturnal EEEEEEE!!!! rection.

Running a Massive Co-Front.

That will teach you to sort your sock drawer with your wang! :D

Seriously, hope there is no permanent damage!

i zipped up on it when I was in highschool, The parent of the girl I was with came home and ZIP. I know…something bout mary. I remember having to grit my teeth and quickly unzip it….

Nope still cant laugh about it. ;)

Originally Posted by hung21
I was almost POSITIVE this was going to be a little trick and completely something off topic. I was actually shocked when I opened to find out you did just that. I hate to laugh at something like this, but I think its so left field and weird that you have to laugh. See, that’s whats good about having a small dick, I never have to worry about closing it in a drawer cause it won’t be hanging down that far to get caught in anything. I guess that’s my only consolation. So if this makes you fee better, you should feel somewhat lucky at least you can actually accidentally accomplish this feat.


Originally Posted by iamaru
I just slammed a drawer closed on my penis.

Is this some radical new therapy?


Originally Posted by iamaru

Wow, that’s fucked up! Man really I don’t get it. How in the hell that happened to you?
Ahh hope it didn’t hurt much and that it heals fast!

Wow! :/D

That gives me the creeping willies just to think about it. Ooooooh!

Maybe you should wear a protector cup when going around naked. :chuckle:

Hope it heals soon.

The bruising is orange, green and purple today. On the plus side all the tearing and splitting that I stuck back together has stayed stuck! O:-)

Running a Massive Co-Front.

Originally Posted by iamaru
The bruising is orange, green and purple today. On the plus side all the tearing and splitting that I stuck back together has stayed stuck! O:-)

Don’t tell me you used cyanoacrylate to fix yourself, old man… :eek:



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