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ingrown hairs, cysts, pimples, bumps

ingrown hairs, cysts, pimples, bumps

There have been many recent posts about this problem in PE. I don’t think I have ever seen too much about the biggest advantage in preventing them which is cleanliness.

When doing the manual exercises, especially if you are using lube, it is easy to force bacteria into skin pores and set up an excellent environment for growth.

First, while doing manual exercises, you need to start with a clean penis. But probably more important, you need clean hands. Get some of the antibacterial soap to wash with before starting. Then, if you stop during a session, and do other things with your hands, wash them again.

Shaving can be a real problem in creating the bumps. I have found a Conair, cordless beard trimmer to be much more effective in keeping hair short, and lessens the bumps. Make sure it has very small teeth to help prevent small cuts. However you trim the hair, make sure you wash the entire area before starting, and use a liberal amount of neosporin on the clipped area. In fact, you can use neosporin as a lube that first session after trimming.

When hanging or using an Uli wrap, etc, be sure the wrap is very clean. You can use the antibacterial soap to wash Theraband or other latex products, or even cloth underwraps. Use regular talc, not corn starch to re-powder the latex to help prevent sticking.

Even if you do all this, you still may come up with the odd bump now and then. The skin on the penis seems tougher than normal skin. It can even be hard to expose the bump, or rather the pore the bump came from. The only thing I have found that really helps is Listerine mouth wash. You can dab a liberal amount on the area for a while, and it seems to open the pores and allow for greater drainage. It has worked fairly well for me. Then apply a little neosporin. Usually heals within a couple of days.

Good luck,


I’ve seen a few recent threads relating to bumps, ingrown hairs and the like. Thought I’d bump this as it has some good info on how to avoid/treat them. It’s important not to take cleanliness in PE for granted.

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