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ingrown hairs, cysts, pimples, bumps

ingrown hairs, cysts, pimples, bumps

There have been many recent posts about this problem in PE. I don’t think I have ever seen too much about the biggest advantage in preventing them which is cleanliness.

When doing the manual exercises, especially if you are using lube, it is easy to force bacteria into skin pores and set up an excellent environment for growth.

First, while doing manual exercises, you need to start with a clean penis. But probably more important, you need clean hands. Get some of the antibacterial soap to wash with before starting. Then, if you stop during a session, and do other things with your hands, wash them again.

Shaving can be a real problem in creating the bumps. I have found a Conair, cordless beard trimmer to be much more effective in keeping hair short, and lessens the bumps. Make sure it has very small teeth to help prevent small cuts. However you trim the hair, make sure you wash the entire area before starting, and use a liberal amount of neosporin on the clipped area. In fact, you can use neosporin as a lube that first session after trimming.

When hanging or using an Uli wrap, etc, be sure the wrap is very clean. You can use the antibacterial soap to wash Theraband or other latex products, or even cloth underwraps. Use regular talc, not corn starch to re-powder the latex to help prevent sticking.

Even if you do all this, you still may come up with the odd bump now and then. The skin on the penis seems tougher than normal skin. It can even be hard to expose the bump, or rather the pore the bump came from. The only thing I have found that really helps is Listerine mouth wash. You can dab a liberal amount on the area for a while, and it seems to open the pores and allow for greater drainage. It has worked fairly well for me. Then apply a little neosporin. Usually heals within a couple of days.

Good luck,


Bib I really wish I saw this thread earlier. I plucked a bunch of hairs at my base and ended up getting a bunch of what I thought were ingrown hairs…I tried a few different methods of removal with little success. FInally after about 1.5 months of this I went to my doctor….They Are CYSTS! I need to have them removed sugically…I am not obsessing about this at all….

I think this thread needs to be reviewed by anyone who is using lubes or training in a dirty environment (ie. at work with dirty hands, a dirty bathroom environment, etc.) The point you made about starting clean I think is vital in keeping most of these problems at bay….I also stongly suggest hot wraps followed by a bath or a similar complete cleansing of the penis. I think these simple steps will help people eliminate unnessasary down time.

If anyone has had this minor surgery I would love to hear your experience.

Link to the DLD Blasters Soon to be Triple

Good advice, Bib.

I’ve actually been thinking of a beard trimmer myself as of late. Shaving is probably not the best idea around the genitals. DLD, I am not sure exactly what you are speaking of, but I think I have had the same thing. I have found these on my sac before after shaving. Reckon it is a type of cyst as it just looks like a whitehead/pimple. Couldn’t pop it like a zit so I dowsed a sharp needle with alcohol, poked the skin above it, and just sort of forced the fucker out. It’s actually just a hard little nodule of whitish stuff. Wash and a dab of neosporin and all was well. This is a small type of thing, say less than half the size of a .177 cal BB. How large are these cysts of yours? I know many will advise against the idea, but if they are small and near the surface of the skin, just do it yourself. Doc’s have to cut and usually will make a much greater event out of these little things than is really necessary. More damage and more chance of infection when healing when they break out that surgery shit. Swell like a motherfuck, too. I wouldn’t let an MD cut into anything unless it was the only avenue to take to remove it. I have been there also on a diferent type of facial cyst which my own approach was only temporarily effective on. Funny thing was. the first time it was remove by a doc, he did not remove all of it and it grew back…he misidentified the nature of the cyst. Second one did a pretty good job. Again, if it is not a major cyst, DIY. groa

How do you know if something is an ingrown hair or a cyst? I have a small bump that feels like a pimple; I assume its an ingrown hair, but it hasn’t gone down in a week.


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