Injury For Over 3 Months Now
Hello, I’m 24 years old, pretty fit and healthy, 14% body fat, drink a bit.
4 months I started jelqing and noticed the left side of my shaft start to widen. I was using Vitamin E oil to jelq after using a heat pad for a few minutes (also stretched for a few minutes after the heat). I was doing it 4-5 times/week and this was my 3rd week into jelqing when I felt a sharp tear in the middle of October on the left side of my dick. When I walked around in public I noticed that my dick would “latch on” to my underwear and I would feel that tearing sensation again. I tried wearing even looser underwear for a few days and it actually made it worse. I then went back to tighter underwear and realized that it was the seam in the middle that was shafting the left side of my dick so I then bought the proper underwear or just wore them backwards to avoid that. The problem is still here and it’s been over 3 months.
Every single night I need to sleep with my penis aiming to the right side, because when it rests on the left side I feel a bit of a slight discomfort still.
I went to the doctor a month ago and he has me put on hydrocortisone, which helps a bit but I don’t know if I should be putting that on my penis everyday. Someone please help me this has been very irritating my penis. I don’t know if it’s an external skin issue like my doctor thinks it was or if it’s an internal penis issue. My doctor had never heard about jelqing so maybe you guys know something that he doesn’t. Thank you! (Pictures attached)
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