Minor Annoyance
So I’ve been using a heating pad for a while. 4 minutes to warm up. While heat is important, it is easy to overdo it. From my knowlege, I was using it too often during my PE routine. It does give great expansion during my clamping sets and that’s great. I took into consideration the amount of time I put the heat pad on:
1: After Stretching
2: After First Clamp
3: After Second Clamp
This doesn’t sound like a lot but added up, 12-16 minutes of the heating pad. Not sure if this has happened to anyone but my urethra has a small burning feeling. While the expansion great I don’t think that much heat is needed for PE. I took a rest day, my penis is fine.
12-16 minutes of heat in total doesn’t seem like a lot but for the fact my PE workouts including clamping usually last 8 minutes, excluding stretching. It seems excessive to me. So to counter this I have been using a cool wrap at the end of my PE workouts. So far its been good. I just think heat can be overdone and I really don’t want to burn my penis.
5.3" NBPEL.
BPEL 6.5-6.7" Goal: Anything!
Girth: 5" but getting bigger. ;)