My Penis Injury - Should I Stop PE?
Six weeks ago I went to get a P-Shot from a urologist. He did an examination of my penis prior to the injection and mentioned that there was some hardness right below the glans. I didn’t think anything of it until a week later when I noticed that my penis head was twisted to the left when I put it in the penis pump.
I called the urologist and went back a week later to see what the problem was. He said that the penis twist was likely due to the hardness that he mentioned before I had the P Shot. I pressed my penis in this spot and couldn’t feel any hardness. He said that he feels penises all day long and that’s how he can tell.
He cautioned me against doing any more PE for fear of making things worse. He said that he can always tell when one of his patients has been jelqing because of the scar tissue in the ultrasound.
He prescribed Pentoxifylline, a drug that takes at least 3 months to take effect. He said that it could break down the plaque and make it more malleable.
I left his office feeling pretty dejected. I have only been doing PE since June, and very little of it. I started in June going in the Bathmate flaccid for a few weeks until I started going erect, doing 3 sets of five minutes. One time, in a fit of body dismorphia, I got erect and went in the pump for the first time erect, wanting to see the expansion and what my dick could look like if I succeeded with PE. Afterwards I had a rash like effect of red dots all over my penis.
I had read that the red dots go away after a day, so I think I took the next day off and then continued with pumping. However, the red dots hadn’t disappeared, so maybe I injured myself and then exacerbated the injury by continuing to pump.
I never would have known that I had an injury had I not seen the urologist that day. I didn’t have any pain or any other symptoms. Of course, this penis twist made me see that there was something wrong going on. Fortunately, the twist doesn’t really have much impact on anything with regards to erections and sex. The head just points northwest and that’s it. I’ve sort of just gotten used to it.
For the past month I’ve been doing some sporadic pumping and just recently started soft clamping with 7-8 shields. I’ve spent the summer getting really excited about PE because I didn’t know I could improve my penis until June of this year. The idea that I might have to stop doing it is something I cannot accept. Unlike a lot of people here, I am not trying to get a vanity dick. I’m trying to solve a problem. My 4.5” girth has been a problem my whole life and it felt so good to learn that I could change that. I also don’t think I did anything all that crazy to get this injury, but I guess I did do something, or else it wouldn’t have happened.
I’d love to hear some reactions from the experienced guys on this forum. For the time being, I’ve decided to go AMA and proceed with my routine of soft clamping and pumping. Maybe in a few months I’ll pay to get an ultrasound to see how the injury is doing. Or else, see the urologist again and then re-evaluate. One idea would be to stop for a few months and let the penis heal properly. I considered that for a while but my urge to PE and fix my dick took over. I’ve spent the whole summer learning about PE and preparing to start clamping and pumping until this happened. It just felt unnatural to stop.
Last edited by HalfLife : 08-28-2019 at .