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The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Urgent Need Help

Urgent Need Help

Hi all, I was unsure whether to post this in the injuries forum or here as it is my first post, perhaps someone would be able to clarify that.

First a bit about myself:

I have dabbled in PE on and off for several years now, probably close to 5. The only time I gained was a minimal gain in length (maybe around 1/8th to 1/4th of an inch) around 2 years ago while subscribing to Big Al’s personal coaching over on pegym. I had to stop the routine I was doing as I began to develop a pain in the glans/urethra, after this I gave up on PE for a number of months. This pain has been present in some form or another pretty much ever since.

Since then I have tried several times to re start a PE program but every time I do the same pain in my glans/urethra returns and have to quit a few days later, the pain can then stay there for weeks albeit at a more bearable degree. It doesn’t matter what exercise I use they all seem to aggravate it: jelqing, stretching, squeezes, pumping. I use as minimal force as I can with these exercises also.

Slightly before I began the program with Big Al I had started to develop a pain in my left testicle that I have been to the doctors about several times with no definitive answer. I have only seen them maybe 6 times in the last 2 and a half years due to waiting lists to see urologist on the NHS (if its not life threatening you can wait). Anyway I told the doctor about the pain in my glans and how I thought they may be linked, he thought it could be an infection. I have done 3 different courses of antibiotics with no pain relief in either area :( the next step is pain management.

I was and still am dubious about the pain in my glans/urethra being an infection as it doesn’t hurt when I pee and I have no trouble achieving and maintaining erections. Anyway today I was on an exercise bike in the gym for around half an hour at moderate intensity, when I stepped off the bike my entire penis went numb and painful (pins and needles is the British expression if anyone knows what I mean, except more painful) and retracted and became very cold. The pain was shooting and I had never felt anything like this before. After around 5 minutes the numbness subsided but there has been a slight feeling of this same numb/sore sensation running the length of my penis all day, especially on top at the base. Could this be some kind of nerve damage that I have done to my penis?

I am looking for any help regarding any of the problems I have mentioned, If anyone has any advise please let me know as I am quite scared and feel I will never achieve my goals with PE. It also should be mentioned that I masturbate very frequently and am wondering if this could have contributed to my problems?

Many Thanks

Chuck Razorback.

I doubt the testicle and glans pain are linked. I very much doubt it’s an infection, and if antibiotics haven’t helped it almost certainly isn’t.

I think a lot of PE related testicle pain is from when guys try to start exercises from very low down on the penis: it’s OK to grip lightly around the bottom of the shaft then press the hand deeper down and tighten the grip (that way you won’t accidentally grab the epididymis), but if you try to just grab really low on your shaft it’s very easy to squeeze the epididymis or other tissues and then pull on them when starting a jelq for example. At the time it feels like a mildly uncomfortable sensation, but it is often painful the following day and for a few days after.

I don’t know what Al’s PE involved but it sounds as if you did something to damage your glans/urethra. Without knowing exactly what your routine was before that, it is impossible even to guess.

Google cycling perineum numbness. It’s extremely common amongst cyclists.

If you have an injury and continue to engage in very frequent masturbation, any inflammation you have (the most common cause of pain) will not be able to heal. If you stop inflammation from recovering in the early stages, you can easily get stuck in an inflammation cycle. That means that although the pain and inflammation will go away with rest, almost anything you do will cause it to come back again - you don’t have to do something at ‘injury’ causing levels - your body is so used to inflaming those areas that any stress at all on them will cause the body to over-react. The body ‘remembers’ how it reacted before and reacts the same way to any mild stimulus.

firegoat is fully RETIRED from Thundersplace.

All injuries happen from "too much", or "too much, too soon" or "doing the exercise incorrectly".

Heat makes the difference between gaining quickly or slowly for some guys, or between gaining slowly instead of not at all for others. The ideal penis size is 7.6" BPEL x 5.6" Mid Girth. Basics.... firegoat roll How to use the Search button for best results

How often and how long do you cycle for?

As a former competitive cyclist, I’m familiar with the numbness. You have to stand and get off of the seat frequently to prevent this from occurring. It’s quite normal and yes my whole package went numb. By a pair of cycling shorts with some nice padding in the seat and crotch area.

Started 7.75x5.75

Currently: 9.75bpX6.75eg My Picture Thread

Goal:10.0bpX7.25mseg Building a thicker unit, click by click, pump by pump, jelq by jelq!


My training with big al was not a heavy routine. One day was length focussed with a higher number tension stretches and lower of a 10 jelq/1 squeeze cycle, the next a girth focused day with a higher 10 jelq/squeeze cycle and lower number of tension stretches. This was done 4 days a week.

I noticed the pain occurred after the girth heavy day, obviously went to hard. It is definitely an internal pain and can shift around sometimes but is always in the glans/slightly behind the glans, I feel this being aggravated when doing stretches.

What can I do to break the inflammation cycle? Is that what it most likely is given the symptoms?

Also there is still a light numbness/tingling sensation, especially on top slightly inside where the penis meet the pubic region. Any idea what this could be?


Maybe 2/3 times per week and only for around 30 minutes each time. I was concerned because I have never had anything remotely close to this while cycling in the past.


Thank you for the advise sir, dually noted.

Originally Posted by chuck razorback
I noticed the pain occurred after the girth heavy day, obviously went to hard. It is definitely an internal pain and can shift around sometimes but is always in the glans/slightly behind the glans, I feel this being aggravated when doing stretches.

What can I do to break the inflammation cycle? Is that what it most likely is given the symptoms?

Also there is still a light numbness/tingling sensation, especially on top slightly inside where the penis meet the pubic region. Any idea what this could be?

It doesn’t sound like the routine was heavy enough to cause damage unless you were gripping badly.
The advice in all our routines is to grip a bit below the glans, not directly below it, and especially to avoid pressure on the top of the penis just behind the glans. You don’t want to grip too hard either. To avoid gripping too hard, use a square of toilet paper to assist your grip. Grip overhand, with your glans in the palm of your hand (increases the surface contact for good grip, but you are not heavily squeezing the glans) mostly grip comes from your thumb and index finger, which should be an inch or so behind the glans. See if you still get irritation gripping this way. Absolutely avoid your grip ever suddenly slipping; that is a route to injury.

Numbness and tingling is usually nerve irritation. Try to work out if there is an angle that is causing that irritation and avoid it.

I’d suggest giving your penis a 3-4 week break from PE, then starting very, very lightly, and very slowly increasing what you are doing, stopping for a few days if you get any discomfort. If you can do PE but avoid any irritation or discomfort, your penis should learn to accept the exercises without over-reacting.

firegoat is fully RETIRED from Thundersplace.

All injuries happen from "too much", or "too much, too soon" or "doing the exercise incorrectly".

Heat makes the difference between gaining quickly or slowly for some guys, or between gaining slowly instead of not at all for others. The ideal penis size is 7.6" BPEL x 5.6" Mid Girth. Basics.... firegoat roll How to use the Search button for best results

Thank you.

Is nerve irritation permanent or will it vanish with time and rest?

Is there any supplements I can take to help with the inflammation and just PE in general? Such as supplements that help recovery.

Originally Posted by chuck razorback
Thank you.

Is nerve irritation permanent or will it vanish with time and rest?

Is there any supplements I can take to help with the inflammation and just PE in general? Such as supplements that help recovery.

Can’t say for definite if nerve irritation will vanish with time and rest. Most often it does, but it is slow. In injuries where damage has healed with scar tissue, and the nerve is impinged by the scar tissue and gets pulled on, sometimes the irritation doesn’t go away completely.

Google supplements for inflammation; many claim/have an effect. I don’t believe any supplements help with PE though.

firegoat is fully RETIRED from Thundersplace.

All injuries happen from "too much", or "too much, too soon" or "doing the exercise incorrectly".

Heat makes the difference between gaining quickly or slowly for some guys, or between gaining slowly instead of not at all for others. The ideal penis size is 7.6" BPEL x 5.6" Mid Girth. Basics.... firegoat roll How to use the Search button for best results

Thanks again :)

Just out of curiosity what have you gained through PE? By what methods and in what timeframe?

Originally Posted by chuck razorback
Thanks again :)

Just out of curiosity what have you gained through PE? By what methods and in what timeframe?

If you haven’t read this thread, I recommend it. And I talk about that in post #55.

firegoat is fully RETIRED from Thundersplace.

All injuries happen from "too much", or "too much, too soon" or "doing the exercise incorrectly".

Heat makes the difference between gaining quickly or slowly for some guys, or between gaining slowly instead of not at all for others. The ideal penis size is 7.6" BPEL x 5.6" Mid Girth. Basics.... firegoat roll How to use the Search button for best results

I’m revisiting this thread with my symptoms just so I can maybe get a better idea of what is wrong and how I can treat it.

- Painful when flaccid, especially in and behind the glans on top and underneath, although there is a general pain throughout.

- Not painful, or at least certainly not as noticeable when erect.

- Can feel slightly numb when I’m not touching it but when I touch it I can feel everything fine.

- Absolutely no trouble getting an erection most of the time.

- Does not hurt to urinate.

- Masturbate at least once a day

I am going to abstain from masturbating for at least a week as I think that’s whats caused this problem but if anyone has any suggestions in the meantime they would be more than welcome.


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