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Original Magnetic Anchor Injury !?!

Original Magnetic Anchor Injury !?!

I purchased the Original Magnetic Anchor a while ago and was very happy with the quality of the product and used it regularly.

I wore it often and found it quite comfortable, but eventually developed redness and mild sores where the anchor band rests just behind the glans (I am cut) on the top half of the penis (to better explain if you cut the penis horizontally in half the top half would have the redness and mild sores) . The largest sore (slightly larger then 1/2 the size of the eraser on a pencil) is right below the center of the band where the latex tubing has a small hole and where the magnetic ball resides.

I treated the area with antibiotic cream and refrained from using the anchor and doing any PE for a several days and it cleared up.

I then did PE - because it’s a lifestyle ;) and the redness and sore reappeared in the exact same position (I did jelquing and light pumping).

I then again treated the area with antibiotic cream for seven days to ensure that if there was any bacterial infection it would fully clear up and refrained from PE again.

It cleared up and I had sex with my SO and noticed that it reappeared yet again (we are both clean and I have been involved with her for 15 years).

I went to the clinic to have it checked out and the Dr. and she said it might be herpes !?!

She did a swab to get it checked and recommended the antibiotic cream.

Neither one of us has had any STD’s, cold sores etc.

Anyone have the same type of issues with the anchor?

Any suggestions on how to get this thing healed so I can get on with PE :D

Comments suggestions are definitely welcomed as it will be a week or so before I get any results back.

I think it is just a little ulceration; if your Doc advised to use the antibiotic, use it. To prevent infections of little abrasions I found useful the baby powder, since it contains zinc, that is an anti-bacterial. It also helps preventinc slippage when stretching or using noose style devices.

Marinera, you were right, it was just an ulceration, swab came back negative :)

Does anyone use a wrap when using the Anchor?

Glad to hear that, Diver. Give a think to change Doc. ;)

Also, try Zinc Bacitracin instead of any other type of antibiotic ointment. The zinc seems to accelerate the healing.

Also, wrapping IS a good idea, but a better idea is to switch PE methods when any sores come up. So, maybe try jelqing for a few weeks, stopping short of the area that is irritated. Whenever you start to get skin problems, IMMEDIATELY switch to a method that doesn’t irritate the area.


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