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Overcame injury now at it again!!!!

Overcame injury now at it again!!!!

Hello all this is my first post. And wehat a place to start!! lol
I had injured myself doing manual stretches,i was pulling to hard and left myself with some nasty red marks down the left side of my shaft,i was very upset but took 2 weeks off and kept up with my hot wraps and better now and have continued with my routine. ive been pe,ing for 1 month minus injury time and am very pleased with the slight results i have found,i didnt take any mesurements yet and i have to hop to iti know!!lol

my “newbie routine


hey retsnom,

Wow first post is an injury post. Does this mean we can only expect to hear form you when injured?

Is that the whole routine? Looks like it got chopped off


Hello memento. it did get cut off i also do a 30 minute jelq session and then another hot wrap. LOoking back i knew i was streching to hard when i was doing it and i learned my lesson!!!!Im going to continue with this set-up for another mounth or so,and then add some girth sessions in.

good luck everyone.

30 mins jelqing is a lot especially if you are new (though there are a fair number who do it). I subscribe to the view that 15mins is enough ‘cause its the longest amount of time I can jelq and actualy concentrate on getting the most out of each stroke.

15mins of good intensity is better than 1/2 hr of varying concentration and intensity imo

memento knows

Hey there retsnom

I just thought I would add me 2 cents worth here. I have been PEing now for 2.5 months (although the last 2 weeks I have stopped) and the most important thing I have learned is to ask questions and read and take to heart the advice you are lucky enough to receive from the more experienced members.

I was overdoing it myself (even though I thought I wasn’t) and have had to stop for the last few weeks to allow my unit to get better (see erection problems under INJURIES if interested). I am still not sure whether I will get back into PEing but I am going to continue contacting this forum and help anyone I can and learn as much as I can.

Jelquing is a very intense exercise and you should limit your sessions and always be mindful of overworking yourself. Both too much pressure and too long a session can have negative effects on your unit. Be careful of injuring a vein, desensitizing your meat thermometer or stressing your ligaments too much.

As in everything in life, they key is moderation.
Good Luck


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