Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Penimaster users beware

Penimaster users beware

I had to stop PE for over two weeks due to another injury from using the Penimaster. The first injury occurred the end of September (2003) and was the loss of sensation from using the damn thing every day for at least 8 hours. It took 3 weeks to gain the feeling in my dick back. Those of you who have experienced this know about the panic that this can cause.

Anyway, because I had experienced pretty good gains I began using the contraption again in October of that year, but took rest days. Well, I noticed another injury. A circular (horse-shoe shaped) whiteness developed around the head of my penis. I believe it was caused by the rubber strap (noose) constricting my dick head for long periods. The area was cold and has taken about 3 weeks to get its color back. It must have been a problem with circulation. Any thoughts on this?

Again, of course, I freaked out a bit. I wondered if I was going to lose the head of my unit. The color has gotten better and I am now using the Bib Hanger. What I think helped was my reluctant vacation from PE. I also did light jelqs and did heat treatment to try and increase the circulation. Another unconventional technique I tried was I used a sunlamp for daily intervals of 2 minutes (for five days). This appeared to help…at least my glans looked better with a little more color. My theory was that a little UV may help bring more blood to the surface.

When I first began using the PM you would have thought I worked for the company because of all my praises. Now I am singing a different tune. They need to give better instructions about use and re-design the rubber strap. I haven’t thrown mine out, but I do plan to modify it. For now, I am going with hanging and jelqing. My advice is if you have the PM don’t wear it unless you can check it often. I wore mine to work and didn’t always have that opportunity.

So has anyone else had this type of problem?

Thanks for sharing your travails. I’ve been to the PM website and I must say I was suspicious of their glowing praises & reassurances that there weren’t any side effects or dangers.

Yeah right. Numbness for 3 weeks, that’s no side effect.

Wow this is great info, sorry you had to go through that.

Life is a game! You win some you lose some! The only easy day was yesterday Just be happy :)

I can only wear my penimaster for 2 hours at a time. Even then the head of my dick is cool but generally not discolored. I have been thinking about using the shorter rods only and clamping the dick more in the middle instead of near the head. I have been in such a rush to add rods and torque up the screws I think a re-look is in order.

Just my two cents.


You all are still missing the point... The story was great and all but should have ass (and) some anal in it.- RWG


I had the same thing happen with a Penistretcher (exactly the same as Penimaster but with a noose-type head attachment). Then I bought a Penimaster, thinking it would be better. It is, a little bit. I am sorry you had this trouble. I have had success using the Penimaster by hooking it first to a loosely tightened BIB hanger, and then a Wench. Both are very comfortable for long term wear, and neither put pressure on the dorsal nerve which is what gives us the dead penis feeling. Of course it is a bit hard to wear either mod in public, but they do make the Penimaster safe and usable at home.

I like the idea of these stretchers, but their attachments all leave something to be desired, as you found out.

"In an honest Service there is thin Commons, low Wages, and hard labour; in this (Piracy), Plenty and Society, Pleasure and Ease, Liberty and Power; and who would not balance Creditor on this side when all the Hazard that is run for it, at worst, is only a sour Look or two at choaking. No, A merry Life and a short one, shall be my Motto."--Bartholomew Roberts

I dont understand how you got it hooked to a bib hanger then a Wench?

Life is a game! You win some you lose some! The only easy day was yesterday Just be happy :)


I just wrapped some twine between the bottom bolts on the BIB and tied it to the Penimaster tray. Worked fine. With the Wench, I just stuck some Velcro on the Penimaster tray and the Wenches Velcro sticks right to it. In both cases, all I did was get rid of the rubber strap on the Penimaster and attach a more comfortable, safer device that holds my penis to the tray.

"In an honest Service there is thin Commons, low Wages, and hard labour; in this (Piracy), Plenty and Society, Pleasure and Ease, Liberty and Power; and who would not balance Creditor on this side when all the Hazard that is run for it, at worst, is only a sour Look or two at choaking. No, A merry Life and a short one, shall be my Motto."--Bartholomew Roberts

So help me out here. If I’m using the Wench as an ADS, is there a time limit or does the rule of thumb apply, watch color, feeling, coolness of unit. Will I see or are there similarities to hanging verses using an ADS? Anyone who uses the wench please give any input.

428CJ, one of the best engines of the muscle car era…nothing to do with the size of my cock

One thing I owe to PM is I found Thunder’s Place and learned other PE techniques (thank God).

I have to admit the PM does work, , but as I stated you have to very diligent and check it often. Being a Newbie at the time I didn’t know any better and the company was vague in their instructions. Though I will keep my extra inch in length and 1/2 inch in girth, but for a while I wondered if it was worth it. These gains weren’t all due to PM, but I am sure it accelerated them (I also jelq and do Ulis and Horses)

I think the white horse-shoe mark on my head was from the rubber strap slipping and pinching the margin of my glans. I thought the “ghost” mark would never go away. It is almost normal now. Don’t do what I did.

I’m using a PM and I have to say I find it impossible to use for more than 30 min without any discoloration to my gland. I’m not losing feeling in the gland but it goes dark and cool. Is this normal or should I stop using it?

Originally Posted by Ophiosaurus
One thing I owe to PM is I found Thunder’s Place and learned other PE techniques (thank God).

I have to admit the PM does work, , but as I stated you have to very diligent and check it often. Being a Newbie at the time I didn’t know any better and the company was vague in their instructions. Though I will keep my extra inch in length and 1/2 inch in girth, but for a while I wondered if it was worth it. These gains weren’t all due to PM, but I am sure it accelerated them (I also jelq and do Ulis and Horses)

I think the white horse-shoe mark on my head was from the rubber strap slipping and pinching the margin of my glans. I thought the “ghost” mark would never go away. It is almost normal now. Don’t do what I did.

I have the same mark! But it seems like a monkey’s hand and it’s black (I thought it was a frickle), hmm so this is from using an ADS? I knew it!
boner69, just 30 minutes and does your penis head get dark and cool? Maybe you’re using too many rods.

One day I'll be able to do PE o/

^^^ Yes it gets cold and goes darker, I’m not using too many rods as the tension is only set at a tad over the min reading.

I would use less of a grip in the restrainer but if I try the dang thing slips out.

Are PM users here saying their gland stay the same colour?

Originally Posted by Ophiosaurus
I had to stop PE for over two weeks due to another injury from using the Penimaster. The first injury occurred the end of September (2003) and was the loss of sensation from using the damn thing every day for at least 8 hours. It took 3 weeks to gain the feeling in my dick back. Those of you who have experienced this know about the panic that this can cause.

Anyway, because I had experienced pretty good gains I began using the contraption again in October of that year, but took rest days. Well, I noticed another injury. A circular (horse-shoe shaped) whiteness developed around the head of my penis. I believe it was caused by the rubber strap (noose) constricting my dick head for long periods. The area was cold and has taken about 3 weeks to get its color back. It must have been a problem with circulation. Any thoughts on this?

Again, of course, I freaked out a bit. I wondered if I was going to lose the head of my unit. The color has gotten better and I am now using the Bib Hanger. What I think helped was my reluctant vacation from PE. I also did light jelqs and did heat treatment to try and increase the circulation. Another unconventional technique I tried was I used a sunlamp for daily intervals of 2 minutes (for five days). This appeared to help…at least my glans looked better with a little more color. My theory was that a little UV may help bring more blood to the surface.

When I first began using the PM you would have thought I worked for the company because of all my praises. Now I am singing a different tune. They need to give better instructions about use and re-design the rubber strap. I haven’t thrown mine out, but I do plan to modify it. For now, I am going with hanging and jelqing. My advice is if you have the PM don’t wear it unless you can check it often. I wore mine to work and didn’t always have that opportunity.

So has anyone else had this type of problem?

I, too, wear an extender all day (12 hours or more) and can relate to some of the stuff you’re describing.

I know exactly what you’re talking about when you mention the whiteness around the area right underneath the head of the penis. I’ve experienced that too, but I don’t think it’s an injury. To prevent the whiteness from showing up, I used an old sock for a comfort strap, which I placed under the shoe-string. (My old noose broke, which is why I’m using a shoe-string in place of it; and my former comfort strap got so nasty the accumulation of phermones and minor urinal leaks that I had to dispose of it, so I turned to using an old sock). The comfort strap prevent the whiteness from showing up. I think what causes the whiteness is: the area under the penis head is held tightly for a pronglonged time; and a comfort strap, whether it be an old sock, a rag, or what have you, can prevent it.

Try that.

I think it’s normal that the glans changes colour. On a Penis Extender Forum, nearly all the people experience that blue discoloration, yet they all swear by the product. The whiteness which appears under the strap is just fluid retention or loss of blood flow, and disappears quickly after taking off the device. As long as the head itself doesn’t turn white (the part above the strap) I think you’re OK. So I’ve heard, and it makes sense with my experience.

But you should NEVER wear it more than 2 hours in a row without taking it off and letting the blood return to normal. ??

I think that all those penis extenders are designed pretty poorly, and are dangerous. They didn’t put too much thought into customer safety and satisfaction. The method of attachment is stupid, and the fact that you have to use all your strength to push the thing into your pubic bone and then attach your penis into it while keeping the springs collapsed is asking a little much in my opinion. It just gets harder the more rods you add, too; you have to go above EL to do anything worthwhile, and that’s right when it gets real tricky. It makes me want to break the stupid thing. The ideal extender would be one where you can collapse the springs (no springs would be ideal) without keeping it pushed down (that way you could let go of it, while it’s still collapsed), attach the penis at a comfortable length, and then somehow lengthen the extender with the penis already safely attached. The way they have them designed is just not funny. And how many brains does it take to come up with a safe design such as I described? More than they’ve got, apparently.

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