Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Penis Is Exhausted


Penis Is Exhausted

You just found the best PE routine ever. You can already picture the extra 2" you’re going to gain in no time. So naturally, you go to the extreme and PE for hours a day, every day, never giving yourself a rest. All of a sudden, your erections aren’t very hard at all. The next thing you know, you’re not having your nocturnal erections and finally, no more erections at all. What happened? Odds are that you overtrained.

While PE usually results in better erections, overtraining can cause the opposite. If your snake is tired, give him a break until he perks back up. Then adjust your regimen by decreasing intensity or adding more rest.

Some Previous Threads
Does it sound like I overtrained ?
Question about hardness
Ed Problems
Pooped 1 Eyed Trouser Snake

Last edited by hobby : 02-10-2003 at .

If I am seeing negative pi’s from over-training, and, as a result, have lost about half an inch from my erection, will waiting for everything to heal bring that half an inch back? Is it possible that the half an inch I lost will not come back at all, or will I know that I am fully recovered when it does come back?

Thank you.

The same happened to me with pumping, I don’t know if because it doesn’t show the real pressure (it’s a Lapdist one), or anything else, the issue is that.. After 3 sessions of pumping, I noted in all of them an exhaustment.. I end with a more thin and short penis, and this just sucks. Everybody talks fine about pumping but this is not doing any good to me, I think. At least any good better than jelqing which is great.

I think to many people over train at first. I think when you discover PE and this site you want to do everything and as much as you can thinking it will be faster. Iv learned over the past 2 years it doesn’t work like that. thanks for the links.

Good advice, especially for newbies like myself.

I’m also concerned about doing too much. I work from home,and this week I have tried a new approach for me.
About every 4-5 hours,I stretch about 20 minutes hard,and I jelq for 5-10 minutes. This has had a 2 fold effect. Yes my willy is more pumped,and I have strong erections but, I’m feeling a little tired down there. I have also developed tiny bumps on the top of my willy.

Bottom line is. I think I need to listen to my body,and wait until the overworked feeling is gone. This may mean taking 1-2 days off. I guess I’m confused because there are so many opinions out there and,I obviously want to do what works for me.

There always seems to be a conflict between doing too much vs not enough.

Any suggestions would be appreciated.

BPEL 7.5
EG 6

Originally Posted by UnmovedMover
If I am seeing negative pi’s from over-training, and, as a result, have lost about half an inch from my erection, will waiting for everything to heal bring that half an inch back? Is it possible that the half an inch I lost will not come back at all, or will I know that I am fully recovered when it does come back?

Thank you.

The break alone will probably not return your half inch but you will be able to regain it more quickly when you return from your break.

November 08: BPEL = 6.2

August 09: BPEL = 7.0

Ask The Doc if pain continues

This may be the case with me, or it could be something more serious (see Venous leak? Post)

Wish I knew :( pretty depressing stuff though!

Nice thread

My dick is definitely exhausted.

I started the newbie routine just yesterday. Before commencing my girth measured at 5.3”, today after my second session my girth was definitely at 5.5”. I measured it again all throughout the day because I couldn’t believe it, and 5.5” it is.

However I have been mostly erect since then and now tonight my dick has had enough and I cannot get it up. I have never had this problem in my life. I hope it goes away. I will rest tomorrow and maybe longer if necessary.

I am so proud of this initial gain, I love that my dick got fatter and I want to see it a little over 6” girth one day.

I just hope my dick exhaustion is not ED.

Newbie Problem
Hello guys

I’ve recently joined this forum because I was unhappy with my size 5.9x4.9
I was reading a lot until I started the Newbie Routine.
I decided to go 2 on 1 off, and that’s what I’ve done.
The first day was normal, nothing changed.
The second day I was probably doing stretches with more pressure(not so strong). I felt no pain, I just felt that the stretchers do what they do.
The problem now is that I feel weak, morning wood is weaker also.
This corona virus pandemic got me so it is related probably.
I just feel stressed with low hormone levels.
I will stop doing PE for a couple of days.
Please help with some advice.
Also I can’t achieve an erection without much effort.

Does that mean that he is beat up?

Are you infected with the coronavirus or are you just stressed by it? Either way it has a lot to do with your problem.

If you are infected I would say just stop PE. If you are stressed, try relaxation techniques like meditation. You can find online guided meditation videos by doing a google search.

The primary goal of PE should be to make your penis as healthy as possible in both form and function. If you do that, increased size will follow.

Originally Posted by gprent
Are you infected with the coronavirus or are you just stressed by it? Either way it has a lot to do with your problem.

If you are infected I would say just stop PE. If you are stressed, try relaxation techniques like meditation. You can find online guided meditation videos by doing a google search.

I’m not infected, I’m just in my room for like 16 days
I wasn’t doing hard stretches at all
Just my penis is like exhausted, on my first day warm up, he was getting bigger than the second day.
And stress is attacking me because of it.
So could you please give me some advice
Thank you

Yes you can over stress or over exert your penis. An important aspect of the newbie routine is to condition your dick to get it ready for longer sessions. Monitoring your PI’s is the best gauge for this, and weaker morning wood is a negative PI.

Take another day or two off, then reduce the activity of your program and slowly increase it over the following weeks.

Someone interested in running marathons does not run the full amount on the first day of training. You must train your body to be able to do so. This also applies to PE.

Initial: 7” BPEL; 6” NBPEL; 5.25” - 5.5” MEG

Current: 7-7/8” BPEL; 7-3/8” NBPEL; 8.5” BPFSL; 6.5” MEG; 6”x5” Flaccid.

Goal: Improved/consistent EQ while managing ED. Secondary: maintain current stats.

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