Possible injury, need advice
Hi guys,
So I’m relatively new. I couldn’t post in the injury forum since I don’t have enough posts.
I’ve been hanging for about 1.5 months. I use a vachanger3 with just a sleeve, no silicon ring, with heat and an xlsleeve while I sleep. I hang for 2 sets of 45 minutes/day, and I’m up to 5.5 lbs and have done about 50 hrs of hanging total.
I noticed that when I went up in weight from 4.75 to 5.5 lbs, that I was feeling this burning/pulling sensation just above the base of my penis in the pubic region. I figure that this was just the sleeve pulling on and stretching the skin.
Yesterday when I woke up I noticed a dull pain at the base of the shaft right in that same area. The pain is not in the shaft, its in the pubic area just above and to the right of it. It’s rather uncomfortable and I notice it when I move. It’s not sharp it’s more of a dull throb. At times I’ve also felt hte burning sensation when I touch the skin, as if the skin is irritated (maybe from stretching?).
Anyone know what this might be? I’m assuming I just pulled something? I doubt its a hernia, I don’t see anything popping out, can you get a hernia from hanging? How long an injury rest time do you guys reckon this might be? Can I still use an xlsleeve while I heal?