Thunder's Place

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Possible pe injury

Possible pe injury

I was doing those “bungle tunica stretches” as an experiment, felt like I pinched a nerve, a few days later, I am feeling tenderness in my left testicle, and a little stomach pain to my lower left, it permanently feels like I got kicked in the balls, but not nearly as intense. At least since last night. No noticeable swelling on the balls, still able to get an erection, does not hurt to urinate. Anybody experience anything like this before? I will probably go to the doctor, especially if it keeps up, but I was wondering if this is at all common?


Does anyone think this could just be a pinched nerve? Can you get those in your testicle?

Not sure what to suggest. If it was me I think I would give it a week or so and if it did not get better. Then see the Doc. Time is a good healer and of course lay off the PE, and keep the area cold. Good Luck.

Always be cool.

Now BPEL 7.75 EG 5.80 Goals for 2013 improved E Quality + BPEL 8.25 6.0 EG Long term goals, 8.75

DP, thanks for the advice. I think that’s what I sort of planned to do anyways, and I planned for a decon break, so hopefully it works out alrite.


Wait a couple of days or a week. If it doesn’t return to normal, go to the doc.

:chicken: My chicken is on the path of becoming a big cock! :rooster:

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