Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Redness, burning, Nerve Irritation? Or what?

Redness, burning, Nerve Irritation? Or what?

First off, I hope everyone is going good. I have taken a break from the forums since really May. I have been battling what I will consider an injury, or possibly a mental block but here it goes. Bare with me here, as this may spark conversation to many issues/positive input.

Starting off with my PE history. I newbie routined from last October to around January ,and then occasionally used a bath mate over no more than 9 mins after thoroughly stretching and warming up. It was never on of those things after a session where my penis actually hurt, or I couldn’t get an erection. I pretty much stopped all hand on PE around February and started a fairly extensive Kegel Routine. Gaining results fairly fast, developing a clench, and being able to identify different clenching point of my pelvic floor. I kept on doing these throughout the days for around a 2-3 month. From February to late April at the most. The kicker is, I never did and Reverse Kegels. I jumped the gun a never really got into them. I did though keep loose moving through the day, stretching for workouts, and activating/loosing my pelvic floor through exercise and activity (Ex. At the gym.) I do sometime though think my Pelvic Floor may spasm a bit, but really do not think it is too out of whack.

Moving to where things get odd. I have posted on the forums on segments of this, but due to trying to calm down I just stayed away from PE and negative thoughts associated to my “injury.” In May, I hit a pretty stressful point, more so a burnt out stage. I was working a vigorous job out on our local lake, along with maintaining a good GPA in college. One night I was going to just master bate. GF was out of town, I figure I might as well, haven’t done it in awhile. I want to add this: I am not a big advocate of jacking off. I stopped heavily doing it around 3 years ago when I started having sex with my partner regularly. While I was trying to jack off, rather it be the stress from work, a bad game of Call of duty earlier, or something else I could not get hard. My guy in a sense turtled and I pretty much panicked. I then was concerned if I had gotten hard flaccid from having too tight of pelvic floor muscles. I thought something was wrong with me. I went to the doctor to get tested for a UTI and there was a small amount of bacteria found in my urine, but nothing conclusive came from the culture. I am a person that pees after unprotected sex, circumsized, plus practice pretty good hygiene so it made sense to gave a negative result. Moving on.. I was still troubled by the event trying to masterbate. I worried about it and I talked to my GF about it and honestly she helped my through it but it was still on my mind. Having sex a few days later I was good, I had only one episode where I become depressed and lost my boner and was not in the mood. After that, I put it out of my mind and just focused on pleasing my partner, boom no problem.

Here is part 2:

Around mid July after a shower I routinely put lotion on my unit. I use Utterly smooth which is an awesome moisturizer I’ve used for years on my body. I don’t know if it was coincidence or not, but I borrowed a family members moisturizer, got dress, and headed to a fiends house. My penis at the tip around the hole started to tingle. The tingling subsided around hour or two later, it then reoccured a few days later randomly. It then stayed around for like 3 months. This led to many visits to the urologists, doctor, and other MD’s wondering why my penis tingled and burned on the bottom, and randomly in other places. Did i irritate my pudundal nerve?? During this time I did mountain bike some and cruised around on a honda grom mini bike. I stayed off the cycle, motorbike, and any other thing like a bike seat being my family doctor said another guy had gotten this from sitting on a fence post and it may take 4 months to heal… He said in the guys case who sat on the fence post it took 2 years for his symptoms to go away being nerves heal slow. So I gritted it out, it never really effected me getting hard, unless I was thinking about the problem.

In the fall I switched doctors, got a guy who honestly gave a shit.I noticed that at the tip of my penis it seemed little red, along with the shaft of my penis being little more red than what I think it usually is.(Firegoat roles caught my eye about this..) We treated the tingling and burning as a fungal infection. No conclusive result, tried a few creams, home remedies, and still take probiotic, everything he could think of… I tried a candida diet. (Note: Eric Bekker is ND from New Zealand who has some awesome products and advise on youtube/his website. Seriously, look into it of you know anyone with a fungal or yeast issue.) With having a good doctor, he referred my to a MD dermatologists group in a city around 2 hours away. By this point i have been tested for every STD minus having a extremely in depth HPV test done which would be a unlike cause being my partner now is the only person I have slept with without use of a condom, and only partner too. I had a appointment with the skin specialists, got in there. Got asked a ton of question about family, cleanliness, etc… She told me she sees a ton of patients with hurpees etc.. and this did not match the picture. We talked about the possibility of nerve damage, and she thought this was a definite possibility. We talked, and was given a low dosage cream for two weeks and it seemed to help. Told me to come back anytime.

To make a long story short,

jumping ahead, I still to this day occasional experience some burning primarily while peeing, and at the tip/bottom of my penis throughout the day. It goes away ifI fall asleep though. Knock on wood, it always goes away when I sleep. I have been on a pretty good streak of like 4 days where it has not been really there. I started supplanting L Cartiline Lipoic acid and have noticed it may be helping the case. I have read on many diabetes nerve damage boards this stuff is a natural compound that does work for some people. So this leads to one more thing I forgot to add. Along the lines a distant family friend doctor wanted me to visit a urologists about the possibility of ulcers or something like that within my urine passage ways causing some discoloration, or burning on my penis. I visited the urologist, and he told me it was extremely unlikely I had that at 19 years of age and said putting me under, getting a scope up my penis hole, into my bladder, would most likely lead to finding nothing. So of coarse i did not get it done, but wonder should I? Is there an ulcer or something within my urine passage ways doing this? I feel as though I can empty my bladder (I had my bladder emptying capacity checked, doc was actually confused how I held so much urine ingot it all out), but sometimes I feel as though I could keep pushing, getting a bit more out, or dribbling a bit, i thought this was normal though. My buddy said he has the same thing lol so I think I can pee good.

So guys, what do you think? Has anyone had anything like this? Should I get that scope shoved up there?? At this point I am about to just go to Mayo clinic (3 hrs form me). I mean Ive researched everything: Balititis, yeast infections, STDs, kidney infection all the stuff has the same symptoms but that stuff seems more common. I would think someone at this point (6 docs later) would have pointed anyone of those out. Ahhhh when I do sit too long, like in my computer chair the bottom of my penis does burn. I think this is just because the skin touching, it gets hot or something.. So seriously, any input. I just want some positive advise on this. I’d kill to not have any irritation. This seems silly, but this is the hardest thing I have battled with. Im just going to keep taking my daily vitamins i have taken for years, cleanse with cranberry juice (May help, not 100% sure), and supplement the L carltiline lipoic acid. This seems just all to there to be in my head lol.

-Just turned 20. I want make this new year the best. Hard workouts, healthy eating, and strive to a better person.

Thanks for your help, I hope someone has some input!


Last edited by 1234qw25 : 01-12-2016 at .

Before I start, I’m not a doctor. However, I’ve had something similar over the years, and before I started PEing. The tip of my penis is sometimes a little red, and sometimes I get a little irritation after pissing.

I’m in my 40’s now and been checked for everything. I’ve been with the same partner for 15 years, and have kids, so no chance of any thing nasty going on. What do I think it is… maybe the tip gets irritated by moisturiser or soap I use (the tip is not always protected by the foreskin) and when I piss, this produces a burning feeling.

Interesting don’t you think, it doesn’t hurt while your sleeping…. maybe because your not pissing??? Maybe you need to drink more water, so your urine is not as strong. It could also be a reaction from washing detergent you use on your underwear, or a million other things you will never know. The main thing is you’ve been tested, and everything is good.

So my advice… chill! You are always going to have small little things occur during your life, that no doctor can answer. I have had plenty of them, and usually they go away, or I go to the doctors if I’m concern, which you have. So, let it go… don’t let it take over your life. Good luck!

Starting Stats: BPEL 7.0¨ x MEG 5.3¨ (4th Nov 2015)

Current Stats: BPEL 7.83¨ x MEG 5.6¨ (14th June 2018)

The Dream: BPEL 8.1¨ x EG 6.1¨ (Not sure if the wife supports ¨the dream¨)

Originally Posted by Skygod2016
Before I start, I’m not a doctor. However, I’ve had something similar over the years, and before I started PEing. The tip of my penis is sometimes a little red, and sometimes I get a little irritation after pissing.

I’m in my 40’s now and been checked for everything. I’ve been with the same partner for 15 years, and have kids, so no chance of any thing nasty going on. What do I think it is… maybe the tip gets irritated by moisturiser or soap I use (the tip is not always protected by the foreskin) and when I piss, this produces a burning feeling.

Interesting don’t you think, it doesn’t hurt while your sleeping…. maybe because your not pissing??? Maybe you need to drink more water, so your urine is not as strong. It could also be a reaction from washing detergent you use on your underwear, or a million other things you will never know. The main thing is you’ve been tested, and everything is good.

So my advice… chill! You are always going to have small little things occur during your life, that no doctor can answer. I have had plenty of them, and usually they go away, or I go to the doctors if I’m concern, which you have. So, let it go… don’t let it take over your life. Good luck!

Thank you man! I’ve been chilling about it. I forgot to add a few point to my staggering post.. I have switched detergents and you know it may help. I use kinda like an organic hypoallergenic and wash my underwear separate. Another thing, I just used some extra cash to buy briefs. I got a few good quality kelvin Klein cotton ones which are awesome. Also, just to avoid rubbing I’m going to just wear compression shorts when I run or and doing a sport activity.

Also, I am going to stop all per workout for awhile.. Caffeine may be a big issue, not a big fan of caffeine but got a deal on some pre workout lol. Also going to try to get all my protein intake form food for a week or so to see if that makes a difference.

As embarrassing as it is, I would complain of this to my mom as a young kid. She’d put vaseline on it lol. So did you have the camera shoved up you dick hole? And did you every experience and discomfort in your gooch or any tingling like on your shaft?? Did the doctors ever give you any type of reason what is causing this beyond basic things? And does your irritation also go away when you sleep, thats so odd??

Anyway, take care I feel a lot better knowing I am not the only one.. Odd, sometimes these little things are the oddest.


Originally Posted by 1234qw25
Thank you man! I’ve been chilling about it. I forgot to add a few point to my staggering post.. I have switched detergents and you know it may help. I use kinda like an organic hypoallergenic and wash my underwear separate. Another thing, I just used some extra cash to buy briefs. I got a few good quality kelvin Klein cotton ones which are awesome. Also, just to avoid rubbing I’m going to just wear compression shorts when I run or and doing a sport activity.

Also, I am going to stop all per workout for awhile.. Caffeine may be a big issue, not a big fan of caffeine but got a deal on some pre workout lol. Also going to try to get all my protein intake form food for a week or so to see if that makes a difference.

As embarrassing as it is, I would complain of this to my mom as a young kid. She’d put vaseline on it lol. So did you have the camera shoved up you dick hole? And did you every experience and discomfort in your gooch or any tingling like on your shaft?? Did the doctors ever give you any type of reason what is causing this beyond basic things? And does your irritation also go away when you sleep, thats so odd??

Anyway, take care I feel a lot better knowing I am not the only one.. Odd, sometimes these little things are the oddest.

Looks like to me your doing all the right things. You just have work through things, until you find the thing that is causing it.

To answer your questions, first I’d like to say I’m very happy to announce that no one at this point in time has shoved a camera up my dick hole… but the day is still young, lol. Like I said, I’m not a doctor, but you’d have to give me a convincing argument before I’d let anyone do that.

Now, I’m no expert on the American health system, but I believe it’s private, and the more times you visit, the more times the doctor charges your insurance company, which contributes to his new sports car. So, the more tests he can find to do on you, the better his bank balance.

Now, in the UK, it’s a public system, and they only do the tests that are necessary… and I’ve had more doctors handle my penis over the years than you’ve probably had hot meals… and no one has ever suggested a camera :eek: .

I remember many years ago, when all this started, I had screwed around on my girlfriend at the time. I wore a condom, but still panic about what I may have caught. I scrubbed my dick clean, (pointless, but makes you feel better) and then started to notice a little redness at the tip. Also, when I pissed, it felt a little irritated. Now, this was probably there before, but because I’d been screwing around, I now decide I’d caught something, and any slight irritation was start of my dick falling off. So, I rushed down to the VD clinic in a panic, had to wait a couple of weeks for the results, everything was clear, asked them if they were sure, because I was sure something was wrong. They sat me down, told me they saw dicks all day long, I was fine, and it was all in my head, because of guilt, etc.

This is one, of many stories I have about my penis, as well as my balls… and they still haven’t fallen off yet. I don’t even notice now, because I’m so use to it, it doesn’t worry me anymore. I’ve never had anything on my shaft related to your problem, except… but that’s another story, :)

So, like I said, it sounds like you are doing everything right. Good Luck!

Starting Stats: BPEL 7.0¨ x MEG 5.3¨ (4th Nov 2015)

Current Stats: BPEL 7.83¨ x MEG 5.6¨ (14th June 2018)

The Dream: BPEL 8.1¨ x EG 6.1¨ (Not sure if the wife supports ¨the dream¨)

Originally Posted by Skygod2016
Looks like to me your doing all the right things. You just have work through things, until you find the thing that is causing it.

To answer your questions, first I’d like to say I’m very happy to announce that no one at this point in time has shoved a camera up my dick hole… but the day is still young, lol. Like I said, I’m not a doctor, but you’d have to give me a convincing argument before I’d let anyone do that.

Now, I’m no expert on the American health system, but I believe it’s private, and the more times you visit, the more times the doctor charges your insurance company, which contributes to his new sports car. So, the more tests he can find to do on you, the better his bank balance.

Now, in the UK, it’s a public system, and they only do the tests that are necessary… and I’ve had more doctors handle my penis over the years than you’ve probably had hot meals… and no one has ever suggested a camera :eek: .

I remember many years ago, when all this started, I had screwed around on my girlfriend at the time. I wore a condom, but still panic about what I may have caught. I scrubbed my dick clean, (pointless, but makes you feel better) and then started to notice a little redness at the tip. Also, when I pissed, it felt a little irritated. Now, this was probably there before, but because I’d been screwing around, I now decide I’d caught something, and any slight irritation was start of my dick falling off. So, I rushed down to the VD clinic in a panic, had to wait a couple of weeks for the results, everything was clear, asked them if they were sure, because I was sure something was wrong. They sat me down, told me they saw dicks all day long, I was fine, and it was all in my head, because of guilt, etc.

This is one, of many stories I have about my penis, as well as my balls… and they still haven’t fallen off yet. I don’t even notice now, because I’m so use to it, it doesn’t worry me anymore. I’ve never had anything on my shaft related to your problem, except… but that’s another story, :)

So, like I said, it sounds like you are doing everything right. Good Luck!

Haha I can totally relate to that 100%. I am fortunate to have a good insurance plan being a student through my mom’s employer to where unless you get seriously hurt (acquiring a massive hospitalization period) I am good. But thanks for your help . You’re story kinda cracked me up lol.

Before I drop the subject. How often do you get that irritation? And totally unrelated, going to search the forums and post about some experience, do you use any lotion or moisturizing cream?

Anyway, take care!


Originally Posted by 1234qw25
Haha I can totally relate to that 100%. I am fortunate to have a good insurance plan being a student through my mom’s employer to where unless you get seriously hurt (acquiring a massive hospitalization period) I am good. But thanks for your help . You’re story kinda cracked me up lol.

Before I drop the subject. How often do you get that irritation? And totally unrelated, going to search the forums and post about some experience, do you use any lotion or moisturizing cream?

Anyway, take care!

To be honest, I had a look last night, (just for you ;) lol) and it looks pretty good now. I was using a moisturiser cream for sensitive skins for my face, as well as my unit. This did seem to irritate the tip, (and external urethral orifice) where the foreskin doesn’t cover. I’ve since stopped using this, and now just use baby oil, which I use for wet jelqing as well. I don’t use baby oil for any specific reason other than it doesn’t look suspicious in the bathroom. ( A 1 litre bottle of KY Jell in the bathroom may raise some eyebrows :sheepdo: ) This does seem to have helped, why I’m not entirely sure. Maybe because it designed for very sensitive skins, or it acts as some type of barrier.
There are a lot of different options out there for you, and I guess you just need to do some research, try some, and see what works for you. Good luck!

Starting Stats: BPEL 7.0¨ x MEG 5.3¨ (4th Nov 2015)

Current Stats: BPEL 7.83¨ x MEG 5.6¨ (14th June 2018)

The Dream: BPEL 8.1¨ x EG 6.1¨ (Not sure if the wife supports ¨the dream¨)

Originally Posted by 1234qw25
Bare with me here.

Eww, no. I’m not going to get naked for you.

Originally Posted by 1234qw25
One night I was going to just master bate.

Not sure if you’re doing these on purpose, but I love em! :)

Anyway, I might be able to offer you some advice. It’s a long term problem, right? So anything infectious, inflammatory, or serious would either A. gotten better by now, or B. gotten worse. That’s not the case, so we’re going to take this all the way to basics and think of simple things.

One: The tip of your penis, the end of the urethra, is in fact not skin tissue (what we call epithelium) but in fact squamous epithelium, meaning it’s a transition zone between outer skin and inner body tissue (endothelium). The same goes for the end of the urethra and the cervix in women. This is sensitive tissue, and even if a skin product is meant for sensitive skin it still isn’t tested on transition zones. skin products and moisturizers are not tested and recommended on those tissues, and in fact advised against. The simplest explanation is that it’s a very low level irritation by a skin product, and it’s entirely plausible that you used the stuff for a long time before you got complaints. Why not stop using it on your glans?

Two: Does the tip of the penis peek out from under your foreskin? If that is the case, or if you are circumcised, the tip of the urethra rubs against clothing causing the same kind of irritation.

You might have your answer there.


Also, 1234qw25, you might think about changing your user name. I’m sure one of the admins won’t mind doing that. Your username is quite random, as if you have taken your penis and slapped the keyboard a few times. Might cause burning sensations too ;)

* 7 July 2015 (start): BPEL 17 cm (6.7") / EG 13 cm (5.1")

* 6 december 2015 (latest): BPEL: 18.7 cm (7.4") / EG 13.6 cm (5.4")

note: I study medicine, will be honest and skeptical, but I never mean to offend :) My picture thread: TCG's pictures, gains and rants.

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