Redness, burning, Nerve Irritation? Or what?
First off, I hope everyone is going good. I have taken a break from the forums since really May. I have been battling what I will consider an injury, or possibly a mental block but here it goes. Bare with me here, as this may spark conversation to many issues/positive input.
Starting off with my PE history. I newbie routined from last October to around January ,and then occasionally used a bath mate over no more than 9 mins after thoroughly stretching and warming up. It was never on of those things after a session where my penis actually hurt, or I couldn’t get an erection. I pretty much stopped all hand on PE around February and started a fairly extensive Kegel Routine. Gaining results fairly fast, developing a clench, and being able to identify different clenching point of my pelvic floor. I kept on doing these throughout the days for around a 2-3 month. From February to late April at the most. The kicker is, I never did and Reverse Kegels. I jumped the gun a never really got into them. I did though keep loose moving through the day, stretching for workouts, and activating/loosing my pelvic floor through exercise and activity (Ex. At the gym.) I do sometime though think my Pelvic Floor may spasm a bit, but really do not think it is too out of whack.
Moving to where things get odd. I have posted on the forums on segments of this, but due to trying to calm down I just stayed away from PE and negative thoughts associated to my “injury.” In May, I hit a pretty stressful point, more so a burnt out stage. I was working a vigorous job out on our local lake, along with maintaining a good GPA in college. One night I was going to just master bate. GF was out of town, I figure I might as well, haven’t done it in awhile. I want to add this: I am not a big advocate of jacking off. I stopped heavily doing it around 3 years ago when I started having sex with my partner regularly. While I was trying to jack off, rather it be the stress from work, a bad game of Call of duty earlier, or something else I could not get hard. My guy in a sense turtled and I pretty much panicked. I then was concerned if I had gotten hard flaccid from having too tight of pelvic floor muscles. I thought something was wrong with me. I went to the doctor to get tested for a UTI and there was a small amount of bacteria found in my urine, but nothing conclusive came from the culture. I am a person that pees after unprotected sex, circumsized, plus practice pretty good hygiene so it made sense to gave a negative result. Moving on.. I was still troubled by the event trying to masterbate. I worried about it and I talked to my GF about it and honestly she helped my through it but it was still on my mind. Having sex a few days later I was good, I had only one episode where I become depressed and lost my boner and was not in the mood. After that, I put it out of my mind and just focused on pleasing my partner, boom no problem.
Here is part 2:
Around mid July after a shower I routinely put lotion on my unit. I use Utterly smooth which is an awesome moisturizer I’ve used for years on my body. I don’t know if it was coincidence or not, but I borrowed a family members moisturizer, got dress, and headed to a fiends house. My penis at the tip around the hole started to tingle. The tingling subsided around hour or two later, it then reoccured a few days later randomly. It then stayed around for like 3 months. This led to many visits to the urologists, doctor, and other MD’s wondering why my penis tingled and burned on the bottom, and randomly in other places. Did i irritate my pudundal nerve?? During this time I did mountain bike some and cruised around on a honda grom mini bike. I stayed off the cycle, motorbike, and any other thing like a bike seat being my family doctor said another guy had gotten this from sitting on a fence post and it may take 4 months to heal… He said in the guys case who sat on the fence post it took 2 years for his symptoms to go away being nerves heal slow. So I gritted it out, it never really effected me getting hard, unless I was thinking about the problem.
In the fall I switched doctors, got a guy who honestly gave a shit.I noticed that at the tip of my penis it seemed little red, along with the shaft of my penis being little more red than what I think it usually is.(Firegoat roles caught my eye about this..) We treated the tingling and burning as a fungal infection. No conclusive result, tried a few creams, home remedies, and still take probiotic, everything he could think of… I tried a candida diet. (Note: Eric Bekker is ND from New Zealand who has some awesome products and advise on youtube/his website. Seriously, look into it of you know anyone with a fungal or yeast issue.) With having a good doctor, he referred my to a MD dermatologists group in a city around 2 hours away. By this point i have been tested for every STD minus having a extremely in depth HPV test done which would be a unlike cause being my partner now is the only person I have slept with without use of a condom, and only partner too. I had a appointment with the skin specialists, got in there. Got asked a ton of question about family, cleanliness, etc… She told me she sees a ton of patients with hurpees etc.. and this did not match the picture. We talked about the possibility of nerve damage, and she thought this was a definite possibility. We talked, and was given a low dosage cream for two weeks and it seemed to help. Told me to come back anytime.
To make a long story short,
jumping ahead, I still to this day occasional experience some burning primarily while peeing, and at the tip/bottom of my penis throughout the day. It goes away ifI fall asleep though. Knock on wood, it always goes away when I sleep. I have been on a pretty good streak of like 4 days where it has not been really there. I started supplanting L Cartiline Lipoic acid and have noticed it may be helping the case. I have read on many diabetes nerve damage boards this stuff is a natural compound that does work for some people. So this leads to one more thing I forgot to add. Along the lines a distant family friend doctor wanted me to visit a urologists about the possibility of ulcers or something like that within my urine passage ways causing some discoloration, or burning on my penis. I visited the urologist, and he told me it was extremely unlikely I had that at 19 years of age and said putting me under, getting a scope up my penis hole, into my bladder, would most likely lead to finding nothing. So of coarse i did not get it done, but wonder should I? Is there an ulcer or something within my urine passage ways doing this? I feel as though I can empty my bladder (I had my bladder emptying capacity checked, doc was actually confused how I held so much urine ingot it all out), but sometimes I feel as though I could keep pushing, getting a bit more out, or dribbling a bit, i thought this was normal though. My buddy said he has the same thing lol so I think I can pee good.
So guys, what do you think? Has anyone had anything like this? Should I get that scope shoved up there?? At this point I am about to just go to Mayo clinic (3 hrs form me). I mean Ive researched everything: Balititis, yeast infections, STDs, kidney infection all the stuff has the same symptoms but that stuff seems more common. I would think someone at this point (6 docs later) would have pointed anyone of those out. Ahhhh when I do sit too long, like in my computer chair the bottom of my penis does burn. I think this is just because the skin touching, it gets hot or something.. So seriously, any input. I just want some positive advise on this. I’d kill to not have any irritation. This seems silly, but this is the hardest thing I have battled with. Im just going to keep taking my daily vitamins i have taken for years, cleanse with cranberry juice (May help, not 100% sure), and supplement the L carltiline lipoic acid. This seems just all to there to be in my head lol.
-Just turned 20. I want make this new year the best. Hard workouts, healthy eating, and strive to a better person.
Thanks for your help, I hope someone has some input!
Last edited by 1234qw25 : 01-12-2016 at .