Suspensory ligament cut, how does it feel advice
Dear all, I hope you are well. The reason I am writing as I damaged and broke my penis suspensory ligament a long time ago and it does not feel right down there. I gained about 1 cm in length - if that. So I was wanting advice from those that have damaged their ligament or had it cut. (I posted a thread on my ligament damage a couple of years ago.)
There is constant pain down there, where the ligament attaches to the penis on the bone side. Another disadvantage is that you do not get random erections throughout the day. Basically life sucks and sleep is almost impossible. The pain is constant and unbearable and leaves me with no drive, clarity of thought or energy, it seriously disrupts my life.. The plan is to have an MRI scan on the area soon to see if there is any trapped nerves or other problem in the pelvic region.
I am wanting to know others experience of this situation, with cut or broken ligament. Do they still get random erections throughout the day? Do they have pain? Or do you need to get it reattached to the bone to stop pain and discomfort. What information and advice can you give. Thanks in advance. Diesel.
Always be cool.
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