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Vacuum Pump And Discoloration


Vacuum Pump And Discoloration

This is my discoloration picture after 3 month vacuum pump.I do VP every night for 20 minute with 7Hg pressure.

Please help me for prevent from more discoloration.I want more girth but without discoloration.Is my dark skin under cock permanent ! ☹
I search and read a lot of topic about discoloration.I read firegoat rolling.But I don’t understand it !? How must I do firegoat rolling !?

My goal is 6.5" girth.

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Discoloration is not permanent. The discoloration is actually iron from your blood, trapped in the skin layer. You can wait for your skin to shed naturally and it will clear on its own, or there are several methods to clear it up a little faster. However, if you’re going to continue pumping, some of it you’re going to have live with until either you decide to stop pumping, it evens out and looks normal, or you constantly remedy the color.

You can scrub lightly with abrasive soap once a week or every other week, to speed the natural shedding process. Don’t scrub it raw. You can try a chemical peel, which is extremely harsh and time consuming. A chemical peel will require you stop PE and sex until you’ve healed.

Firegoat rolls prevent the discoloration, they do not make it go away if it’s already set in. Simply, roll your penis between your hands like a stick, with some pressure to exchange blood immediately after pumping or clamping. It has little use on its own apart from PE.

-Stay safe

Thanks for your informative answer.I decided to continue pumping for at least one year or more for 20 minute every night.I decide to don’t use more than 5Hg pressure.I want only 0.5 inch girth and Vacuum pump is only my device and excecise that I used.I wish to have 6 inch girth after 2 years.I am already big (7x5.5 naturally) and I don’t want use any other excercise like jelqing and clamping and etc.I don’t want waste my time any more than 20 minute .Even I study English at that time :)

My goal is 6.5" girth.

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I read a post in this froum from "ThickHouse" user and that say discoloration is permanent and cause I have anxious about my black and purple discoloration.This is his quote :

I have a random theory about discoloration and its permanence. Nothing to back it up really, but just some thoughts. Pumping forces the blood up from its normal levels. In the case of bursting veins, that blood begins below the skin but gets pushed/pulled upwards. This forces it into areas that aren’t normally made for blood flow. Conversely, a tattoo is permanent because ink on a needle is pressed through the first layers of skin. the reason a tattoo becomes permanent is that it is underneath the layers of skin that grow and shed. Over time it will lose color and definition, but for the most part once it’s there, it’s there. Similarly, the discoloration of pumping begins within and rises to the top. Because of this, blood cells get trapped in those same layers as tattoos. Those blood cells darken and create the discoloration, and just like a tattoo, you can’t wipe them away. Like I said, just some thoughts.

My goal is 6.5" girth.

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114life I read your progress thread.I think you have very good experience about PE.My goal is girth.Please say your advice and suggestion about girth gain with vacuum pump.

My goal is 6.5" girth.

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It's not permanent

It’s not permanent, but the discoloration will take about three months to fade after you stop pumping. Dunno if it’s iron released from blood vessels in the skin or just micro tears in epidermal skin blood vessels trapping small droplets of blood toward the surface, but I can promise you that eventually your body will eliminate whatever is causing the discoloration. Don’t panic, but just know that for however long you pump, you’re going to have uneven skin tone. It’s not like a tattoo. Your body recognizes the difference between something like ink that it has no capable immune response to and something like blood or even iron and it will clear it. But it will take time.

I get that discoloration from pumping no worries. Seems more like bursting capillaries similar to an alcoholics nose darker& bigger

Originally Posted by greedy
114life I read your progress thread.I think you have very good experience about PE.My goal is girth.Please say your advice and suggestion about girth gain with vacuum pump.

I appreciate it, greedy, but I haven’t gained any girth. I’ve tried almost every manual exercise and pump variation known. No permanent gains. I was at one point, able to temporarily (2-3 rested days) increase by .375" by doing some really extreme stuff. In hindsight that may have just been swelling from near injury and internal bruising.

The accepted method to gain girth with a pump is like any other, starting with an appropriately sized cylinder. Too big, all you get is edema, too small and there’s no expansion. For girth you want a cylinder about .5" larger than your natural girth. That way you will get .25" all the way around and by the moment you pack, edema should be minimized and the expansion will remain in the inner tissue.

There’s also some speculation on vacuum and time. I’ll explain:
1:With reasonable vacuum, usually more time means more edema, in all cases.
2:Less vacuum and more time can mean more inner expansion and less edema.
3:Conversely, high vacuum less time can produce the inner expansion without enough time for edema to form, the question is - is it enough time under vacuum to actually deform the inner penis and produce a lasting result that will affect change?

There’s no real secret to it, there’s no one size fits all. If you’re serious about it, you just gotta pick a routine, and keep track of it, make the minor adjustments that you need and see what actually works for you.

You might start a new thread on it, and query the other members as well.

-Stay safe

The discoloration is not permanent. It comes from capillaries leaking tiny amounts of blood into the skin. If they are the size of a pin head they are called petechiae. At some point of continued pressure the petechiae connect and then are small bruises, also known as ecchymoses. Bottom line, they are just bruises of different sizes. Bruises are blood products deposited in the skin outside the vessels. The body eventually metabolizes and resorbs the bruises, and. to a lesser degree, any blood products in the most superficial layer of the skin will shed off in time.

One thing some people say can help with skin changes (edema and bruising) is to pump with a condom or silicone sleeve. I’ve not tried this myself, but it makes sense to me that it might help diminish the surface pressure at the skin that causes the superficial bruising while still allowing the inner structure expansion.

Perhaps somebody with experience can offer more perspective on this technique.

Rock out with your cock out!

I’ve also found arnica cream to help speed resolution of bruises, in case you want to give that a try.

Rock out with your cock out!

114life , How long do you use the vacuum pump ? What is your routine ?

Why do you continue to exercise when it has no effect on growth?

My goal is 6.5" girth.

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Thanks tenaciousD and other guys for advice .

I decide to don’t use any cream and I will wait for the time to resolve my discoloration.

My goal is 6.5" girth.

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Originally Posted by greedy
114life , How long do you use the vacuum pump ? What is your routine ?
Why do you continue to exercise when it has no effect on growth?

Usually, one or two hours per day total in multiple sets. Either 4x30 or 6x20 with plenty of time between sets, depends on how I feel.

It has plenty of effect on growth. Targeted length pumping is still netting results for me. I just haven’t been able to gain girth from anything, including pumping. Length keeps growing, so I keep going.

-Stay safe

Does erected jelqing cause discoloration !? I want stop pumping for clear my skin and I only do jelq

My goal is 6.5" girth.

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