Thunder's Place

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Very large water blisters

Very large water blisters

From using the vacextender I have two very large water blisters on the head of my penis.

A couple of weeks ago I had the same problem but with a single much smaller blister and eventually it healed. However when the blister had gone, whenever anything touched the area where the blister was, it hurt like hell. I couldn’t move or sleep without wrapping plasters all over it.

Now I have two much larger ones from using the vacextender and i’m worried that it will hurt so much soon. I’m wondering what the best way of keeping it as painless as possible is. I’d love it if I could actually sleep for a few days without writhing in pain.

I’m pretty sure i’m not going to use the vacextender again. Bye bye PE for me..


Just try to keep that blistered skin from coming off for as long as possible.

I don’t know what products you have available in the UK, but look for a triple antibiotic ointment that will contain a topical pain reliever, just in case the skin does come off and it usually does. :(

The primary goal of PE should be to make your penis as healthy as possible in both form and function. If you do that, increased size will follow.

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