Willy is Confused
I started clamping a week ago, I think no two weeks. What happened? I squeezed while I had a hard erection. So I’m taking a few days off, a whole week as of last week. Gotten better, but what’s odd; flaccid there’s nothing wrong. No little numbness or anything. When I get hard, the head is numb a little bit. I can still feel hot and cold, but then again it’s softer because of the moisturizer I’ve been using. Made the foreskin and head soft. So bam! A combination of things. However I can’t really pin point what numbness is, the pins and needle affect? If so I don’t have that. So it’s probably all in my head. But I did squeeze while having a full erection so that could be one issue. Anyway I’m starting my routine again after another week.
You guys think this is serious? I still get hard erections and cum like crazy.
5.3" NBPEL.
BPEL 6.5-6.7" Goal: Anything!
Girth: 5" but getting bigger. ;)