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adding finasteride to minoxidil solution


adding finasteride to minoxidil solution

Hi, I was wondering whether anyone has crushed a fin tablet and added it to their solution of minoxidil? Would this work? Reason why I am asking is because I have got some finasteride tablets and also minoxidil solution and I read that xandrox15 has .1mg of finasteride in the solution which helps inhibit DHT on the scalp. I don’t mind taking the tablets but as I am still fairly young I don’t want to mess up my hormones too badly… Surely if the tablet is crushed and dissolved in the solution it will get absorbed into the scalp somewhat? Or will the molecules be too big to make it through the skin and just dry up on the surface? As I’m writing this Im starting to doubt the usability of it but I’m sure one of the med students or someone can answer my question effectively!

-The Only Way to Lose is to Fail to Try-

01/02/2014 - NBPEL 16.5cm / BPEL 18.5cm / BPFSL 20.3cm / Girth12.5cm - 10 minute pump, 20 jelqs, 5 minute pump 20 jelqs ~2.5-3hg 1 on 2 off.

01/09/2014 - NBPEL 16.5cm / BPEL 19cm / BPFSL 20.5cm / Girth12.7cm / BPELIP 19.2cm

Don’t mess around with this shit, stick to the minoxidil. DHT is an important hormone for sexual and general male health. Finasteride is a pretty extreme measure on its own. Note that the xandrox site has no studies to quote beyond the base cheap minoxidil/alopecia ones, where 5% is an affordable and effective treatment. Higher concentrations and other additives are probably just an excuse to jack up the price, since a month’s supply of minoxidil is $5.

Start (Initially August 2008, Properly November/December 2008): 6.9x4.9

Currently (September 2010): 8.5x5.75 (6.25 inch head girth)

I’d suggest taking the finasteride tablets by mouth as prescribed. If you have side effects, stop the drug. It’s really that simple.

Originally Posted by westla90069
I’d suggest taking the finasteride tablets by mouth as prescribed. If you have side effects, stop the drug. It’s really that simple.

I wish it were, but there are case reports of persistent sexual dysfunction after discontinuing finasteride. Taking a medication that affects a vital hormone or neurotransmitter is a big deal, my serotonin receptors are permanently fucked up from SSRIs, and I really wish I’d been cautioned.

Start (Initially August 2008, Properly November/December 2008): 6.9x4.9

Currently (September 2010): 8.5x5.75 (6.25 inch head girth)

Few and far between. It doesn’t happen to everyone.

I’ve been taking propecia and rogaine for almost 4 years now. I have a crazy thick full head of hair. The combo has been nothing short of amazing for me.

Maybe I caught the thinning and balding early enough but its was getting pretty thin on top. You would not believe the head of hair I have now.

I’ve not had any negative side effects. Ever. I highly recommend the combo.

Originally Posted by baywatch
I’ve been taking propecia and rogaine for almost 4 years now. I have a crazy thick full head of hair. The combo has been nothing short of amazing for me.

Maybe I caught the thinning and balding early enough but its was getting pretty thin on top. You would not believe the head of hair I have now.

I’ve not had any negative side effects. Ever. I highly recommend the combo.

That’s good to hear.

My worries are

minoxodil: I’ve heard of extra wrinkles, dark circles under eyes, bloated face, larger pores, older or uglier complexion.

Fin: man boobs, weight gain, soft body, erection problems etc.

Now I can guess that it’s most likely most of the people who complain might be complaing about effects that may not be related to fin etc And most who bother to comment are most likely to complain.

So it’s a confusing choice.

One choice is take the fin and minoxodil and hope for the best, but it may have possible side effects that will be worse than losing hair.

Or Two: stay healthy in shape but not so great hair.

So your 100% you had no side effects?

I’ve been on it for 10 years without any side effects of any kind. I’m nearly 60 and get rock hard with even a glimpse of porn. I am overweight, but it’s due to too much food, not finasteride.

Originally Posted by _Phoenix_
So your 100% you had no side effects?

I have no reason to lie to you. I had no side effects. None, zero, nada. I take a lot of shit most of which does not work as advertised. The propecia and rogain combo has probably been the most effective chemical combo I’ve ever taken and like I say I’ve taken a lot of different things.

Some of the things you mention are just flat out outrageous. Not going to happen. Millions of people take propecia and rogain because it works.

Give it a shot. If you don’t like it you simply stop using it.

Originally Posted by baywatch
I have no reason to lie to you. I had no side effects. None, zero, nada. I take a lot of shit most of which does not work as advertised. The propecia and rogain combo has probably been the most effective chemical combo I’ve ever taken and like I say I’ve taken a lot of different things.

Some of the things you mention are just flat out outrageous. Not going to happen. Millions of people take propecia and rogain because it works.

Give it a shot. If you don’t like it you simply stop using it.

I had not doubt you were telling the truth.

LOL yeah it may sound outrageous, but I’ve been browsing hairloss forums, and a lot complain about such symptoms. But like I said, people are more likely to sign up to complain than share good news.

I know it works, I’ve known all about it for years.

Originally Posted by westla90069

I’ve been on it for 10 years without any side effects of any kind. I’m nearly 60 and get rock hard with even a glimpse of porn. I am overweight, but it’s due to too much food, not finasteride.

Yeah I’m sure it works great with no side effects for most people.

It’s those people who complain of the side effcts that worry me. Some of them do sound crazy thou. lol

If you’ve been to note that it’s stated on their first page that they prohibit posts from those who do not have side effects or problems. So all of the posts there will be negative. But also look at their membership numbers and compare them to the total number of men on the drug.

I’ve been on propecia for 10 years and had no sides. I’ve maintained my hair in that time. There are people who definitely suffer from sides and more than the manufacturor would suggest, but nowhere near as many have problems as you’d think by reading internet forums. The only possible side effect I’ve noticed is that my face has stopped ageing. Or rather I’ve aged far slower than my friends in the least decade. I never looked young for my age, but now I look about 5 years younger than virtually all of my friends. It never crossed my mind it could be because of Propecia and to be honest I didn’t notice I looked much youger than my friends until the last couple of years, but I have since read on a few forums that guys claim that they are ageing more slowly on Propecia. I think the trouble with this possible side effect is that it will be less well known, as you’d need to be on it for a decade to really notice and not many have been on the drug that long.

I agree that people are only really going to sign up and complain after they have experienced the side effects themselves, unfortunately I might be one of them…I have been taking finasteride in the form of fincar that I split into 4 and take for 4 days then miss one day which is what most do on this drug. I have been taking it consistently for at least 4 months but do not feel like it has done much for my hair thickness. Infact the last month or so I have become obsessed with my nipples and the slight puffy/ pointiness that I am sure was not there before I started fin. Obviously I am thinking maybe I am one of those guys that reacts badly to fin, I always thought my T levels were never on the high side and if this stuff raises your estrogen levels you can imagine how I’m beginning to rationalise in my head. The thing is, I go to the gym 3 times a week and I am getting stronger, gaining muscle and so maybe thte fin is preventing me from losing more hair than if i wasn’t on it. Apart from the extra puffiness of my nipples, I haven’t lost any length, can still get hard and I think my drive is about the same as it was before but it almost seems like the only thing I am getting from the fin is puffy nipples. Is the average time for results about 6 months? I think I will stay on it a bit longer but if the nipples get any worse Im going to have to bail.

I used to use 15% minoxidil from Xandrox and I think maybe I jumped into it a bit too quickly. I haven’t used it for a while though, do you think dropping down to 5% would still be beneficial? 15% was so expensive!

-The Only Way to Lose is to Fail to Try-

01/02/2014 - NBPEL 16.5cm / BPEL 18.5cm / BPFSL 20.3cm / Girth12.5cm - 10 minute pump, 20 jelqs, 5 minute pump 20 jelqs ~2.5-3hg 1 on 2 off.

01/09/2014 - NBPEL 16.5cm / BPEL 19cm / BPFSL 20.5cm / Girth12.7cm / BPELIP 19.2cm

Originally Posted by joey999
I’ve been on propecia for 10 years and had no sides. I’ve maintained my hair in that time. There are people who definitely suffer from sides and more than the manufacturor would suggest, but nowhere near as many have problems as you’d think by reading internet forums. The only possible side effect I’ve noticed is that my face has stopped ageing. Or rather I’ve aged far slower than my friends in the least decade. I never looked young for my age, but now I look about 5 years younger than virtually all of my friends. It never crossed my mind it could be because of Propecia and to be honest I didn’t notice I looked much youger than my friends until the last couple of years, but I have since read on a few forums that guys claim that they are ageing more slowly on Propecia. I think the trouble with this possible side effect is that it will be less well known, as you’d need to be on it for a decade to really notice and not many have been on the drug that long.

Interesting the aging part.

I searched that in google, and one of the first results was someone claiming the opposite.
http://hair-res toration-info.c … 861/m/371104155

This is why it’s so confusing, some people say hey you wont get side effects, but others are complaining about plenty of them. To me taking this drug is like going through a mine field to get the prize. Some step on the mines, some don’t.

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