Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Anyone whos done enzyte or other penis pills


I took extagen for about two months. They send you a paper w/ instructions and exercises to do while taking the pills, which the exercises are PEing. But I hardly did the exercises seeing if the pills worked. Only thing I saw was I was able to get a boner quicker and stay hard. Otherwise no gain in lenth and or girth

Try it yourself, they are good about giving you back their money and you can pretty much try it risk free for 90 days. Customer service is good

Tried two brands of penis pills before finding out about PE: VigRx and Extagen. Used them about 6-9 months. They did absolutely NOTHING. Save your money. The only good thing that came from using the pills was that I found Thunders Place while researching them.

Yep about the only thing they seem to do is help you with an erection and how hard it will be.. I have noticed while taking enyte I get them more often along with them being harder.. Man the other night I took viagra just made it feel like a steel pole!! I’m happy so far!


I was doing research on pills to use with my PEing, unfortunately no positive results. I’m thinking on going back to Zinc and Garlic. I will add L- Arginine.

What I found out from a Google research, here are the results.

L-Arginine supports immune function, cell division and secretion of important hormones, such as insulin and glucagons. Necessary nutrient for proper blood flow to the heart. Also Important for muscle growth and tissue repair
Dosage. I may go with this as a supplements while PEing.
What do you guys think? Any other vitamins that may help heal the cells and tissues? I appreciate it. ;)

The pills are ok if you don’t mind spending extra bucks to max out a hard erection but don’t expect to see length or girth gains. You might as well take Viagra or something like that (if hardness is your objective)

There’s no easy road to PE.
Pill companies capitalize on those that think or hope that there might be.
What was that slogan that WC Fields came up with?

PE takes hard work like just about anything else in life that you want really bad.

A less expensive alternative to phony pills is to just take L-Arginine along with some Zinc
as nutritional support for the breakdown and healing process.
I believe that such support can only enhance your gains but…
You must be prepared to work! Lazy people don’t make the gains!

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Originally Posted by jGman
Tried two brands of penis pills before finding out about PE: VigRx and Extagen. Used them about 6-9 months. They did absolutely NOTHING. Save your money. The only good thing that came from using the pills was that I found Thunders Place while researching them.

Same case with me.
3 grams of L-Arg and 1 gram of L-Ornithine, one multivitamin-mineral capsule and PE that I learnt from Thunder’s is the way to grow my dick.
I bought the expensive pills from US which simply didn’t work and wasted money.
The pills are good for health and improve errection quality if you are weak in that department.
But they don’t grow your dick by themselves.

Fish oil capsule or cod liver oil capsule(if not exposed to sun) and Vitamin E along with the other supplements I said before are also good for PE.

Thank you all. I believe I will only go with L-Arginine, zinc, and TongKat Ali if it is available in stores. All I am looking for is something to help heal the tissues while PEing. I can’t rely on pills to grow my dick, but only PEing can do it. I am in progress, and I need some supplements to help. Thank you all

I know a a guy , he is a street “pimp” he he buys 12 bottles of Vig RX a year he has a 12 inch penis

I asked him how the hell he got it he said the “Vig” and PE. I guess they go to together for best results.

8.5 BPEL X 6.5 girth

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Originally Posted by Mr. Nine
I figured what the hell, I bought a bottle of pills. It said 3 inches in 6 weeks by taking two a day, so I thought if I took 4 a day I would gain quicker. Well, that was a mistake, I wasn’t prepared for the growth and my tunica ruptured.
Please guys, be extremely careful and only take what the bottle says, too much growth in a short time and you will end up like me. My lawyer says I may be able to recover some of my medical bills.

".My tunica ruptured”!!

That is the best warning ever against overtraining/trying to move too fast.

I lost all my gains when my penis freaked and shriveled up in shock after reading that. I now have a mangina. Thanks.

Best of luck on your full recovery mr. Nine

I can’t believe I am admitting to this, but I was naive enough to believe the pills could work. Fuck, I consider myself a pretty savvy business man, but they lured me in. I will say that after about 4 months with the VigRx, my flaccid did hang longer and fuller, but it did nothing for gains. I didn’t even notice any real harder erections on the stuff. Oh well, live and learn!

I’ve asked on another site and never recieved any response so I’ll ask here. Has anyone tried the VigRx Oil? I am tempted to give it a go. If someone has tried it I think that everyone here would like to know if it worked. The Enzite ads are a good joke. That smile is the dumest thing on tv right now.

Originally Posted by onedragon

I’ve asked on another site and never recieved any response so I’ll ask here. Has anyone tried the VigRx Oil? I am tempted to give it a go. If someone has tried it I think that everyone here would like to know if it worked. The Enzite ads are a good joke. That smile is the dumest thing on tv right now.

Save your money onedragon. It’s not even worth your time to consider.


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