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Anyone whos done enzyte or other penis pills


Anyone whos done enzyte or other penis pills

Umm, I’m about 3 months into my PE , have made some gains and things are goin gravy. I took No2 for Workout purposes and it did it’s job as far as muscle gains but did dick all for my PE gains.

I’m thinking about buying Enzyte from GNC because it’s the closest place to get these kinda enhancer pills just a few questions about this stuff:

- I don’t have a credit card so I can’t purchase the coveted “pro solution pills” which seem to be internet poll ranked the best. Has anyone whos done like enzyte or any brand of penis pills noticed a difference in gains or at least penile q uality?

- If you’ve done penis pills, what kind, for how long, and whatid it do for ya

(I’m planning on continueing PE even harder especially when I’m on the pills)

I have heard they give a pump to ur dick, would penise “enhancement” pills work the same as viagra and give you a perma pump to flacid hang?

And lastly, who is your daddy and what does he do?

Save your a search on penis pills here at Thunders and you will find 99% of the people who have tried them (myself included) that think they are a huge waste and a total scam. I tried the penis patch and Pro Solution and a few others and gained absolutely nothing. As far as my daddy, well I never met him but I always wondered if he was sterile too!

started jan 05 5.5X4.5 3-01-05 5.75x5 4-01-05 5.9X5 5-01-05 6.0x5

Complete waste of money. I got zero results and could have better used the money to help support this forum, or bought some fun toys.

But Enzyte has a few funny tv commertials, my kids roll on the floor laughing at “Bob”

What does the word “HOLD” under Mr. Dongers mean?

Thanks Thunder

The eznyte doesnt actually work for about 3 months.. I didnt notice it till almost my 4th month then you could tell the difference and so did the wife! I took half of a 50mg of the viagra before I started the enzte and it did great! I took one last night after about 4 1/2 months of the enzyte and it got rock solid! Wife could really tell the difference and she loved it! I filled her up twice without stopping after the 1st time! Dunno if it has any negative side effects while taking it together but I tried it and it seemed fine! I’m going to do more research before I continue! Later

I’ve tryed penis pills for the last two months they are not the miricle cure but I think they do help a bit with stronger erections and better flacid hang I’ve found out though that you don’t need to buy these expensive pills cos all they got in them is Hawthorn berry, Ginkgo biloba, asian Ginseng root these can all be bought at most vitamin and health shops for half the price I might add.


If there were a pill that made your dick bigger do you really think there would be a forum of thousands of men pulling and squeezing their dicks to make them bigger? Say it with me, “Pills don’t work”. Now keep repeating that over and over and save your money

Originally Posted by Mr. Dongers
And lastly, who is your daddy and what does he do?

And what the hell does this have to do with anything?!!?


I agree robit they help with stronger erections and they also help you achieve them a little more often!

I figured what the hell, I bought a bottle of pills. It said 3 inches in 6 weeks by taking two a day, so I thought if I took 4 a day I would gain quicker. Well, that was a mistake, I wasn’t prepared for the growth and my tunica ruptured.

Please guys, be extremely careful and only take what the bottle says, too much growth in a short time and you will end up like me. My lawyer says I may be able to recover some of my medical bills.

What kind of pills did you take? And has anyone actually had any real gain with them. It is possible I have know some people to gain a little more girth and stay the same length

Originally Posted by Msgptguy77
What kind of pills did you take? And has anyone actually had any real gain with them. It is possible I have know some people to gain a little more girth and stay the same length

I can’t remember the name of them, they ranked #1 for a long time. I will never take any again, there is no need in rushing this.

I agree there is no need to rush it! I didnt expect gains within the first 2 months but it’s not for penis enlargment pills!

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