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The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Are histamines beneficial?


Are histamines beneficial?

L-Histidine is an amino acid from which Histamine is derived. L-Histidine is an amino acid that the human body cannot manufacture, hence, it must be obtained from your diet, which is generally deficient, or from supplements which you can purchase. A discussion of Histamine and it’s role in the sexuality of humans follows with references annotated.

A hormone/chemical transmitter (biogenic monoamine, similar to serotonin, epinephrine, norepinephrine ) involved in local immune responses, regulating stomach acid production and in allergic reactions as a mediator of Immediate Hypersensitivity . When released from mast cells, histamine causes vasodilation (relaxation or dilation of the blood vessel walls) !

The influence of the endocrine, neurotransmitter, and central nervous systems influences the male and female sexual functions for sexual desire, arousal, and orgasm or ejaculation stages of sexual responding. Endocrine factors include the following: androgens, estrogens, progesterone, prolactin, oxytocin, cortisol, and pheromones. Neurotransmitters and neuropeptides include nitric oxide (see L-Argingine), serotonin, dopamine (see Uprima), epinephrine, norepinephrine, opioids, acetylcholine, histamine, and gamma-amino-butyric acid (Gaba)1.

Recent advances in the neurobiology of sexual behavior have helped to refine our understanding of the neuroanatomical, neuroendocrine and neurochemical systems that modulate responses to sexual stimulation. Both appetitive and consummatory sexual behaviors have been studied in several laboratory species and in humans using traditional and novel behavioral paradigms. New knowledge has emerged concerning the role of hypothalamic (dopamine & Uprima), limbic and brainstem structures, neuropeptides, brain monoamines and nitric oxide (see L-Argingine) in the control of partner preference, sexual desire, erection, copulation, ejaculation, orgasm and sexual satiety (satisfaction).2

The human sexual response is a complicated biopsychosocial phenomenon in which internal and external stimuli are modulated by the central and peripheral nervous system, resulting in a cascade of biochemical, hormonal and circulatory changes that lead to cognitive and physical sexual arousal. Current knowledge of the relationships between central processes, mediated by neuropeptides and neurotransmitters, and the hypothalamo-pituitary-gonadal axis indicates that they are all involved. Hormonal aspects of sexual arousability and sexual excitement are mainly related to androgens (that is, the male hormones). The possible influences of hormonal therapies such as hormonal contraception and perimenopausal hormone suplementation are involved. The main conclusion is that clinicians should be aware of possible sexual problems resulting from changes in circulating sex hormone binding globulin and free testosterone in men and women due to endogenous (generated in the body) or exogenous (introduced into the body from external sources such as supplements) hormonal changes.3

Physicians or gynecologists, specifically in their general practice or in the setting of a menopause clinic, are more and more frequently confronted with sexual complaints of menopausal women. Among these, decline in sexual desire is probably the most usually reported. The first study to evaluate a potential relationship between sexual functioning and menopause was conducted by Hallstrom in 1977. Thereafter, a review of the literature was able to show that there is nearly a consensus regarding the role of estrogens in that condition. They effectively relieve vaginal atrophy (shriveling up) and resulting dyspareunia (painful intercourse). There is less agreement, however, regarding a direct effect of estrogens on more complex sexual behavior and motivation. When analyzing potential influence of sex hormones, estrogens may exert a positive effect on the quality of the sexual relationship whereas androgens can definitely increase sexual “motivation” including sexual desire. In spite of the potentially important part played by androgens as promoters of libido and in the maintenance of sexual functioning in men and women, the exact role of the hormonal treatment in reliving sexual complaints still remains controversial. In some women where decline of sexual desire can be reasonably attributed to menopause, androgens in non-masculinizing adequate dosages, can be effectively included in the postmenopausal hormone replacement regimen. However, etiology of diminished sexual motivation and desire is far from univocal particularly in the human being where psychological, social and cultural influences are endowed with a prominent importance. It is accordingly quite conspicuous that our sexual life is not reduced to hormonal fluctuations only.4 From the preceding in may be possible to conclude that it takes more than testosterone to make sexual things right, hence, our inclusion of the active amino Acids L-Argingine and L-Histidine to our portfolio of available products.

Dopamine and serotonin are the neurotransmitters most directly involved in sexual activity. Dopamine plays a stimulatory role while serotonin has an inhibitory effect (That’s why antidepressant Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors such as Prozac, Paxil, etc. can cause impotence). The two monoaminergic systems modulate the secretion of many hormones such as testosterone and endorphins (chemical compounds that occur naturally in the brain and have pain relieving properties similar to those of the opiates. They are thought to be concerned with controlling the activity of the endocrine glands) and are involved in sexual functional capacity. Furthermore, hormones influence synthesis and storage of brain neurotransmitters. Impotence can often be associated to clinical depression and altered neurotransmitter function. Moreover, stress represents an unbalance between various neurotransmitter systems and can induce impotence especially when disorders of the endorphinic system are present. Replacement therapy is based upon the understanding of these basic concepts. Impotence due to an underlying depressive illness must be treated with dopaminergic antidepressant drugs; while in stressful conditions a good response to the naloxone test is the preliminary criterion to subsequent naltrexone treatment. When a hormonal deficiency has been proved, the hormone replacement therapy is of course highly effective (gonadotropins in hypogonadotropic syndromes, testosterone in aging, etc.). Finally, idiopathic (denoting a disease or condition the cause of which is not known or that arises spontaneously) impotence could be treated by a Dopamine agonist (Editors Note:Such as Uprima) and/or serotonin antagonist (reduces serotonin) drugs either alone or better yet in association with psychotherapy.5

The corpora cavernosa (CC) muscles of the human penis and their structural arrangements are essential for the physiology of erection. Contraction of this muscle causes detumescence (the reverse of erection), and relaxation, tumescence (swelling or erection). The motor excitatory neurotransmission is adrenergic, acting through the alpha adrenoceptors. Continuous adrenergic transmitter noradrenaline (Norepinephrine) release is necessary for the maintenance of non-erectile (contractile) state of the penis. (Editors note: Contrarily, excessively high levels of noradrenaline (Norepinephrine) could cause a permanent non-erect state, i.e. impotence) The inhibitory neurotransmitter that relaxes CC muscle to produce erection is nitrergic i.e., the chemical messenger being nitric oxide (See L-Argingine). The latter can also be released from cavernous endothelium. Presence of NO increases intracellular cGMP through activation of the enzyme guanylate cyclase. This causes relaxation of CC muscle. Phosphodiesterase type 5 (PDE5) is responsible for the degradation of cGMP and regulation of CC muscle tone. Specific PDE inhibitors such as sildenafil & Cialis enhance the intracellular cGMP to improve erection. Increase in intracellular cAMP can also bring about pharmacological (drug induced) erection in man (e.g. PGE1, papaverine and histamine). Inhibition of excessive adrenergic tone with appropriate alpha-adrenergic blocking agents (e.g. phentolamine) can also contribute to the onset of pharmacological erection.6


Geee whiz, there’s a lot to chew on there. I don’t even know where to start.

L-Histidine is an amino acid from which Histamine is derived …. When released from mast cells, histamine causes vasodilation (relaxation or dilation of the blood vessel walls) !

Does taking the L-Histidine orally produce an immediate histamine release, or does it just provide the building blocks for the reaction when the body needs it?

If it doesn’t produce an immediate histamine release, what’s the safest way to get that done? From what I can tell we have a gentleman here who achieves this with wasp stings, a gentleman here who’s thinking about using a known allergen, and I’d guess more than a few who have gone after the histamine release with a good Niacin flush (including myself). All three have some serious side-effects (some much more than others).

More importantly, you’ve played with this stuff, right? What’s been your experience?

"It's ALL in your head. You just have no idea how big your head is." - Lon Milo DuQuette "The mind's role in P.E. is more important than the hand that touches the penis." - Mr. Nine Just ignore the crazy old man in his tinfoil-lined pyramid hat, smelling of EVO and muttering Ohhmmm my penis growwwws. He's not always to be taken literally.


Anti-histamines and Impotence
In the US population, 5% of all men 40 years old (not 40 years and older) report that they are totally impotent. That’s millions of men. Something is very, very wrong if this number is true.

There are many factors that can cause impotency. We wrote about some of them in our Kurosawa Koctail on Sexual Arousal ( is for sale | HugeDomains). One fact that struck us were reports that anti-histamines cause impotence in both men and women.

Histamine is considered by most people as something to avoid. It causes itching, mucus flow, inflammation and a host of other unpleasant effects. But life would be impossible without histamine. Histamine is a major neurotransmitter in the body. There are neurons in the brain that communicate with one another through the release of histamine. Histamine released from mast and basophil cells in the body activate other biochemical pathways, such as some adenosine pathways, which contribute to sexual functioning.

Allergy and stomach problems are very common in the US and other countries. Drugs like Tagamet (cimetidine) block stomach acid release, thereby preventing ulceration. The stimulus for acid release in the stomach is histamine acting on histamine H2 membrane receptors. Tagamet blocks histamine H2 receptors. Keep in mind that Tagamet blocks histamine H2 receptors everywhere in the body. This is the problem.

Benadryl is also a common anti-histamine. The active ingredient in Benadryl blocks histamine H1 receptors. Many people take Benadryl at night to sleep because excessive activity at night in histamine neurons will definitely keep you awake.

Both of these drugs are widely used, perhaps too widely. As with all drugs, there are side effects.

The side effect that interests here is impotence. Men who took Tagamet on a regular basis to control acidity problems in their stomach often became totally impotent. This is obviously very upsetting.

Think about the emotional reaction to this sudden or gradually increasing impotence. The men, or women for that matter, do not know why they are becoming impotent. They naturally assume it has something to do with their sexual interest in their partners. God knows what thoughts are going through their heads. This causes stress and tremendous bedroom anxiety culminating in a lack of sleep. Maybe they take a Benadryl to sleep, compounding the problem even further. The stress they experience increases the level of hydrocortisone in the blood, which over time can actually inhibit testosterone synthesis and destroy the Serotoli cells in their testes. It is a vicious cycle and it all started with a little pill that had unfortunate side effects.

Histamine promotes sexual desire, and performance so be careful before loading up on anti-histamines.

Grouppe Kurosawa, Medicine in the Public Interest
( is for sale | HugeDomains)

LINK- is for sale | HugeDomains

Well that explains the boffing on benadryl problem I’ve always had. (Mental note: stick to the rolaids, throw away the Tagamet)

"It's ALL in your head. You just have no idea how big your head is." - Lon Milo DuQuette "The mind's role in P.E. is more important than the hand that touches the penis." - Mr. Nine Just ignore the crazy old man in his tinfoil-lined pyramid hat, smelling of EVO and muttering Ohhmmm my penis growwwws. He's not always to be taken literally.

Histamine is conventionally administered by an IV drip. There is now a patch available which for most would preferable to bee stings, but it’s fairly expensive. Whether L-Histidine will work or not is anyones guess. Provided the mast cells are not damaged (some viruses inhabit them), then I guess L-Histadine would be the preferred route as it would notionally produce histamine only when required, though I guess you’ve got to look at the whole chain of events and attend to them one at a time to see where the bottleneck lies.

Originally Posted by Eroset
Does taking the L-Histidine orally produce an immediate histamine release, or does it just provide the building blocks for the reaction when the body needs it?

For me, it wasn’t immediate. I believe it builds up much like L-Arginine. My desire to try L-Histidine was to help eliminate heavy metals from my body.

Originally Posted by Eroset
More importantly, you’ve played with this stuff, right? What’s been your experience?

Yes, I have done some mad scientist projects with it. I wish the gentleman who does the wasp stings would come back but I doubt it.
It seems any allergen can do, the wasp was just one tool, there are simpler methods to cause a histamine spike. My experience has been a very careful one, much like my DMSO experiments.

I hope Shiver responds with some input, I must confess that I am an idiot with most of the medical jargon.

I can say that histamine levels and storage can be tweeked with loading and dumping. I have gotten some trophy erections while in a histamine spike.

Be my guest, Thunder. :)

Damn, I’ve got to talk to you about your DMSO experiements as well. :D

Is your train of thought from the other thread, that rubbing a known allergen on your penis would localize your alergic reaction, thereby localize your histamine release as well? (I’m a moron, I have NO idea how alergies or alergic reactions work.)

"It's ALL in your head. You just have no idea how big your head is." - Lon Milo DuQuette "The mind's role in P.E. is more important than the hand that touches the penis." - Mr. Nine Just ignore the crazy old man in his tinfoil-lined pyramid hat, smelling of EVO and muttering Ohhmmm my penis growwwws. He's not always to be taken literally.

> there are simpler methods to cause a histamine spike.

Yeah, all I have to do is drive around town breathing in pollen from all the imported plants. Or mow my yard.

What are the alleged benefits of increasing histamine? All I get out of it is being miserable. I try to avoid taking antihistimines because they knock me on my ass. When allergy symptoms get too bad I usually start out taking a decongestant, maybe plus just a tiny bit of an antihistamine (like 1mg of chlorpheniramine). Sometimes that doesn’t do the trick and I have to take more, which zonks me out for hours.

Originally Posted by Eroset
Is your train of thought from the other thread, that rubbing a known allergen on your penis would localize your alergic reaction, thereby localize your histamine release as well? (I’m a moron, I have NO idea how alergies or alergic reactions work.)

Yes, that was the train of thought but I don’t feel it is neccesary. I’m not sure the histamine release can be localized to that extent.

Originally Posted by hobby
What are the alleged benefits of increasing histamine?

I’m not real sure, it’s hard to write my experiences off as coinsidence. I don’t get miserable at all when it takes place. I’m hoping this thread will help me with the answer.

The role of histamine in human penile erection.

Cara AM, Lopes-Martins RA, Antunes E, Nahoum CR, De Nucci G.

Discipline of Urology, Faculty of Medical Sciences, UNICAMP, Campinas, Brazil.

OBJECTIVE: To investigate the relaxant action of histamine on human corpus cavernosum in vitro and the erectile response caused by the intracavernous injection of histamine in patients with psychogenic impotence. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Human corpus cavernosum (HCC) tissue was cut into strips of approximately 2 cm and suspended in a cascade bioassay. The strips were then superfused with oxygenated and warmed Krebs solution and precontracted with noradrenaline (3 microM). Glyceryl trinitrate, acetylcholine and histamine were injected as a single bolus in the absence or in the presence of mepyramine and cimetidine. For the in vivo studies, histamine (30-60 micrograms) was injected intracavernously as a single bolus into the right corpus cavernosum 1 cm from the balamo-preputial sulcus. Similar protocols were carried out for papaverine (50 mg). The erectile response was divided into four grades: no response, tumescence, partial and full erection. RESULTS: In vitro studies demonstrated that histamine (3-100 micrograms) caused dose-dependent relaxation of the HCC strips which was significantly inhibited by cimetidine (5-10 microM). The histamine H1 receptor antagonist mepyramine (1 microM) potentiated histamine-induced relaxation. The co-infusion of both mepyramine and cimetidine did not abolish histamine-induced relaxation. When injected intracavernously in humans, histamine (30 micrograms) caused full erection in 13% of the patients, whereas 87% had partial erection or tumescence. A higher dose of histamine (60 micrograms) caused full erection in 26% of the patients and 74% had partial erection or tumescence. Papaverine induced full erection in the majority of patients (66%). In contrast to papaverine, the duration of erection induced by histamine was markedly shorter (mean 200 and 6.5 min, respectively). The penile erections induced by papaverine were associated with complications such as pain, haematoma and priapism. Histamine did not induce any complications. Treatment of eight male patients with psychogenic impotence with the histamine H1 receptor antagonist astemizol (10 mg orally once daily for 1 week) did not affect histamine-induced erectile responses. CONCLUSION: These results indicate that histamine may play a role in human penile erection. The erection-promoting action of histamine is probably due to H2 receptor activation, although another histamine receptor, possibly H3, also seems to be involved. This study suggests that histamine could be a valuable tool in the diagnosis of erectile dysfunction.

PMID: 7850330 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

LINK- http://www.ncbi … 0&dopt=Abstract

So, more histamine is supposed to be better? A “normal” level seems to work fine for me. Too much gives me problems. I haven’t noticed better erections on the occasions I’ve been a sneezing, snotty mess.

Either I’m missing something or that page from thehormoneshop doesn’t actually say anything. It strikes me as being a lot of disjointed unrelated stuff all mashed together to fill up space in the ad for their $30 bottle of pills.

Premature ejaculation angle

HISTIDINE (Non-Essential Amino Acid)

Is found abundantly in hemoglobin; has been used in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis, allergic diseases, ulcers & anemia. A deficiency can cause poor hearing.

There are three kinds of subset amino acids. (1) the L series which are organic (2) The D series are basically synthetic. They are a mirror image of the L series. (3) The DL series are a mixture of the L and D series.

I, personally, only advocate the pure L series. Of the L series there are 2 categories. There are the semi and Nonessential amino acids which comprise 80% of all the body protein make up. They are called non essential amino acids not because they are unimportant as the name may imply. On the contrary, they are very important to the body. They are called nonessential because they can be produced and converted by the liver if proper nutrition is taking place.

Essential amino acids comprise the other 20% and you need to eat the foods that contain them because the liver can not convert or manufacture them.



Healthy red and white blood cells, natural histamine production.

Food Source

Most proteins


L-Histidine needs to be ingested with L-Arginine.

Histidine - the ejaculation-control amino acid

The importance of the amino acid histidine for sexual function is often overlooked. While it is already common knowledge that arginine is the amino acid important for erections, Histidine plays a role in ejaculation. It does so because the body utilizes histidine to produce Histidine, and histamine in the corpus cavernosum (the penile erection tissue) is ultimately responsible for the way ejaculations and orgasms happen.


The importance of the amino acid histidine lies in the fact that the body uses it to manufacture histamine, and histamine is responsible for a wide range of physiological processes. It is common knowledge that histamines cause the swelling and reddening in many inflammations and allergic reactions. Doctors therefore often prescribe antihistamines in the treatment of inflammations and infections, as well as allergies.

Less known is the important role, histamines play in sexual functions. By and large it is histamines that regulate ejaculations and orgasms. Men suffering from premature ejaculations often show increased Histidine activity. They may be helped by an amino acid which counteracts the formation of histamine from histidine, or the activity of histamine, namely methionine.

Contrarily, men and women having difficulties achieving orgasms may be helped by histidine supplementation, as this may result in increased histamine levels in the sexual tract, which in turn may make orgasms and ejaculations easier. Older men who experience a slow down in sexual response may also ask their doctors about histidine supplementation.

An additional pro-sexual effect of histidine may lay in its vasodilating effect, thus making blood flow to the sex organs easier.

Apart from its sexual functions, histidine is involved in many other physiological processes. It is necessary for the production of red and white blood cells and supports the activity of suppressor T cells.

Histidine is used as a supplement for sufferers of rheumatoid arthritis, since it has been shown that in these patients, histidine levels are low. And last not least, histidine is, like many other amino acids, important for growth and general tissue repair.

> Men suffering from premature ejaculations often show increased Histidine activity. They may be helped by an amino acid which counteracts the formation of histamine…

Or they could take a sip of Benadryl, which definitely reduces histamine. Antihistamines certainly hinder my ability to ejaculate.

>Contrarily, men and women having difficulties achieving orgasms may be helped by histidine supplementation, as this may result in increased histamine levels in the sexual tract, which in turn may make orgasms and ejaculations easier.

Hmm. I wonder how many people have too little histamine under normal conditions. Probably not many. And even for those who do, it would be a leap to presume their deficiency is caused by insufficient intake of histidine, or if even from another cause that histidine supplementation would result in increased production of histamine.

Just because a deficiency of something causes problems doesn’t mean an excess will produce effects opposite of the deficiency. More isn’t always better.

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