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Black Ant Pills

I got mine the same place sparkyx got his - off ebay and the seller is adultsmoke. Just ordered another 80 tabs got them even abit cheaper this time. I have both black ant and the stree and I think they both work good - for me anyway!

Finally got info from the Vendor (ebay) that I returned product to. They are a large distributor for Stree. The word they got back from Stree was that I was correct, that batch is about 1/2 strength. It turns out that they (Stree) has decided that the product was too strong and they now are manufacturing it at half its previous strength. This is why I got a good batch from Adultsmoke at first, then the second batch was weak, it was older inventory that I first got.

So, 123trustedseller is a good source and moves tons of Stree direct from the Manufacturer , its just the Factory is selling the product at 1/2 previous strength. I’m bummed about it, but oh well! So, Adultsmoke or 123trustedseller either are reputable sources on ebay, great prices.

Will keep you posted when I get the new batch of stree!! Hopefully as good as the batch I just received!

Just received another order of Stree - ordered from the same vendor as last time, but this time the powder was more bitter, first batch not at all. But has the same effect - big fucking hard-on - so all is good!

Originally Posted by gram40

Just received another order of Stree - ordered from the same vendor as last time, but this time the powder was more bitter, first batch not at all. But has the same effect - big fucking hard-on - so all is good!

The more bitter, the more powerful it is…you got a great batch. You might not need a whole capsule with this batch, try using less if you like.

I don’t know the first batch was not the slight bit bitter and worked great. Maybe I’ll try 1/2 a capsule and see.

Originally Posted by sparkyx
Finally got info from the Vendor (ebay) that I returned product to. They are a large distributor for Stree. The word they got back from Stree was that I was correct, that batch is about 1/2 strength. It turns out that they (Stree) has decided that the product was too strong and they now are manufacturing it at half its previous strength. This is why I got a good batch from Adultsmoke at first, then the second batch was weak, it was older inventory that I first got.

So, 123trustedseller is a good source and moves tons of Stree direct from the Manufacturer , its just the Factory is selling the product at 1/2 previous strength. I’m bummed about it, but oh well! So, Adultsmoke or 123trustedseller either are reputable sources on ebay, great prices.

Now I get word from 123trustedsellar, that Stree is producing full strength again, they refer to it as Type A. However that will charge more for it. I think 123trustedseller will charge $30.00 for 20 boxes of 4 caps each. I got a sample of the new Type A, and its really good stuff! Just remember though, you only need about 1/4-1/3 capsule (or at least I only need that) so start with a small dose and work up to see how it effects you.

123trustedseller sell tons of this product and has a direct distributorship with the company, so you will get fresh product from them. If you have any doubts, just tell them you want to order type A.

I’ve got a friend who swears by Black ant. I finally bought a box with 4 pills for $8.75 at a gas station in philly. Haven’t tried it yet since my wifes period is on. Will report back when I try it!

I love my wifes booty. And want to stuff it with the biggest pipe I can grow!

Goal: 8x6

Last night I took one around 8:30 PM and did’nt feel any effects until around midnight. Did the deed hard but not rock hard to be fair I was pretty sleepy and tired anyway. I did pop back up ten minutes later but not super hard either. This morning had a hell of a morning wood. Will try another tonight to see if it needs to build up.

An observation of mine is that it doesn’t work as fast as some other pills such as cialis or viagra. Lately my favorite supplement is Grow Max+ Which I 1st tried about 6 months ago. With grow max after 30 minutes to an hour I’m hard and can go 3-4 times a night and can get hard as soon as I come. The only thing is that it makes me feel sick sometimes like headaches or a weird edgyness if thats a word. It works but I wonder how safe it is.

I get a 3 month supply of cialis (18 pills) and that simply is not enough for how often I have sex even though I normally take a half a pill only. The one thing I will say about black ant is that I don’t have a headache or any other issues.

Anyone else tried Grow max+?

I love my wifes booty. And want to stuff it with the biggest pipe I can grow!

Goal: 8x6

Are the recommended sellers still on eBay & amazon because I can’t seem to find them? I found another guy selling them but don’t want to get a weak batch, as some of you guys said that’s possible. I can’t find the Black Ants on Amazon, but can find both Stree Overload & Black Ants on eBay

Start Date: 8/24/09 9/24/09

BPEL = 6.5in.; 16cm / EG = 4.75in. / BPFL = 4.5in.; 11.25cm / FG = 3.75in. BPEL = 6.75in.; 16.9cm / EG = 5in. / BPFL = 4.75in.; 11.9cm / FG = 4in.

Alright lads,These black ant pills are complete rubbish don’t buy them I got two box’s of four about two weeks ago and I have to be honest they gave me a really sore head both times I took them.This is the first time that iv taken any kind of erection enhancement pill and it will probably be the last because I got hard but it wasn’t rock hard like you would expect so if I was you I would stay away from this crap.


It might not be the blend you need. Like Viagra works on me, but not as well as Cialis for example and some people are the opposite.

I heard that black ant may have actual Viagra in it.

For me black ant and stree worked fine

Originally Posted by reachin

Are the recommended sellers still on eBay & amazon because I can’t seem to find them? I found another guy selling them but don’t want to get a weak batch, as some of you guys said that’s possible. I can’t find the Black Ants on Amazon, but can find both Stree Overload & Black Ants on eBay

123trustedseller is one of the main sellers of Stree on ebay, still there. I don’t know about black ant, don’t look for it.


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