I had severe acne as a kid from 13 to around 17. 13-15 was the worst, my dad confided to me a few years later that he felt sorry for me some days having to go to school my face looked so bad. It left me with scarring which has disappeared over the years but to this day when I see an emo kid with bad skin I’ll smile as if to say “I know what your going through”.
Looking back it was just a ridiculously high amount of testoseterone (which I still have a high level to this day) and when it was at it’s worst I didn’t feel too self conscious, mainly in the latter stages when it started to die down.
I tried all kinds of lotions and potions, nothing worked. Then I got antibiotics (minocyclin and variants) which after around 8 weeks made a big difference. The problem was over the years I got so used to taking them I carried on until 2001. By this time they gave me one hell of an allergic reaction after all those years of accumualtion. (My body’s way of saying enough is enough).
I got severe panic attacks and depression, lasted for around 8 weeks. 8 weeks of hell thought I was going crazy. Of course I stopped taking them and all is well now but that little episode from those antibiotics makes this period of PE injury seem easy, it was that bad.