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Can we talk about acne here?

Anybody tried those tv products like proactive and murad?

Long Term Goal

The perfect 8x6 cock aka the pussy destroyer (one day).

Originally Posted by NonStock2001
I’m 26 now and my skin just cleared up about a year ago. I also believe diet is very important. I could control my acne with one food alone. Carrots. If I had something coming up where I wanted all my acne gone, I would eat a bag of baby carrots over a day or two. I would take a few days to notice the results, but never failed me. It must be the very high Vitamin A and the fiber. I can eat almost anything I want now (Fast Food maybe once a week). I just got into the habit of eating carrots almost everyday. There really good for you anyway. Give it a try. I was just about the only thing that worked for me.

Cool! I will try this!

Oh and too the other gentlemen. Those proactive products=overpriced garbage.

Seriously you could get the same components cheaper at your grocery store. Although those over the counter products tend to work better for women then men, hense there popularity. There is nothing miracle about them though. Honestly you could get the same results if you do the regime.

Take it from my advise. I took accutane for 6 months and it all went away. About three months later I get a zit here and there. I am now taking Vitamin A supplements with great success. I also wash my face with Purpose Gentle Cleanser. I have noticed ever since I stopped using harsh cleansers everything has been great.

Oh yeah, the reason why carrots work is because of the high amount of vitamin A. Similarly Accutane is pretty much just a high dose of vitamin A.

Can’t beat benzoyl peroxide for common acne. If you have the severe cystic or nodular type on your back or chest, though, you may require Accutane to clear it up. Do this only as a last resort, as Accutane has a shitload of nasty potential side effects.

Carrots are an extremely good suggestion. I’m not sure why more dermatologists don’t recommend introducing carrots into ones diet. Carrots are a good source of provitamin A (alpha, beta, and gamma carotenes). Vitamin A (retinol) regulates the activity of your sebaceous glands. Benzoyl Peroxide is often a good way to clear acne, but it is probably ineffective just as often. BP is good if the root cause of your acne is the clogging of your sebaceous glands by bacteria and other impurities. For some people, acne is simply the result of overactive sebaceous glands, and no amount of topical astringent will fix this. Eating more carrots and using some sort of topical solution containing vitamin A on the areas most prone to breakouts will likely greatly improve the condition of your skin. I’m with PG as far as Accutane goes. I’m fairly sure that most dermatologists won’t even prescribe it unless the case is pretty bad.

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Last edited by soon2b9 : 08-16-2006 at .

Soon2b9 sent me a helpful PM pointing out that the provitamins in carrots don’t carry the toxicity risk of preformed vitamin A (I learn something new here every day!). Good info from Wikipedia:

Too much vitamin A can be harmful or fatal, resulting in what is known as hypervitaminosis A. The body converts the dimerized form, carotene, into vitamin A as it is needed, therefore high levels of carotene are not toxic compared to the ester (animal) forms. The livers of certain animals, especially those adapted to polar environments, often contain amounts of vitamin A that would be toxic to humans. Thus, vitamin A toxicity is typically reported in arctic explorers and people taking large doses of synthetic vitamin A. The first documented death due to vitamin A poisoning was Xavier Mertz, a Swiss scientist who died in January 1913 on an Antarctic expedition that had lost its food supplies and fell to eating its sled dogs. Mertz consumed lethal amounts of vitamin A by eating the dogs’ livers. Just 0.3 grams of the liver of the polar bear contains the upper intake level.[2] If eaten in one meal, 30 to 90 grams is enough to kill a human being, or to make even sled dogs very ill.

Excess vitamin A has also been suspected to be a contributor to osteoporosis. This seems to happen at much lower doses than those required to induce acute intoxication. Only preformed vitamin A can cause these problems, because the conversion of carotenoids into vitamin A is downregulated when physiological requirements are met. An excessive uptake of carotenoids can, however, cause carotenosis.

The carotenoid beta carotene was interestingly associated with an increase in lung cancer when it was studied in a lung cancer prevention trial in male smokers. In non-smokers, the opposite effect has been noted.

Thanks Soon for the correction!

Originally Posted by soon2b9
Carrots are an extremely good suggestion. I’m not sure why more dermatologists don’t recommend introducing carrots into ones diet. Carrots are a good source of provitamin A (alpha, beta, and gamma carotenes). Vitamin A (retinol) regulates the activity of your sebaceous glands. Benzoyl Peroxide is often a good way to clear acne, but it is probably ineffective just as often. BP is good if the root cause of your acne is the clogging of your sebaceous glands by bacteria and other impurities. For some people, acne is simply the result of overactive sebaceous glands, and no amount of topical astringent will fix this. Eating more carrots and using some sort of topical solution containing vitamin A on the areas most prone to breakouts will likely greatly improve the condition of your skin. I’m with PG as far as Accutane goes. I’m fairly sure that most dermatologists won’t even prescribe it unless the case is pretty bad.

I just wish you didnt have to get all the sugar that comes with carrots, not good for your brain as these veggies tend to build you up with a ton of energy and then let you crash almost immidiately. They contain simple carbs. You want the complex carbs.

I have been to dermatologists many times in my life. They have prescribed almost everything for my acne. The only thing that works is accutane. All the other drugs do absolutely nothing for me.

You basically take Accutane in 3-4 month sessions. By the third month your skin will be completely clear. Flawless is a better way to put it. If your acne returns it will be far less severe.

I only get acne on my back these days. I just started my third session and I think this will be the end for my acne. I doubt I’ll have to worry about it again.

for the question about dandruff, i personally just took a shower with a cooler temperature and not on boiling hot water. that seemed to get rid of my dandruff but i occasionally have some acne. :(

I’ve always had some trouble with pimples as well as some pimples or ingrown hairs on my face where I shave, and I have a slowly worsening skin condition that makes my whole body prone to get some ingrown hairs. And everything has been much better since I have consistently washed all over with a cleansing/exfoliating scrub, and a scrubbing pad.

Starting, summer '06: 6" EL, 6.5" BPEL, 5.5" EG / Currently: Approximately .4" length and .25" girth gains / Stretched ligs .5" - .6", increasing PBFL and flacid hang

Goal: 7.25" BPEL x 5.75" EG, currently over HALF WAY THERE! on length and ACHIEVED GIRTH!

Piercings: 4 Gauge PA (currently not wearing), Two 4 Gauge upper frenums, other non-genital

I’m a geezer who still gets facial acne. About two months ago I stumbled onto a regimen that seems be working:

Dr. Bronner's Tea Tree Oil Soap : I took an 8 oz. bottle, added about another tablespoon of tea tree oil to it, and mixed it together. Every morning in the shower, I lather that up and leave it on my face for a few minutes until I’m all the way through the shampoo and shave routine. Then I wash my face with it again in the evening. I shampoo with it too every couple days. The idea is to kill off the topical bacteria. I find the Dr. Bronner’s is better than soap with benzoyl peroxide because the high oil content doesn’t dry out my skin.

(More about the tiny type on a Dr. Bronner’s label: http://www.stra … ics/a3_386.html )

Olive Leaf Extract : this stuff is purported to have anti-microbial benefits. I take one capsule in the morning and usually one in the late afternoon. I use this brand .

Grapefruit Seed Extract : again, for it’s alleged anti-microbial properties. I take one, or sometimes two tabs a day. I use this kind: I also put two or three drops of the liquid into wet palms and massage it into my face every other day or so.

I make sure to eat some cultured dairy, like yogurt, every day, because the Olive Leaf and Grapefruit Seed Extract might be killing off a lot of gut flora.

Acne is an inflammatory condition. Take some ibuprofen for a few days and see what happens… the acne disappears.

Fortunately there are safer, more natural ways to cut inflammation.

Omega 3 fish oils are a natural anti-inflammatory nutrient. Take a couple salmon oil caps per day and your acne will disappear. Omega 3 also works great for many other skin ailments and irritations. If your a weight trainer like me, you’re joints will also feel better. Injuries heal faster too.

Stop eating junk food and refined sugars. These are the major causes of inflammation.


Observe... learn from other people's mistakes.

Paula’s Choice is a zion for acne, and acne related skin problems. Used in conjunction with a low periodic doses of Roaccutane/Accutane I have managed to control my oil production and therefore my acne.


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