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Corticosteroid injection in the ligament

Originally Posted by ticktickticker

I have treated about 3000 patient with depot corticosteroid injections - I have not seen a single case of avascular necrosis.

When injected in the lig the cortisone can not easily escape from there, thus systemic side effects are very rare.

And - I will certainly be cautious. And report herein.

My cautions and ‘worst case scenario’ side effects are more to help others realise that this is not a good idea for a layman to try. I know you understand the dangers and have the experience to do this, but I wouldn’t be doing my ‘mod job’ if I didn’t point out potential pitfalls. I know you understand that I have to do that. :)

Originally Posted by ticktickticker
I am trying to weaken the collagen in the lig in order to facilitate the effect of hanging.

One of your specialties you mentioned is physiology, perhaps you can be a little more specific. The steroid is injected and then it…

04: NBP 5.5, EG 5. 08: NBP 7 EG 5.25. Current: NBP 6.5 EG 5.25

Originally Posted by ticktickticker
I have treated about 3000 patient with depot corticosteroid injections - I have not seen a single case of avascular necrosis.

When injected in the lig the cortisone can not easily escape from there, thus systemic side effects are very rare.

And - I will certainly be cautious. And report herein.

What exactly is the nature of your practice? Why would a radiologist / nuclear medicine specialist be injecting patients with corticosteroids?

04: NBP 5.5, EG 5. 08: NBP 7 EG 5.25. Current: NBP 6.5 EG 5.25

Originally Posted by fourofakind
What exactly is the nature of your practice? Why would a radiologist / nuclear medicine specialist be injecting patients with corticosteroids?

We use the cat scan to guide the needle to the point where the pain originates, often in the region of the sciatic nerve.

Radiologists do that because only radiologists have cat scans.

Later - ttt

Firegoat - you are doing a great job and you know that I always appreciate your input.

Later - ttt

Originally Posted by fourofakind
One of your specialties you mentioned is physiology, perhaps you can be a little more specific. The steroid is injected and then it..

Studies in animals have shown that the cortisone weakens the collagen fibers and thereby decreases their tensile strength to the point that they may fail (= partial or complete rupture) of a tendon (studies were not performed in ligs as far as I know, but one can infer what may happen in ligs from these studies.

I hope this is specific enough :) .

Later - ttt

Originally Posted by ticktickticker
Studies in animals have shown that the cortisone weakens the collagen fibers and thereby decreases their tensile strength to the point that they may fail (= partial or complete rupture) of a tendon (studies were not performed in ligs as far as I know, but one can infer what may happen in ligs from these studies.

I hope this is specific enough :) .

Do you have any idea what the mechanism of action is?

04: NBP 5.5, EG 5. 08: NBP 7 EG 5.25. Current: NBP 6.5 EG 5.25

fourofakind, if you are really interested in this, Googling ‘Corticosteroids’ or ‘depot corticosteroids’ will give you more information than you could expect ttt to provide for you. His precis of the actions of cortisone above are concise and accurate.

Originally Posted by ticktickticker
I was quoting Bobby McFerrin, don’t know the other guy..

The other guy is who McFerrin was quoting.

He was a spiritual guru to the West in the late fifties early sixties, post Paramahansa Yogananda and pre Maharishi Mahesh Yogi. My uncle had little signs all around his house with Maher Baba smiling above his (now) famous caption. Twenty years later Bobby McFerrin made a song, and he and Mr. Happy made a video…


I’m glad that you and firegoat are defining the risks and procedures so specifically. On a personal note, I also think that risk of permanent damage is great and therefore urge you to proceed with caution. I’m sure you will, but I’m just saying. I’d hate to see you fuck yourself up.

There’s better living through chemistry and then there’s better living through chemistry…so to speak.

I’m sure many of us are interested in your findings, but I think we can’t stress the “kids, please don't try this at home” aspect enough.

Keep us posted.

Before: I'd like to show you something I'm very proud of, but you'll have to move real close.

After: I\'d like to show you something I\'m very proud of, but you guys in the front row will have to stand back.

God gave men both a penis and a brain, but unfortunately not enough blood supply to run both at the same time. - Robin Williams (:

Last edited by Mr. Happy : 06-04-2007 at .

I agree with the “don’t try this at home” warning, though I really doubt anyone else at this point is seriously considering injecting themselves.

I don’t know much about corticosteroids. Years ago I was offered, but refused, injections in my painful shoulder. The doc seemed a bit too eager to go that route, and I had been previously informed that such treatment should be considered only as a last resort because of possible long-lasting detrimental consequences.

While TTT’s experiment certainly isn’t for the uninformed, he seems to be the ideal test subject. He understands the risks and possible benefits and is willing to accept the situation. He is capable of injecting himself properly, and he seems willing to record what happens along the way.

Thanks for the input guys, mods’ interest is certainly appreciated, the warnings can not be repeated enough but as stated before - I think that the risk of others trying this is minimal.

Btw - cortisone in joints, tendons and ligs (other than my dick’s) I would certainly refuse, and this not because of systemic side effects but in the case of joints: infection! And in the case of ligs and tendons: rupture!.

Again, the worst that could happen in the case of intralig injection would be rupture - not my aim but nothing else than the endpoint of penis surgery.

The disaster would be local infection - and this is the point: cortisone weakens the overall and local defense mechanisms and thereby favours infection. Therefore, I am shaving before disinfecting, and disinfection is to be performed just like prior to surgery. It is extremely importand to avoid injecting through possibly infected skin lesions and it is suggested to use a single injection point through the skin and then distribute the cortisone at different locations within the lig without completely withdrawing the syringe.

I am telling you that not in order to give a recipe of ‘how to’ but to make it clear that I am very careful.

Mr.Happy - thanks for the spiritual input and - be, and stay happy.

Later - ttt

Originally Posted by ticktickticker
http://www.cari … vscortisone.asp

http://www.natu … s/197385b0.html

There are really tons of articles, personally I am not very interested in the precise biochemical processes involved :) .

Well thank you for the links. What I was really hoping for was your perspective / analysis as a physiologist about what is happening in the tissue and thus how it relates to your goal of PE. Not purely for a theoretical exercise. As far as I know, such an analysis does not exist online. I guess I am puzzled by your lack of interest as a physiologist in harms way. Nevertheless, life is full of mysteries.

04: NBP 5.5, EG 5. 08: NBP 7 EG 5.25. Current: NBP 6.5 EG 5.25

Originally Posted by ticktickticker
Thanks for the input guys, mods’ interest is certainly appreciated, the warnings can not be repeated enough but as stated before - I think that the risk of others trying this is minimal.

Perhaps this is an Deutch to English thing.

What I hope you mean is I think the risk that others will try this is minimal.

I certainly hope so.

Originally Posted by fourofakind
Nevertheless, life is full of mysteries.


Too true.

Before: I'd like to show you something I'm very proud of, but you'll have to move real close.

After: I\'d like to show you something I\'m very proud of, but you guys in the front row will have to stand back.

God gave men both a penis and a brain, but unfortunately not enough blood supply to run both at the same time. - Robin Williams (:

Originally Posted by Mr. Happy

Perhaps this is an Deutch to English thing.

What I hope you mean is I think the risk that others will try this is minimal.

I was going to change it to “I think that the likelihood of others trying this is minimal”; then I decided that anyone following this thread would have more than likely worked out what ttt meant.


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