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Dangers of Generic Sexual Supplements

Dangers of Generic Sexual Supplements

Hi all,

I just watched a documentary on TV regarding counterfeit goods worldwide, and one of the things that it covered was counterfeit medications, including generic Viagra sold online. Now I have used these generic versions before, and in fact I have a stack of Sildenafil Citrate that I purchased online from AllDayChemist. I don’t use them all the time, but every now and then, I use half a pill just for fun.

In a segment of the documentary, they compared the real Viagra with the generic one, and it all looked exactly the same, but are actually different from the inside. Pfizer is in fact the only real drug company with the rights and license to sell the drug as they have actually tested the composites of the drugs and its use.

I had never even bothered to think about this before, but counterfeit medications in a lot of countries are a major problem, leading people to various other health problems like failing kidneys, etc.

Many of us here online seem to blindly trust these so called “leisure” supplements because it seems in the short run there are no real consequences. Are we really doing this at a risk of our own future health well-being? And thinking about it, wasn’t Viagra originally being tested as a heart drug? That’s some pretty dangerous stuff there already.

Sorry to bring this up and stir up doubt, but the documentary had me quite disturbed and I wanted to bring this up here on this forum, as this is where it all got started for me.

Definitely getting bigger.

Unless there’s scientific data on this published in peer-reviewed journals, doesn’t seem like something to be too worried about. Assuming you’re buying from the right place, the drugs you get are often commercial drugs intended for foreign markets (such as India) rather than counterfeit drugs made to dupe westerners.

Things to bear in mind with generics:
- Companies who develop drugs want you to buy their brand, they’ll tell you whatever they need to in order to scare you into it
- Branding/Marketing/High Prices increases the placebo response to a drug. Branded drugs often outperform generics in clinical tests when they’re the same exact substance but packaged differently.

Start (Initially August 2008, Properly November/December 2008): 6.9x4.9

Currently (September 2010): 8.5x5.75 (6.25 inch head girth)

I really don’t care who’s licensed to do what. There are chemicals like LSD that we all know are banned across the globe, but the simple truth is that it won’t do anything to harm you… Marijuana is an example of something that’s prohibited with very little justification. There are powerful institutions that have agendas that may or may not be in your personal best interest. The main point is that you need to do your research before you fool around with anything, be it a chemical or a tool or a woman.


Originally Posted by matutinal_euphony
I really don’t care who’s licensed to do what. There are chemicals like LSD that we all know are banned across the globe, but the simple truth is that it won’t do anything to harm you… Marijuana is an example of something that’s prohibited with very little justification. There are powerful institutions that have agendas that may or may not be in your personal best interest. The main point is that you need to do your research before you fool around with anything, be it a chemical or a tool or a woman.

Wont do anything to harm you immediatly. How long has it been around? No matter what brand I take, including viagra, I get nasty side effects like aching bones and fever like symptoms a day after or so.

Drugs are chemical based. They only work on the chemistry within us. We are also energy. I think viagra effects the energy of one in a bad manner. But that’s just me. I look at drugs like a balance. If you take something to do 1 thing, some other area will suffer. I’ve been having great luck with ginger and ginkgo. It’s no viagra, you don’t get those “high school” boners but it does work.

Since you are my property, the contents of your mind are also my property, and you will give them to me when I ask.

Yes, listen to the media, everyone panic. No don’t gather your own research, and most of all don’t form your own educated opinions.

Generics are the only supplements I can get… so I will take the risk.


Actually everything is counterfeited quite easily. It has been claimed that at least 5% of "world trade" is in counterfeit items.

http://en.wikip … eit_medications

“You see, I don’t want to do good things, I want to do great things.” ~Alexander Joseph Luthor

I know Lewd Ferrigno personally.

Counterfeit and generic drugs have nothing to do with each other. Generics by definition must have the same active ingredients as the original drug. That does not hold for counterfeit drugs.

No, they have everything to do with each other. The indisputable fact is you are putting your faith and reliance into a pill; be it real, a knock-off, or an outright fraud. Perhaps you might also yield dividends in exercising, not smoking, drinking responsibly, etc… as well? Fuck no! This is the Western world. Besides that is too fucking inconvenient.

If you want a deal, they are always out there. Just take your time and do some research. Look for people with a good rep peddling you whatever substance. You’ll do a respectable attempt doing so.

“You see, I don’t want to do good things, I want to do great things.” ~Alexander Joseph Luthor

I know Lewd Ferrigno personally.

An outright fraud is not a generic, it is simply a fraud. A generic is the original drug in a different package.

A few underground labs have been known to be distributing products that are highly contaminated with deadly substances, maybe even some do this intentionally if they don’t like the country their selling to? Research research research.

<If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are headed>

Knowing is half the battle {obscure}

Hey Quincy,

Are you breaking down and intercepting each shipment for purity testing? If so, can I see your ISO 9000 certifications? If not you shouldn’t make such sweeping pontifications on everything. Anything almost can be counterfeited. I am not hysterically arguing whether a brand name or a generic is better at all. I have used both and are happy that I have that choice.

I have ordered brand name meds for a fraction of the price they cared to try and fuck me for here in America. I also ordered generics without a script from overseas to avoid having a medical perscriber write one for me. The thyroid drug was cheap and looked like cat vitamins. Could they have been real? Possibly. I also could have been dead from them if they were fake. I just cared enough to relate my tale of be a bit more selective in where you purchase from, instead of a back alley in Thailand with a guy making a drug in his bath tub. $22 thrown away is not that bad.

You can purchase almost whatever you want over the net. Be it a real substance or drug or a generic. We both agree? Correct? However the net also allows for shysters to abound. So my point is double check whom you are buying shit off of. If they are reputable you should have fewer problems. That’s all.

“You see, I don’t want to do good things, I want to do great things.” ~Alexander Joseph Luthor

I know Lewd Ferrigno personally.

Of course, I agree that you should always be properly informed before buying any product, especially in the case of medical drugs, and especially when buying them over the net. Obviously, you can be tricked into buying a fraudulent “brand name” just as you can be tricked into buying a fraudulent “generic”.

See, we are all cool.

When I go looking for something, usually cause my piece of shit insurance denied me, I use pharmacy checker whom has a rating for selling pharms peddling whatever….

Drug Price Comparisons & Online Pharmacy Safety |

“You see, I don’t want to do good things, I want to do great things.” ~Alexander Joseph Luthor

I know Lewd Ferrigno personally.

Labels and country of origin!

#1 Just because the label say India or Thailand doesn’t mean they originate there! Bulk pills are sold into the generic market and packaged for local markets.
i.e. Romanian pill are sold in huge lots to other pharm houses in developing world to be packaged under their label. The same plant may be under license to produce some product for name brand producers; but seldom the same product they sell overseas.
I have bought antibiotics in Asia that pill marking indicated were produced in eastern Europe. Internet cafes are everywhere these days, if you are overseas purchasing take a few minutes to go down the street and do a Google search. If you are ordering online, order the smallest quantity and research it, I use to ask for a sample tacked onto other orders to verify the product, many were only to happy to comply.

#2 Hey Twat! Thai Uncle Po’s bathtub “men health” formula is the bomb. D-3, Methyl-test(5mg),proprietary blend of B’s for hangovers don’t you know, with some antioxidants(unknown) and a tad of tad to keep the ticker pumping. Oh yeah probably a few other things he couldn’t get translated for the labels. Only problem is every time my vacation arrives he has changed distributors, Brand name, Packaging and likes to take long vacations so sometimes all I here is “No Make Nomore”. I look pathetic pulling out my last remaining pills asking the cute little pharmacist “you have” like a befuddled prince charming(if he was sunburned,overweight, hungover,etc,etc)
And one back alley lab I visited which was actually a going legitimate concern, resembled a good university lab, but looked rough from the outside.They made high strength(concentration) beauty products.

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