Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.



Originally Posted by psychojitsu
Fina and dmso for spot work? Seems an odd combo but what do I know.

No, my use of DMSO is completely different from that which they speak of here. My point was in reference to DMSO’s qualities in regard to transdermal absorption and it’s associated dangers. Knowledge is power. When you play with something as potentially dangerous as applying solvents to your Johnson, you should spend alot of time educating yourself to the dangers of such an option.

I have been a vet on a certain muscular development board (anabolic/androgenic steroid use mainly) for a very long time. I have seen alot of guys who just don’t take the time to educate themselves and do the research before jumping in feet first. You have one body, one shot, and if you damage your dick because you read on the internet somewhere that injecting synthol in your tunica will make your dick bigger then guess what, you’re on your own!

For the most part people are intelligent and will weigh the pro’s and cons. But, there are still those out there every day that believe everything that they they read, whether they know the author or not, and will do anything if they think it will work without ever researching it first. Desperation can lead to desperate times.

I just want everyone to be safe. A big cock is no good if it is damaged and no longer works!

Starting stats NBPEL 6" x EG 4.125" --> Mar 2008 NBPEL 7" x EG 5.25" Current Stats 6" NBPEL x 6" EG (Post 1st Round PMMA)

My noose style extender modification

My jelq routine

Last edited by 9_in_richard : 12-19-2008 at .

By spot work I was talking about targeting a specific muscle like delts, pecs, etc.

November 23, 2004 6 3/4" BPEL EG 5 1/4" Feb 17, 2011 BPEL 8" BPEL EG 6 1/8th"

It doesn’t work that way. It’s not like site specific I’M injection such as suspension (water based) test injections, generally site specific ie, biceps, calves,etc.

Starting stats NBPEL 6" x EG 4.125" --> Mar 2008 NBPEL 7" x EG 5.25" Current Stats 6" NBPEL x 6" EG (Post 1st Round PMMA)

My noose style extender modification

My jelq routine

So Richard, are you absorbing anything into your cock with DMSO this year?

I don’t nor would I ever consider DMSO on my cock.

Starting stats NBPEL 6" x EG 4.125" --> Mar 2008 NBPEL 7" x EG 5.25" Current Stats 6" NBPEL x 6" EG (Post 1st Round PMMA)

My noose style extender modification

My jelq routine

I’d be VERY careful with DMSO,

We (as in chemistry students) rarely use it because it’s pretty reactive (screws up your synthesis)

Also it isn’t the most friendly chemical I’d either make it a low percentage mixture or stay away from it

I have used DMSO for years and believe it to be an integral part of my PE. I use a 70% solution (70% DMSO, 30% water). I believe it contributes positively to PE in a number of ways. Here are the main ones:

1) It works as a mild topical analgesic. It blocks pain and I find allows me to achieve breakthroughs in PE. It doesn’t totally block pain, so you still maintain awareness of going “too” far, but taking that edge off allows work in the range where results can be achieved.

2) It softens collagen. When it comes down to it, we are all trying to remodel collagen. Anything that can serve to soften it will help, especially in tunica work in my experience.

3) DMSO also reduces inflammation. It is an antioxidant - a scavenger of the free radicals that gather at the site of injury. We create minor damage in PE and that needs to heal - the sooner the better in my experience.

Yes, it requires some caution in use, but I believe the benefits far outweigh.

Where do you buy DMSO ? I used to see it around here in the States but it has been awhile. Would I be able to find it at Tractor Supply?

I found some 70% DMSO cream recently on eBay, 4 oz jar for around $18 with shipping.

Originally Posted by Lampwick

Not much different to report. Discoloration may have decreased a bit more. I just re-measured my BPFSL, and that does not seem to have changed. Then again, I have not been applying DMSO with any regularity.

And in the unrelated benefits area, it definitely seems to be a good thing to apply topically to tender finger joints and creaky knees. A short period of application seems to have produced long lasting improvement there.


DMSO doesn’t transport absolutely anything it is mixed with. There are size limits. I’m thinking that the IGF molecule might be a little large for transport by DMSO. That’s just a guess, though.

"Nonionized molecules of low molecular wight are transported through the skin with DMSO. Substance of high molecular weight such as insulin do not pass through the skin to any significant extent."

Source: http://www.dmso .org/articles/i … n/herschler.htm

Well apparently DMSO doesn’t like to transport large molecules like insulin which has a molecular mass at almost 6000daltons. The article you linked says 90% DMSO transports morphine sulphate happily which has a molecualr mass of ~600.

IGF1 and PGE1’s molecular weight are both around 350, so DMSO might actually be a good way of getting them into the penis without injections. I’m actually interested in giving it a try, but alprostadil (PGE-1) is very expensive

You can buy it in a cream though…

Originally Posted by 9_in_richard
Knowledge is power. When you play with something as potentially dangerous as applying solvents to your Johnson, you should spend alot of time educating yourself to the dangers of such an option.

Yes, i intially wasvery interested in the prospect of DMSO, but after just a short few hours reading about it’s toxic nature, and neurological dangers, i will try to find a different transdermal carrier. DMSO seems to have alot of downsides.

Current size: BPEL: 7.9" EG: 6.75"

Realistic goal: BPEL: 9.25" EG: 7.5"

Unrealistic surgical goal: 12" x 8.5" :)

Originally Posted by Tweaking
Well apparently DMSO doesn’t like to transport large molecules like insulin which has a molecular mass at almost 6000daltons. The article you linked says 90% DMSO transports morphine sulphate happily which has a molecualr mass of ~600.

IGF1 and PGE1's molecular weight are both around 350, so DMSO might actually be a good way of getting them into the penis without injections. I’m actually interested in giving it a try, but alprostadil (PGE-1) is very expensive

You can buy it in a cream though…

Even though the downsides of DMSo may outweigh the unknown, and possibly harmless systemic effects of PDE5/PDE1 inhibitors of liver/etc., I am still very interested in the efficiency of the application/absorption o DMSO delivered Tadalafil. Tadalafil has a molecular weight of 389.41, so it’s a likely go with 90% DMSO.

I would be very interested to see if any of the users who saw any gains with the injection of IGF & PGE-1 see similar or greater results thru this transdermal application method for those 2, as I have a very high dislike and aversion to needles since a child. I still insist on finger pricks when blood is needed for common tests. LOL

Eager to learn more about DMSo, and how it’s dangers decrease with varying percentages of purity within a mixture, as well as other common transdermal agents.

Current size: BPEL: 7.9" EG: 6.75"

Realistic goal: BPEL: 9.25" EG: 7.5"

Unrealistic surgical goal: 12" x 8.5" :)

DMSO does not irritate all areas of my body I have applied it to for pain. On some areas I will get the burning red rash for about 20 minutes after applying. Other areas I feel nothing but the pain relief I am seeking when used. It has been a bodybuilders friend for decades!

One can buy it at almost any health food store/supplement store. I prefer to use a gel. It’s under 10 bucks and even a small container lasts me over a year. Please read up on it before you go smearing it on your body. It is not with out risks. You read. You decide if your willing to take the risk!

Originally Posted by danwilke
I have used DMSO for years and believe it to be an integral part of my PE. I use a 70% solution (70% DMSO, 30% water). I believe it contributes positively to PE in a number of ways. Here are the main ones:

1) It works as a mild topical analgesic. It blocks pain and I find allows me to achieve breakthroughs in PE. It doesn’t totally block pain, so you still maintain awareness of going “too” far, but taking that edge off allows work in the range where results can be achieved.

2) It softens collagen. When it comes down to it, we are all trying to remodel collagen. Anything that can serve to soften it will help, especially in tunica work in my experience.

3) DMSO also reduces inflammation. It is an antioxidant - a scavenger of the free radicals that gather at the site of injury. We create minor damage in PE and that needs to heal - the sooner the better in my experience.

Yes, it requires some caution in use, but I believe the benefits far outweigh.

I second this. I use 99.995% aswell typically in small amounts and also mixed with other oils or magnesium gel, for over 4 years now.


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