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Does ephedra prevent penis growth?

Does ephedra prevent penis growth?

I ordered some 833mg ephedra caps the other day, to boost my studying sessions and body workouts. I studying got effective and I nowadays get an INCREDIBLE pump at the gym, but my penis seem to hate the herb. I penis turtle like never before, and it’s very hard to get an erection.. Even when I’m horny as hell.

Does Ephedrine cause the same kind of permanent penis shrinkage as amphetamines? I only had 3 days of experience with this herb, and francly I’m a little concerned.

Is this supposed to happen? Will I loose my dick, and is it anyway to prevent this? I’ve noticed that ephedra sometimes is a component in natural anti-ED-medicines..

Start: 17 cm (6.70") - Now : 19,2 cm (7.56") - Goal : 21 cm (8.27")

It gives me cold pool dick and it makes it hard to PE. I used to use it when stacker two had it. I doubt it does any permanent shrinkage but I can’t imagine PEing while on it. I also get weak workouts plenty of energy but no strength.

I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

Wow, that is one extreme typo. It’s me that should be sorry.

Dino9X7, bummer you had the same experience… I’ll limit the use of ephedra to rough and fatiguing nights out. High doses of caffeine seem to give almost the same effect. Besides caffeine makes me shaky like rattlesnake that is. :)

Start: 17 cm (6.70") - Now : 19,2 cm (7.56") - Goal : 21 cm (8.27")

Tried it many years ago and holy s..t my tiny thing became even smaller, guess if I stopped taking them.

In my experience it definitely affects PE growth in a negative way, because it’s harder to get an erection and to stay hard for a long period of time. Another side effect that I had was that it was harder to urinate and problems with my prostate.

I lost ½”EL due to ephedra, (and had my best abs ever!) but gained it back in a couple of days of manual stretching after I stopped taking it.


No, ephedrine is a thermogenic, it does not affect penis length or girth.

My fourth-grade daughter uses words like 'penis' and 'vagina' without the slightest embarrassment, having learned them at school. This can be a problem at times. Frankly, I wish the school would exercise a little more discretion

Man ephedra is horrible.

When I used that I had the lowest self esteem in my lifetime and my dick had a lot to do with it.

At the time I used ephedra I couldn’t even jerk off with one hand, I could only jerk with a few fingers with a bad erection.

Thank God for Pe that now the tip of my dick come’s above my upper hand when I hold it with two hands.

Don’t use it.

Not ever.


I, can, I can, I can not, can not compute..

I don’t get it how somebody can study while being on ephedra, when I take ephedra I’m so boosted that I can’t focuse and concentrate on my work.

Girth gains for better sex, length gains for a worthless ego boost.


Gives me very bad shrinkage.

Ephedra + post cardio + cold locker room = serious baby dick syndrome.

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