I’m really trying hard to not sound like I’m plugging this stuff, but I’ll say it agian - “Bromelain” - there I said it. I started clamping last week to a level where I’m not really ready for if I’m honest. I got a 1/2” purple circle on the top of my shaft. 2 days later there is not even the slightest remnant that it was ever there. It’s just pineapple extract, dirt cheap and works like a super drug.
Talking of discolouration, I was out for a beer friday night and a buddy walks into the toilet while I’m taking a leak. He looks across at my unit quite unselfconsciously and says “I’m amazed you haven’t got a girl with a dick like that. You can tell it never gets used, look at this!” He’s naturally hung (around 8” I’d guess, though I’ve never seen it erect), He had loads of purple marks all over it. I was self conscious because mine was a very dark red colour after the clamping that day, but in his eyes that was a very uniform natural colour. Strange since the last time we had a conversation like this was about 15 years ago when he commented on a permanent mark on the top of my dick that was from some really excessive adolescent masturbation that he questioned me about. Funny how perspectives change.