Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Encouraging/Frightening DMSO experience


I’m really trying hard to not sound like I’m plugging this stuff, but I’ll say it agian - “Bromelain” - there I said it. I started clamping last week to a level where I’m not really ready for if I’m honest. I got a 1/2” purple circle on the top of my shaft. 2 days later there is not even the slightest remnant that it was ever there. It’s just pineapple extract, dirt cheap and works like a super drug.

Talking of discolouration, I was out for a beer friday night and a buddy walks into the toilet while I’m taking a leak. He looks across at my unit quite unselfconsciously and says “I’m amazed you haven’t got a girl with a dick like that. You can tell it never gets used, look at this!” He’s naturally hung (around 8” I’d guess, though I’ve never seen it erect), He had loads of purple marks all over it. I was self conscious because mine was a very dark red colour after the clamping that day, but in his eyes that was a very uniform natural colour. Strange since the last time we had a conversation like this was about 15 years ago when he commented on a permanent mark on the top of my dick that was from some really excessive adolescent masturbation that he questioned me about. Funny how perspectives change.

Originally Posted by Shiver
I’m really trying hard to not sound like I’m plugging this stuff, but I’ll say it agian - “Bromelain” - there I said it. I started clamping last week to a level where I’m not really ready for if I’m honest. I got a 1/2” purple circle on the top of my shaft. 2 days later there is not even the slightest remnant that it was ever there. It’s just pineapple extract, dirt cheap and works like a super drug.

Yes, I think it deserves a lot of discussion. Shiver’s results with it are impressive.

I should say though that it hasn’t done much for the permanent mark mentioned above. I’m wondering if DMSO might help with that. It’s great for fresh damage and preventing edema however.

Originally Posted by Shiver
I should say though that it hasn’t done much for the permanent mark mentioned above. I’m wondering if DMSO might help with that. It’s great for fresh damage and preventing edema however.

Maybe with a little vit e.


I’m gonna have to give that a try!

In the mean time I am healing nicely! Have already been doing easy jelques and pumping with a max of 5 in hg. I figure I want a certain amount of mild stress applied while it heals. That will make sure the scar tissue is laid down in a pattern that will improve the ability to withstand pressures, rather than random patterns.

Like I mentioned, never underestimate the healing power of saliva lovingly applied with the tongue! Heh, heh!


Originally Posted by sparkyx
Like I mentioned, never underestimate the healing power of saliva lovingly applied with the tongue! Heh, heh!


I agree with 100%. It is easily the most under rated healing technique ever devised.
I have a healing session booked for tonight actually (:


Yeah! What makes it so great is that even if you aren’t getting better, you care a hell of a lot less!


Greetings PE’rs,

Sparkyx asked me to post my experiences with DMSO.

Over the past 3-4 years I have used DMSO in combination with other agents (or by itself) to treat the following:

1) A skin lesion that wouldn’t heal up - used DMSO together with vitamin c - healed within a week of application with no scar.

2) Nail fungus - used DMSO together with Tea Tree Oil. The powerful penetrating capability of DMSO carries the Tea Tree Oil deep into the nail bed to kill the fungus.

3) Foot pain and swelling from pulled tendon/tendonitis - used DMSO direct massaged into the inflamed tissues - relief within minutes of application.

4) PE - I use DMSO to ease deep tissue soreness and skin irritation brought on by various PE exercises.

Though some people have experienced minor skin irritation because of very sensitive skin, to date I have never experienced anything but really good results from the topical application of DMSO gel. However, this is not to suggest anyone else use it - that’s up to them.

All the Best,


I believe the DMSO gel MrTips uses is about 70% DMSO and 30% aloe vera.

Thanks you MrTips for that post!


Update, it fell off today!

Nahh, scared you though, ehh?

All healed up. I have continued to apply DMSO in various formulations, in smaller amounts. Now I use about 6-10 drops at a time. I don’t use it right before any PE.

During my healing I used light pumping and jelque to make sure the scar tissue was laid down in an effective manor.

When I use DMSO in combination with b-complex and coral calcium, a drop or two on an skin injury really seems to accelerate healing.

I plan on getting ALA myself and experimenting with it. I don’t have much discoloration, but a little bronzing. I really don’t want to wait until it is advanced, nip this problem in the bud if I can.

Well, thats all for now, Ill keep you updated.


Now that was some digging!

I’m curious to know if you or someone else has given this a fair try? Dmso+cator oil to treat lymphocele? How safe is it to use both of them together? The main goal should be to avoid it, but when it doesn’t go away within a reasonable time frame, I wonder if it could help .


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