Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Gain .5 inch/month with no excersizes

Very interesting.

I noticed in the thread that Saw Palmetto was reccomended to protect against hair loss/prostate enlargement.

But will it also neutralize the (potential) effects of 4AD on the penis?

Keep doin' what your doin' ...

And you'll keep getting what ya got.

Go with the $40 one. Its worth it, the delivery system is superior. Yes, I come from the love-scent boards and there are lots of smart people there.

I am nostadomus. But tell nobody. Have a great drive.

Mr jones and me..... Gonna be big stars

You should keep us updated on your progress every week.

Yes Northstar, there is some controversy over 5AR inhibitors. I beleive you shouldnt use them, and instead watch your body. To pelearner, yes i update about once a week, or whenever i see gains. Weve got 2 guys back at love-scent, who should post their first weeks results soon.

Mr jones and me..... Gonna be big stars

Whats the love-scents web address to the forum?


Its a pheromone forum:



“penis improovment .. ” Pages 2-end relate to what im talking about[

Mr jones and me..... Gonna be big stars

Since you guys are frequent visitors do those pheromones work???


I actually have some androsol so i will begin using it tonight and report the progess back to the forum.

"Building a weapon of mass destruction" Started: 5.81" x 3.88" Now: 8.5" x 5.0" Goal: 9" x 6"

Well, I’m a little impulsive at times…but I was very impressed by the thread. I just ordered my batch from the link.

I will let you all know the results


(I have also started a regular pump/jelq/squeeze routine…so I should be huge soon :)

Keep doin' what your doin' ...

And you'll keep getting what ya got.

> Even if your body does slightly stop producing test, it will always start up again post cycle.<

Not always, and what happens in the interim if T does come back on line isn’t always pleasant. ;)

I think most of the issues raised here have been covered in past threads. I strongly encourage anyone thinking of experimenting with this stuff to do some research first.

Frankly, I’m very skeptical. T levels during puberty may or may not affect penis size. I doubt high levels result in a larger dick. GH probably has as much to do with dick growth during this growth phase, and genes are certainly at the helm. That said, this subject is beyond my knowledge. I can’t offer a substantiated rebuttal.

Testosterone supplementation shouldn’t produce penis growth. Why not? If it did, bodybuilders would have discovered “the PE secret” decades ago. Yet, we have guys here who use anabolic steroids and report similar gains as non-steroid users.

If rubbing T on your dick is the trick to growth, how is it different from systemic dosing with AS, pro-hormones, etc.? Please explain in detail.

I’m on the same lines with Hobby.


Just to make sure; how have you measured your unit?
You’ve been on for 2 weeks now and gained a little over 1/4 inches (6.35 mm). How about your erection level? Any improvement in hardness?

In my opinion, testosterone will not help your gains unless you’re suffering from decresed hormone levels AND they are the limiting factor for your size. Then it’s possible that you could have some kind of gains from increased T levels, even then, not mucj. Even more likely, you’re going to have harder erections. You think your “gains” could’ve caused by increased erection level, by any chance?

Why do you spread it into your dick? There is no local growth noticed even when bodybuilders inject huge loads in certain muscles, then why would cream be any different?
Btw, I happen to have part in BB circles quite a lot and this cream is concidered useless even by them.

"Be aware that there are several schools of thought here as well. Some seem to go with the hard and heavy approach. The sessions are brutal. You can hear them talking to their dick: You better grow mofo or I will punish you even harder tomorrow! Others seem to favor a more tender approach. Always listening to what their member is saying while massaging it gently and singing to it with a soft voice. If it is moody and not happy with new behavior, they always listen and are very understanding."

Pelearner: Yes, if you find the right dose and pheromone (there are 4), youll find that it can sometimes have powerful effects on people. A lot of time you just get dear in the head lights look, or chicks are more chatty. read about hits in out forum.

Ok hobby, you raise some good points.
“T levels during puberty may or may not affect penis size” Testosterone allows for the expression of the male phenotype. Penis size is ultimately affected. Topical androgen were used in the following study on a group of people w/ a certain disease that cause there penis to be very small. There growth is documented here.

Testosterone therapy in microphallic hypospadias: Topical or parenteral?, Journal of Pediatric Surgery, Volume 38, Issue 2, February 2003, Pages 221-223
G. Chalapathi, K. L. N. Rao, S. K. Chowdhary, K. L. Narasimhan, Ram Samujh and J. K. Mahajan

“If it did, bodybuilders would have discovered “the PE secret” decades ago” Great point. But, you should know that no body builder probably ever applied this stuff to his penis. It is scientific fact that different androgenic enzymes are in the penis, so once androgens diffuse through the skin, they either interact w/ enymes or undergo gene expression. The reason why direct application is supior is becuase we theorize the corpus caverosa becomes saturated, or retains these molecules. The dorsal arteries on the penis run blood through the penis, and all its little capilaries, before exiting via the dorsal vein. This could alow for an anomalous effect, different than application to chest, arms, ect. In short, it may skyrocket testosterone levels in the penis, whearas other application methods do not.

“Testosterone supplementation shouldn’t produce penis growth” The only reason why males have penis before puberty is because of low levels of T. At puberty, the levels rise, causing penis growth. In this study, a small ethnic group has an inherited disorder where they cant produce testosterone. Until puberty hits, the kids are considered a pseudohermaphrodite. There penis is microscopic. It illustraits what im trying to say.

Steroid 17-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase deficiency in man: An inherited form of male pseudohermaphroditism, The Journal of Steroid Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Volume 43, Issue 8, December 1992, Pages 989-1002

Again, the difference here is delivery. Taking 4AD orally obviously wont cause penile growth, even though it raises basal tesosterone levels. We theorize, directly getting more testosterone to the penis, induces the hyperplasia.

“In my opinion, testosterone will not help your gains unless you’re suffering from decresed hormone levels AND they are the limiting factor for your size. Then it’s possible that you could have some kind of gains from increased T levels, even then, not mucj. Even more likely, you’re going to have harder erections. You think your “gains” could’ve caused by increased erection level, by any chance?” Great point. I considered this. I used yohimbe to help control. It allows for max. blood flow. so before i started, i went on it and measured w/ base pressure. Then yesterday, i poped some yohimbe, got rock hard like before, and i saw the growth. I also measured the stretched flacid length. there was the same gain.

Mr jones and me..... Gonna be big stars

Last edited by Jones8315 : 07-11-2003 at .

“Why do you spread it into your dick? There is no local growth noticed even when bodybuilders inject huge loads in certain muscles, then why would cream be any different?
Btw, I happen to have part in BB circles quite a lot and this cream is concidered useless even by them.”

I read lots of bb stuff. From what i hear, transdermal delivery is popular. In fact, ergopharm’s 4AD spray was hugely popular. Plus androgel, which has a huge market, uses transdermal delivery. This stiff is far from useless. Who told you that, or where did you read it?

As far as the local growth thing goes; there are enzymes in the penis that exist nowhere else in the body. They interact with androgen in a different way that the ezymes in muscle cells do. Remeber, muscle growth and penis growth are very unalike. Just becuase 4AD wont cause local muscle growth, doesnt mean it wont have local effects on the penis.

Mr jones and me..... Gonna be big stars

REMEMBER PEOPLE. To maximize gains, Dont masturbate, Drink 1-2 gallons water per day, 2 applications per day and meditate about a larger penis. These are just hunches. Just take a leap of faith.

Mr jones and me..... Gonna be big stars

Originally posted by Jones8315
I read lots of bb stuff. From what i hear, transdermal delivery is popular. In fact, ergopharm's 4AD spray was hugely popular. Plus androgel, which has a huge market, uses transdermal delivery. This stiff is far from useless. Who told you that, or where did you read it?

Popular amongst who? Penis pills are very popular. Popularity doesn’t always guarantee that the product works. Was it popular among the general public which only knows everything about your product that is told in adds, or was it popular among people who really knew something these things? I think I already know the answer, since it’s really known very little about PE in general.

I’ve discussed about creams, hormones, training and a lot of other things with people who are very successful in BB and with people who have tried the aforementioned creams. All of them say that it doesn’t work. Mayby your pushing an another cream, mayby your cream does work and we all finally have the notarious “miracle pill”. Who knows.
All I’m saying is that everything that sounds too good to be true, usually are. Gains are to be found thru hard work, constancy and patience. Not by spreading cream on your dick and hoping the best.

But, as usual, if I’m proven otherwise, I will sincerely apologize and order some of the magic cream. ;)

Try to understand. We get people with intentions of only pushing some “ground breaking” products of their own about every week, that kind of things get you skeptic.

"Be aware that there are several schools of thought here as well. Some seem to go with the hard and heavy approach. The sessions are brutal. You can hear them talking to their dick: You better grow mofo or I will punish you even harder tomorrow! Others seem to favor a more tender approach. Always listening to what their member is saying while massaging it gently and singing to it with a soft voice. If it is moody and not happy with new behavior, they always listen and are very understanding."


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