Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Gain .5 inch/month with no excersizes

Drgmerlin wrote:

I wish i could have told you that i gained 3 or four inches from dosing my pecker, but in reality, i have gained about an inch in length and .5 inch in girth after a couple of years of mild PE. I’m not as devoted as some. I want to have some time to use my pecker on my girl.

Did you happen to notice who started that thread????? Someone named jones3936 and this guy is jones8315……….HMMMMMMMM

An earlier post mentioned a Dr. Reiker (sp?) that applied a compound to his penis and had great growth. I think he is known by Big Al and supposedly this is a true story.

Is this the same compound that gave this guy great penile growth? Anyone remember? Just thinking out loud trying to connect the two magic topical ointment stories.

hair loss

This all sounds interesting, but for someone like myself in thier 30’s, a key concern is hair loss. I’m already well into the receding hairline. So much so that I’m considering taking Propecia.

Can any users of this topical stuff expound on if any hair loss has occurred and how much?


Hypospadias means: An abnormal congenital opening of the male urethra upon the undersurface of the penis.

I knew that medical dictonary would come in handy some day.

sunny A day without sunshine is like a day without laughter :sun:

1. I am NOT selling this cream. I dont give a crap where you go to buy it

2. This is an experiment. I am one year from my bachelors in Chemistry. I designed this experiment based on several hypothesis. I did not state you penis would magically grow, I simply presented what I and others did. The expirement requests you dont masturbate. I promise DHT/TEST is NOT the only thing involved here. There are othere pathways at work, that we are not yet aware of.

3. Hobby: The study posted was aimed at prooving a prior statement false. Someone said, testosterone cant grow your penis. Im simply showing that it is likely the only thing that ever made your penis grow in the first place. So you must be incorect. Again, im not stating that this study prooves post-pubertal growth can occur

4. No offense, but you cannot ‘debunk’ this theory. The simple fact is that testosterone and testosterone precursers have been reported as growth factors by several independant sources. The mechanism by which this happends will probably never be understood-as the mechanism of action for most drugs is usally a mystery.

5. Yes some people dont respond. Others add it to there regimen, and swear by it.

6. Yes, im proud we are “LAB RATS”. It is what I am. No pain no gain. I recuited you guys becuase we need to see how reproducible results were. The goal here is to see if there is a non invasive medical way to gain a few inches.

7. Some people dont respond. Some do. If that guys tried it, and nothing happened, it wouldnt shock me. Some people see tons of growth. These two did excersizes in addition. There results are what id like to call, ‘independant verification’.

Results not typical. Shoesize went from 6 to 10, probably due to combination with PJ. Our aims are to study the efficacy of just the topical PH. But i know youll do want you want, just be sure to post what you did.

8. As for that other Jones, i think you guys are paranoid.

Mr jones and me..... Gonna be big stars

And yes, if your balding, 4AD will accelerate alopecia rate. If you do this, just watch your hairline closely, discontinue if you see something.

Mr jones and me..... Gonna be big stars

In case you were worried about down regulation of androgen receptors.

Androgens are not Major Down-regulators of Androgen Receptor Levels during Growth of the Immature Rat Penis, The Journal of Steroid Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Volume 57, Issues 5-6, March 1996, Pages 301-313
Jacob RajferShen Ruoqing, Lin Ming-Chung, Farshid Sadeghi, Néstor F. Gonzalez-Cadavid and Ronald S. Swerdloff

Mr jones and me..... Gonna be big stars

Hey Jonesey,

Instead of posting all these references by themselves, why not give us a link, or at least a quote from the study, instead of just the name. I mean I don’t happen to have a copy of Issues 5-6, Volume 57 of The Journal of Steroid Biochemistry and Molecular Biology laying around at the moment.

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Here are a few things for you to consider.

1) The delivery gel. While I love the Avant Labs products, they are specifically designed to delivery the active hormone (in your case 4AD…a fairly poor choice I would think with SO many other direct DHT precursors available…) systemically through the capillary system. The chemicals the make up the hormone carrier in 4aderm are NOT going to penetrate farther than the dermis layer of the skin before systemic uptake. Hence you might as well just rub the gel on your shoulder, traps, whatever, because you’re going to get the same effect.

If you don’t believe me than go read the article that the creator of the gel (Par Deus) has posted on his site that describes in detail each and every component of the gel and why it won’t deliver hormones past the systemic uptake. It wasn’t designed to.

2) To the guys that don’t think that gels work to transport prohormone or steroid into your system…you’re wrong. Period. They work and work damn well. These are very powerful actives and you need to have a very complete understanding of them prior to rubbing them on your dick.

3) Advising people that there aren’t many risks is foolish. Any time you introduce exogenous hormones into your system there is going to be SOME sort of effect. NO ONE can predict how any one individual will react. I think you’re being a little cavalier in your attitude in regard to this. Please understand that these are very powerful substances that should not be taken lightly.

4) Suppression of the HPTA axis can occur in as little as 10 days, not 6 weeks…During that time Estrogen will rise significant to compensate for the exogenous rise in testosterone and what do you think happens once you discontinue the hormone? Endogenous test if flat lined, Estrogen is through the roof and your balls will have a bitch of a time getting going again without some sort of help to reduce the overall Estrogen load. Hence you ‘crash’, and some of the side effects can be erectile disjunction, gyno (bitch tits), depression, lethargy, etc….

Seriously Bo, you’re giving some info here without really knowing what the hell you’re doing. I think you need to do a LOT more research and plan this out from beginning to end.

The simply fact that you haven’t mentioned any post-cycle meds, and some of the points addressed above show me that you haven’t done anywhere near enough home work yet.

Good luck, and let me know if you have any questions.

Originally posted by ThunderSS
Hey Jonesey,

Instead of posting all these references by themselves, why not give us a link, or at least a quote from the study, instead of just the name. I mean I don't happen to have a copy of Issues 5-6, Volume 57 of The Journal of Steroid Biochemistry and Molecular Biology laying around at the moment.

For those that wonder where to find the scientific studies that are quoted, referenence, and refer to, here is a link to PubMed — the best free resource for this purpose, that I am aware of:

http://www.ncbi … trez/query.fcgi

It is a huge searchable database of the abstracts of basically every study since about 1970.

Originally posted by Jones8315
There are othere pathways at work, that we are not yet aware of.

That is for sure and is one of the few good points you make in this “experiment” you’re proposing.

TRT (testosterone replacement therapy) should be undertaken only under the supervision of an endochrinologist or a doctor trained in it. Even experienced endochrinologists do not understand the entire human hormonal system. I certainly wouldn’t trust my cock and balls to a junior in college and neither should any of you readers here.

Adding testosterone to your body causes the testes to stop producing testosterone. Why should they produce it when that work is being done for them artificially? The common result of the cessation of production is that the testicles begin to atrophy. The downside of that process is that testerone begins to convert to other classes of hormones which are not at all good for men in large numbers. Finding your way back to normal again can be a very long and highly complicated process. _IF_ you got a bigger dick from all that, you’d wish while you were trying to get back to normal that you still had a smaller dick, and balls that were doing their regular work.

TRT is a perfectly safe therapy for men whose T levels are sub-normal and who suffer low libido, low energy levels, ED problems (eg., primary or secondary hypogonadism) - if a medical pro is leading them through the process. TRT is not something you tinker with to get a bigger dick.

Anyone who wants to tinker with a perfectly healthy hormonal system is a fool, imo. Anyone who uses a chemistry student as his mentor in doing so deserves whatever results he gets.

So place your orders, guys, but a BIG caveat emptor to any who do.



Originally posted by avocet8
Adding testosterone to your body causes the testes to stop producing testosterone.

Bump. Period. End of story.

As an fyi - getting test started again is complicated and precise. If you don’t know what you’re doing, have all of the medications to help on hand, and don’t use them at the right time….you’re not going to have a good time.

Originally posted by avocet8
Anyone who wants to tinker with a perfectly healthy hormonal system is a fool, imo. Anyone who uses a chemistry student as his mentor in doing so deserves whatever results he gets.

Listen to this guy. He knows what the hell he’s talking about. And stop looking for the magic bullet/pill/cream, and get to work Pe’ing!

If you procrastinate you choose LAST

I’m 43 and my hairline and thickness is just like it was when I was 15. I’d still be loath to use that stuff.

FWIW, a buddy of mine overdid the roids and test about 12 years ago. His nuts went down to the size of marbles. They are still that size according to him.

8/1/02: 5.75" BPEL X 4.5" EG

6/1/03: 7.5" BPEL X 5.75" EG as measured midshaft with a snapped chalk line....

Hey Jones

You should pack up your little experiment that would put our board members at risk and hit the rode, find some lab rats somewhere else.

Any members who listen to this guy and tinker with there hormones are really taking a big risk.

Drgmerlin has also said that he has got no gains from putting it on his dick he also has gotten slow to medium gains from pe and has been on the juice for years so it don’t help for gains.


I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)


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