I just wanted to explain my case.
Last year I was in a ketogenic diet, around 2000 calories, about 50% protein.
After reading the study about rats I tried the garlic stuff to see what happened.
I have never been so horny in my life, and all my lifts in the gym increased dramatically.
This lasted about a month before I couldn’t deal with the smell.
I have tried it again, but I can’t go longer than a week before people complaining about the smell.
In any case, as soon as I have some free time (IT consultant) I’m planning on going to a lab to check my test before and after the garlic diet with a lot of protein. I’m pretty sure the feelings I get are not placebo only.
If only could get rid of the damn smell.
Begin (6/04/08) 13.5cm(5.3inch) NBPEL 11cm(4.3 inch) Girth
Last (12/05/09) 15.5cm(6.1inch) NBPEL 12cm(4.72inch) Girth