Getting results from any herbal supplement is dependant on two main factors: a.) your general level of health and b.) the form/dosage that you are taking the herb in.
My first question for Reiki is, what is your general level of health? Are you fully and radiantly healthy? Probably not or you wouldn’t have the flagging erection. Therefore, any herb will take longer to become digested within your system and to cleanse your system to the level where it can begin to become effective. If you are really tox’ed out then some body renewal/cleansing would be in order if you really want to start getting max. benefit from herbal medicines. And your diet? The shittier the diet, the more crud the herbal compounds have to wade through to make it safely to their receptor sites.
Second question, how are you taking this stuff? Oh yeah, pills. Well, Ginko Biloba, as mentioned, is not as effective when it is taken in plain, powdered herb form. Standardized is better. HOWEVER, standardized powdered herb cannot, and does not, compare to standardized 50:1 alcohol tincture of Ginko Biloba. Powdered standardized is a VW bug and alcohol tinctured 50:1 extract is a turbo charged muscle car. Many of Ginko’s active principles are more effectively removed from the plant if alcohol is used as the solvent.
In my experience, even with a relatively healthy body and using the standardized alcohol tincture, there IS STILL a lag effect in the time between when you start taking it and the time you start to see/feel it working. Therefore, using the powdered capsules, and perhaps not being all that healthy/clean inside you could find yourself waiting a LONG time to see results.
However, if you want to see maximum results in the quickest possible time, I would take Jarrow Formulas’ 50:1 standardized Ginko Biloba tincture alongside HerbPharm’s Yohimbe tincture (also alcohol based) and just about anyone’s alcoholic Astragalus root tincture. These, taken together as a formula will greatly aid the absorption, uptake of the others. Herbs just work better in tandem with other herbs- period. This is a blaster of a formula for men’s health and should start to help very quickly; 10 days, tops.
As with any other medicines, if you are taking any Western medicines, check online to see if there are any contraindications between the herbs and your pharmeceuticals. There are quite a few reliable places to do this online. Google “herb drug interactions” and you’ll get the best ones at the top of your list.
If you determine the formula to be safe for you I would then take 4 droppersful of Ginko, 2 of Yohimbe and 1 of Astragalus, all together, 3 times a day on an empty stomach. taking herbs with foods can definitely affect efficacy/absorbtion/outcome.
Good luck, hope this helps.