Thunder's Place

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Has anyone used 6-oxo ?

Originally Posted by penismith

How long would you cycle something like Novadex xt?


Personally, I wouldn’t take it longer than 4-5 weeks. Taper down the dose toward the end.

Nutraplanet has the best price I’ve seen on ATD recently (Inhibit-E is $19 for 90 caps). One of these days I might try a stack of Activate and ATD.

Originally Posted by hobby
Personally, I wouldn’t take it longer than 4-5 weeks. Taper down the dose toward the end.

Nutraplanet has the best price I’ve seen on ATD recently (Inhibit-E is $19 for 90 caps). One of these days I might try a stack of Activate and ATD.

Thanks Hobby.

Your body uses Estrogen for a reason.

Originally Posted by penismith


I was warning of the negative side effects with using

an Aromatase Inhibitor without exogenous Testosterone supplementation.

Originally Posted by UlcasterDropout
I was warning of the negative side effects with using
an Aromatase Inhibitor without exogenous Testosterone supplementation.

I know you know about this stuff. Can you elaborate and post some links? I am in the information gathering phase.


Originally Posted by penismith
I know you know about this stuff. Can you elaborate and post some links? I am in the information gathering phase.


I don’t have any links off hand. Most of this info is in my head.

The best compound to google search with is Letrozole (Femara).
It can drop Estrogen conversion by 95%.
Biggest reported size effects where: painful joints, total loss of sex drive, drop in
hdl cholesterol, lower IGF levels, and rapid hair loss. Those are just the ones I

I have taken a single capsule of Novadex xt/night for up to a month. I feel better when I take it but it might be a placebo effect. I bought it because I planed on using it in a PE experiment but never got around to it. I like it because I feel more aggressive and confident when I take it. Again, that might be placebo. I have not noticed any negative side effects when I go off it either. Do you think that what I am doing is dangerous?


I’ve been intersted in doing this for a long ass time. Getting some kind of testosterone booster which isn’t damaging. Just to help with muscle gain, and I’d assume it helps with testicle size? That’s what I really want.

2005 - BPEL 6.0"x MSEG 4.5" (BEG 4.75"/HEG 4.625")

2010 - BPEL 8.0"x MSEG 5.75" (BEG 6.5"/HEG 5.875")

Goal - BPEL 9.0"x MSEG 6.5" (BEG 6.5"/HEG 6.75")

As long as you take it as directed you should be fine. Don’t take it for more than a month ok, maybe 6 weeks. Be sure to take at least an equal amount of time off before using the product again. Taking more than 2 caps could have sides like achy joints as described. A dosing scheme might look like as follows:
Week 1: 1 cap/day
Week 2 & 3 : 2 caps/day
Week 4: 1 cap/day

With these compounds you should take them with a fatty meal to incease absorption. But remember we need strogen for several reasons including to keep cholesterol levels in check. Letro and Armidex both potent AIs can really mess up your cholesterol levels. ATD/Rebound XT/Novadex is a steroidal AI which means it won’t be as harsh on your cholesterol levels. If you want test boosters I think you guys would be better off using non hormonal test boosters like Diesel Test or ActivaTe. I’ve used both and they feel like very mild 1AD or !T cycles. You get the benefits(increased strength,muscle) and the sides (acne, irratibility,etc) but again they are very mild.

I’ve taken. The only reason you need to take it is if you are coming off of a andro or some other supplement that raises your test levels extremely high. If your going to take it buy it self you will see little results and lots of spent money. I see it as more of a precationary supplement so no side effects occur from the andros. Overall it is really good to bring your hormone levels back to normal because I have never gotten any side effects from an andro cycle.

Originally Posted by penismith
I have taken a single capsule of Novadex xt/night for up to a month. I feel better when I take it but it might be a placebo effect. I bought it because I planed on using it in a PE experiment but never got around to it. I like it because I feel more aggressive and confident when I take it. Again, that might be placebo. I have not noticed any negative side effects when I go off it either. Do you think that what I am doing is dangerous?


I’ve never taken ‘Novedex XT™’. I had to google what it was.
If there is any studies on t his stuff, I’ve not scene them.

I’d like to see these whopping claims of 400% increase of Test on paper.

The crummy suppliment names crack me up.
Novedex from Nolvadex.
Dianestrozole (main ingredient) from Dianabol & Letrozole.

Can’t give advice on this stuff, homey. You’re on your own.
I’ll put it this way, if it was killing people, it would be banned, if it worked,
it would be prescription.

I took a 2 bottle cycle of 6-oxo, didn’t notice much on it.did notice this weird tingle in my balls though

Originally Posted by Jafar_t
Has anybody actually tried 6-oxo?

I’m on my third cycle of it now. It makes me more aggressive so I’m guessing it is affecting my test/estrogen balance. It hasn’t made any noticeable difference on my strength or size however. I don’t think I will do another cycle. It is expensive.

Hey Northof60,

I just posted a link to this thread for you elsewhere. You are to quick for me!

1fast400 has it for $33/60pills, I haven’t tried the stuff or know if it is a good price. They also have a clone-product for $25.

Running a Massive Co-Front.


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