I have long suffered from what I consider to be small loads. They don’t shoot very far and tend to be a little thicker, chunkier, and yellower than I’d like. I also barely pre-cum at all. :-(
After reading this thread I picked up Lecithin, L-arginine, and a supplement called “Prosta-max for men” which contains many vitamins, minerals, and herbs, but most notably Zinc, Pygeum, Saw Palmetto and Stinging Nettle. I immediately noticed a change in semen color to a nice pure white, but after 2 months of taking these every day, I see barely any change in semen quantity, texture, or shooting.
One thing I have noticed is this: when taking these supplements I feel more horny than usual, and I kid you not, I seriously get a very specific urge to want to eat pussy like crazy. It’s seriously like a hunger to taste vagina juice. Weird, but that’s not a problem for me or the ladies :-)