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Horny goat weed used with PE?

Horny goat weed used with PE?

Has anyone tried horny goat weed in conjunction with PE? I had a few capsules lying around and I wanted to get rid of them so for the past two days I took a single capsule just before starting my PE routine. About an hour after finishing up my session, I started getting this incredible aching feeling in my dick that lasted for hours. You could just see all of the blood rushing through the penis and it was hot to the touch. It would spring into a partial to full erection at the drop of a hat. I went to the gym later in the day but had to skip the shower since I couldn’t be sure that the thing wouldn’t “go off”. Needless to say, I went “commando” for the rest of the day since I had to give the wang some room to move.

Before PE, I could take three or four capsules at a time and not get the effect that the sincle capsule gives me in conjunction with PE.

Has anyone else experienced the same thing or is willing to try it to validate that there isn’t something else going on?

Sounds like a plan to me ;) Is it expensive?

Cost?? The sticker says $30 for 60 capsules. I think I picked it up from GNC. Kind of expensive if you have to take a few at a time to get the intended results but if you only have to take one for an aching, pulsating dick and it speeds along the growing process, it isn’t too bad.

Ary you going to give it a try?

Nevermind, just ordered some.

I have used Horny Goat Weed in conjuction with PE and have had none of the side effects you mentioned. It gives an occasional spontaneous erection during the day, but nothing like you mentioned. I like it a lot.

I get mine at RiteAid pharmacy (they have a couple of different brands), but the cost in nowhere near $30. More like $10, if I remember correctly.

In Jamaica the men chew on fresh horny goat weed through out the day. It’s one of the reasons Jamaican men are known for being very randy and casual about sex at any oportunity.

Maybe if you bought some horny goat weed seeds, you could grow a couple of shrubs in the garden if you live in a sunny hot climate, or in a greenhouse or windowledge if you live somewhere a bit colder. It would be the cheapest way by far. Just take a couple of clippings from one plant, letting it grow back, whilst you take some more from the other plant.

There is one thing stronger than all the armies in the world: and that is an idea whose time has come.

Last edited by Gottagrow : 10-23-2003 at .

Mmmm… Jamaican herbs…


"The trouble with the world is that the stupid are cocksure and the intelligent are full of doubt."

-Bertrand Russell

Makes you want to set up a garden, eh ?

<slurp> I know what you two are on about, lol

There is one thing stronger than all the armies in the world: and that is an idea whose time has come.

Horney Goat Weed with PE

Hi Growinbigger! I recently picked up a bottle of HGW. How big was the dose that you took before PE?


what about tribulas terestrus could this help?


I have taken it with PE and didn’t notice what you did, but everybody is different. I will say though that I had to quit taking it after 3 days due to my heart racing and the fact that I couldn’t sleep on it, so that’s possibly why I didn’t get the same affect as you did. Anyone else have these same symptoms?

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