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Increased blood flow in the pelvis


Increased blood flow in the pelvis

Is there any herb or treatment which increases the blood flow in the pelvis? I know the yohimbe and ginger but is there any other? Thanks

Use VIGRX-PLUS tabletss.. I have used them and they are extremely marvellous…They not only rushes the blood in the pelvis but also increase the size of the penis…it is pack of 60 tablets..used twice a day…

Originally Posted by daman
Is there any herb or treatment which increases the blood flow in the pelvis? I know the yohimbe and ginger but is there any other? Thanks

The only proven method to increase bllodflow to the penis area is pumping and kegel exercises , ewith kegels the effet is semi permanent

Originally Posted by sricardo
The only proven method to increase bllodflow to the penis area is pumping and kegel exercises , ewith kegels the effet is semi permanent

That just isn’t true. Citrulline malate is what you are looking for my man. It’s a powerful Arginine precursor. Probably the best NO booster out there. Buy the powder from either body building or swansons. Gotta take bout 6-8 grams a day. Each scoop is 2 grams, taste sour.

I’ve been taking this stuff and I have perfect blood pressure. The nurse always says “wow!… perfect”. Do a little research on it, Arginine by it self doesn’t work nearly as good. Amino Acids are an amazing thing. I combine this with D-Aspratic acid for a T boost.

Also, squats. Squats, squats, squats. Are you doing squats? You should be. I gotta go. Gonna hit the gym. Guess what I’ll be doing. That’s right….

Leg workouts also increase T.

Originally Posted by thal

Leg workouts also increase T.

Really, no shit?

Start: April 2012 BPEL 5¼" x EG 4¾"----> July 2012 BPEL 5¾" x EG 4⅞"

First goal: 6"x5"

Long Term Goal: 8"x5¾"

I am taking citrulline malate, 4-5 g before bed with some NOW FOODS GABA, I am doing deadlift, legpress and squat also. I am using chi machine and electro acupuncture device stimulating SP6, PC6, CV1-6, ST36, HT4 points (a few ones what I can reach by myself). I am taking also tribulus terrestris (Olimp Tribusteron 90), Maca Monster extract and acetyl-l-carnitine with alpha-lipoic acid. I used to drink juice mixed with chili and ginger powder. Maybe something wrong with my heart. I do exercise 5-6 days in a week (boxing and bodybuilding).

Originally Posted by daman
I am taking citrulline malate, 4-5 g before bed with some NOW FOODS GABA, I am doing deadlift, legpress and squat also. I am using chi machine and electro acupuncture device stimulating SP6, PC6, CV1-6, ST36, HT4 points (a few ones what I can reach by myself). I am taking also tribulus terrestris (Olimp Tribusteron 90), Maca Monster extract and acetyl-l-carnitine with alpha-lipoic acid. I used to drink juice mixed with chili and ginger powder. Maybe something wrong with my heart. I do exercise 5-6 days in a week (boxing and bodybuilding).

I’d say you are taking to much. I hope you are cycling your supps. If not stop everything for a month. Tribulus is a myth don’t waste your money on an herb. D Aspratic acid has been medically proven to increase T. You’d be better off taking DIM. Blocking bad estrogen raises T. I know lack of sleep blocks blood flow. Vitamin D is crucial to T. Sunlight is best for that not a supp. Vitamin D isn’t really a vitamin, its more of a hormone.

But you sound like you’re in good shape. Have you gotten any hormone tests? Visit “peak testosterone” great site.

Sleep, sex, sunlight, vitamin C mega does 1000mg, zinc, b vitamins and magnesium are the biggest factors in T. With everything you’re doing you shouldn’t have a blood flow problem or erection problems. Unless you aren’t getting 8 hours of sleep. Your body won’t produce T until after its 6-7th hours of sleep. If you get 6 take a two hour nap, your body will release T during your nap.

Originally Posted by donttazemebro
Really, no shit?

I don’t know if that was a troll no shit…but all working out will increase T as long as you don’t over train. If you over do it then T will drop.

Originally Posted by daman
I am taking citrulline malate, 4-5 g before bed with some NOW FOODS GABA, I am doing deadlift, legpress and squat also. I am using chi machine and electro acupuncture device stimulating SP6, PC6, CV1-6, ST36, HT4 points (a few ones what I can reach by myself). I am taking also tribulus terrestris (Olimp Tribusteron 90), Maca Monster extract and acetyl-l-carnitine with alpha-lipoic acid. I used to drink juice mixed with chili and ginger powder. Maybe something wrong with my heart. I do exercise 5-6 days in a week (boxing and bodybuilding).

Maybe its a dopamine problem, meaning your prolactin is way to high. I’d honestly get a hormone test. L-dopa will raise dopamine and by lowering prolactin. I’m sure you know this already, you’re a gym guy.

Originally Posted by thal
I’d say you are taking to much. I hope you are cycling your supps. If not stop everything for a month. Tribulus is a myth don’t waste your money on an herb. D Aspratic acid has been medically proven to increase T. You’d be better off taking DIM. Blocking bad estrogen raises T. I know lack of sleep blocks blood flow. Vitamin D is crucial to T. Sunlight is best for that not a supp. Vitamin D isn’t really a vitamin, its more of a hormone.

But you sound like you’re in good shape. Have you gotten any hormone tests? Visit “peak testosterone” great site.

Sleep, sex, sunlight, vitamin C mega does 1000mg, zinc, b vitamins and magnesium are the biggest factors in T. With everything you’re doing you shouldn’t have a blood flow problem or erection problems. Unless you aren’t getting 8 hours of sleep. Your body won’t produce T until after its 6-7th hours of sleep. If you get 6 take a two hour nap, your body will release T during your nap.

Yes I do cycles. I am taking also Swanson Ultra Whole Food Multi-Vitamin, Swanson Ultra Indole-3-Carbinol and Goji. My serum testosterone is 10,20 nmol/l, SHBG 32,60 nmol/l, prolactin 260 mU/l, FSH 11,10 mU/ml, LH 7,57 mU/ml, TSH 3,2. I had testicle cancer 3 years ago. Before that I was in good shape. I do sports since 8 years of age, I am 40 now. I think I have problem with pituitary gland.

Originally Posted by thal
Maybe its a dopamine problem, meaning your prolactin is way to high. I’d honestly get a hormone test. L-dopa will raise dopamine and by lowering prolactin. I’m sure you know this already, you’re a gym guy.

Yes I have L-Dopa (98%) also :) but it is not working for me.

Originally Posted by thal

I don’t know if that was a troll no shit…but all working out will increase T as long as you don’t over train. If you over do it then T will drop.

no, no trollin. I thought there was something specific to doing squats that raised T. But yeah I get that exercise in general can raise T but I didn’t realize that overtraining could lower it.

Start: April 2012 BPEL 5¼" x EG 4¾"----> July 2012 BPEL 5¾" x EG 4⅞"

First goal: 6"x5"

Long Term Goal: 8"x5¾"

Originally Posted by daman
Yes I do cycles. I am taking also Swanson Ultra Whole Food Multi-Vitamin, Swanson Ultra Indole-3-Carbinol and Goji. My serum testosterone is 10,20 nmol/l, SHBG 32,60 nmol/l, prolactin 260 mU/l, FSH 11,10 mU/ml, LH 7,57 mU/ml, TSH 3,2. I had testicle cancer 3 years ago. Before that I was in good shape. I do sports since 8 years of age, I am 40 now. I think I have problem with pituitary gland.

Yea your total test should be around higher. Normal Testosterone Levels In Men: Average By Age Chart

Did they remove a testicle? If so that’s why. But you are taking everything you need. You already know what you’re talking about.

Get that T cream that you put on your balls. Honestly I would try D Aspratic acid. And make sure you don’t take in to much protein. I know body builders….protein protein protein! But when you take in to much your body pissed out T.

You may have sleep apnea or you snore badly causing you to wake and interrupting the body from its hormone release cycles at night.

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