Remember one thing: prior to take Viagra or any similar medicine consult your doctor about it. You MUST know for sure you can take Viagra. Only a doctor can tell you so.
If you can take Viagra then there are various generic versions of it that works EXACTLY the same. I know because I,m taking.
They are also a lot cheaper.
According to recent medical investigations conducted by german urologist Dr. Frank Sommer and exposed in the American Urologic Association 99th Annual Metting in San Francisco in 2004 any men that don’t suffer erectyle disfunction can improve his erections taking 50-100 mg. of sildenafil citrate or 20 mg. taladafil each night. Doing so, there is a benefit in the endotelial tissues of the penis, promoting stronger and longer lasting nocturnal erections that translates into powerful erections each time the man has sex. I’m triying to confirm that by myself and I’ve found it seems to be true.
I take 100 mg. of generic sildenafil citrate (36 euros a package of 60 pills/100 mg. and works EXACTLY as the original I’ve also taken) each night when I go sleep.
By doing kegels for more than 4 years daily and now using sildenafil citrate the way described above my erections are rock hard and lasts as long as I want. The effect lasts all day. No side effects of any kind.
As soon as I think about sex there is an erection. I’m an apassionate of erotic photo art and everytime I take a look at my ever growing collection there is a rock solid hard on.
In fact, I try not to think too much about sex on daytime since I’m wearing my Penimaster for a good amount of hours daily and to have an erection with the Penimaster put on is very very uncomfortable. And remember, Kegels will give you also stronger erections, will improve your sex performance and with time and practice will make you multiorgasmical as I am.
Viagra or any other ED drug works also on people who don’t have ED. This medicines aren’t bad in their own. But they can be dangerous if you suffer any disease or medical condition incompatible with them. I do take sildenafil citrate after being evaluated by an urologist who confirmed me after a medical test that I can use this medicine. Always ask a doctor first. It’s very very important.
Never take medicines on your own without medical advice.