Setsuma, der Betreff ist für Dich - aber in Wirklichkeit mag ich Euch, Ihr könnt toll feiern und habt wunderschöne Boardingpisten.
Phat9, are you P9 at PEforum? Anyway, now, after having read other threads in the health forum, I know you are fairly experienced regarding L-Arginin and I appreciate your strict instructions for using it to work most efficient on the erectile side. As far as I know, you never posted before to have swallowed 15g at once. Therefore I’d be curious what happened following the intake. You wrote “15g before going to bed” as far as I remember - you’re really targeting nocturnal erections by this procedure, i.e. you’re swallowing 15g on a somehow regular basis without really using the caused erection for sexual activity? If you are P9: Did you dare to wear your metal cock ring while having a L-Arginin erection?
And once again: Anybody on this board, who could clarify if L-Arginin hydrochloride is digestible L-Arginin?