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Lose 30 pounds in 30 days


Lose 30 pounds in 30 days

I need to safely lose 30 punds in 30 days. So that means that I won’t be cutting off any body parts or doing any extreme dieting with experimental drugs.

I’ve been eating very healty and got back to doing exercise. I just need a boost to shed the pounds faster.

Any reasonable suggestions? I spent an hour at GNC last night and the poor guy who worked there really didn’t know anyting other than where to find stuff in the store; he didn’t know anything about the products.

Thanks in advance!

PE for length: so her heart stops when she sees it. PE for girth: to get her heart started again!

One need only leave the surface of the planet to realize we are all one people.

A pound a day is dangerous their is no good way to do it. That new over the counter diet drug is coming out their is a thread running about it I just can’t think of the name. Why do you need to lose weight so fast?

I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

Dino is right: dropping 30 pounds in a month is pretty dangerous. If you really want to keep the weight off, a pound a week would be much less taxing on your system.

One thing I’ve seen over and over again with these crash diets is that inevitably the people that go on them tend to gain back even more weight on the rebound, because they’ve killed their metabolism. Then they get into an ugly cycle of gaining and losing weight, permanently destroying their metabolism.

I’m assuming you want to lose weight for your wedding photos, so ask yourself this: Would I rather look thin and haggard from subjecting myself to some wacky crash diet, or healthy and happy in those photos?


I’d rather look like a guy with a 10” dick surrounded by 25 busty sexaholics goin’ at it in a swimming pool filled with money.

But realistically, I’d like to look more like a guy with just one chin. I’ve lost about 10 punds in 2 months but just can’t get the metabolism up to where I want it to be. :D

30 pounds in 30 days is extreme but jounalism class tought me that it’s the extreme headlines that grab the people’s attention.

PE for length: so her heart stops when she sees it. PE for girth: to get her heart started again!

One need only leave the surface of the planet to realize we are all one people.

Lost twenty-five in two weeks once, I had pneumonia, rough way to lose weight!

I went on a 2,000 calorie a day diet and lost 60 pounds in 8 months. I had to weigh eveything but it does work. Try eating very spicy foods to speed up your metabolism that also will help

Thanks for the replies so far.

I already eat food hotter than most people can tolerate. To me, a habanero is just another sweet pepper.

PE for length: so her heart stops when she sees it. PE for girth: to get her heart started again!

One need only leave the surface of the planet to realize we are all one people.

Originally Posted by grx
But realistically, I’d like to look more like a guy with just one chin. I’ve lost about 10 punds in 2 months but just can’t get the metabolism up to where I want it to be. :D

Go to your doctor and have him run a thyroid panel.

Originally Posted by grx
I already eat food hotter than most people can tolerate. To me, a habanero is just another sweet pepper.

Me too! :) Although I don’t feel “heat” from them (I do a little) it’s still supposed to help your metabolism.

Try 2 - 2.5 lbs loss per week. Fast weight loss results in fast weight gain in the future for many; at least those who do not remain highly vigilant about their diet and their exercise program. 30 lbs in a month will cause a lot of organ stress. You may not feel it happening.



Probably get flamed for this, but I don’t give a shit. :)

About the only way to lose that much in a month is a complete water fast with enemas(water) when you get down. This will eliminate an assload of toxins and other crap that your body has accumualted over time. And no guys I’m not going to back any of this up, look it up yourself.

DISCLAIMER: This needs to be done under a Doctors supervision.

You asked how to do it, this is the only way, grx.

Next to impossible — you’d not only hav to eat nothing a day but you’d have to run ten miles a day

That’s not really realistic.

I really liked the “Shangri-La” diet. It’s very easy and effective. Still, 30# in a month is way too quick. Ten pounds in a month is probably still too quick, but more reasonable.

Stress works really well, too. No one in his right mind would try to manufacture a stressful situation just to lose weight, but I’ve found that work deadlines and late nights shed the pounds quickly. Some people compulsively eat when they’re stressed, so it doesn’t work for everyone.

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The water diet with some broth type soups and lots of fiber will work! You will need to add a lot of antioxidants and some cleanse type herbs to break up old stuff in the intestine.
You will still feel like crap most of the time and the weight you lose will predominantly be old fecal matter from your intestines.And your chin along with a lot of other places will probably sag more.Colonics will probably help.

I know somebody that did this pre surgery(he lost about 12 % of his body weight) but the doctors bumped surgery back a couple of weeks because of the overall condition he was in when finished.PS he went on thyroid a while after surgery and kept it off.A year later he worked with a personal trainer for 6 weeks and is now actually in very good shape.Good luck I’ve considered trying the intensive spa thing with fasting myself since I’ve plateaued at everything else.

To put this in perspective.I’ve tried to lose weight last month living off about 1000-1500 cal/day plus upto 200 /cal daily exercise and I was only able to go from 215 to 206.5 pounds. Only about 8.5 pounds not even 30 % of what your asking.

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