Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.




After reading thousands of posts on the PE Forum and now having dived in here at this GREAT site, I still believe the #1 issue is NOT, believe it or not, the myriad ways of pushing blood around in your unit, but the debate about rest days. Yes, I know it has been discussed in many threads, but in a very scattered way (I searched on it).

Specifically: are we STRETCHING, are we BREAKING DOWN AND REBUILDING, or is it both? And as a corollary: what does this mean about the necessity of rest days to gaining? How many rest days, how often? This, to me, is THE question.

Rest days are a waste of time if the real mechanism for growth is stretching the tunica, ligs, etc. And chronic PE is a waste of time if growth only comes in days of “rebuilding” after breakdown, similar to weight training (though the penis is NOT a muscle and we have to consider that).

Guys, what is the concensus here? Who had tried BOTh, and gotten significantly bigger gains with or without rest days vs. the other? We have so many smart guys here, and yet this issue has never been even slightly solved.

Please weigh in - especially gainers who have tried various rest day options.

The best gainers (eg DLD, RB, Bib) have all had some extreme PE schedules in their past, so I’d have to say more is better.

In my opinion more is better for length and less is better for girth, I got my best girth gains from 5 on 2 off and one or two small sessions of 20 minutes a day. And far as stretching and hanging for length the more the better.

I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

I’m with Dino9X7 on this one. When you’re doing flaccid length work (stretches) you’re working tissues that can take a lot of punishment. This goes for the tunica as well but for girth work I think there are limiting factors in the capillaries and also the glans whihc is nowhere near as tough as the collagenous tissue of the ligaments and tunica. Having said that I think that planned overtraining is a definite plus in PE.

2010-01-09: BPEL: 19,7cm [7.75"] EG: 15,0 cm [5.9"]

2010-04-24: BPEL: 20,4cm [8.0"] EG: [???]

Originally Posted by dangleman
Guys, what is the concensus here?

This is something I have been thinking about too. Consensus. Consensus with rest days, and with supplements. Many things have been discussed, but sometimes the topic seems to “fizzle out” and get left hanging there. Dino’s clarification above helps already. It’s good for some things and not for others. Okay, that makes sense. That is clearer to me than all I’ve read so far on rests. I think I need to go start my own thread, about vitamin C!

Start a dialogue! The Gay Role Poll is waiting for your vote! :)

All truth goes through three stages: First it is ridiculed. Then it is violently opposed. Finally it is accepted as self evident. -Schopenhauer

I am against religion because it teaches us to be satisfied with not understanding the world. -Richard Dawkins

What Dino is saying is that since length is about stretching, there’s no requirement to rest … if you were stretching a balloon or anything else by tugging on it, you have nothing to gain by waiting a day. Whereas with girth, some sort of building thing is happening, requiring a recovery of some sort.

I would love to have some sort of consensus on this, though. Can you imagine how many thousands of hours have been and are being wasted by not using the ideal mix of rest and work? I am not of the school of those who think everyone’s dick flesh is different .. there may be variations, but the basic components and characteristics are the same. There’s a science to building muscle and there is a science (as yet unknown) to building corpus cavernosa, stretching ligs, etc., all at the same time …

My idea is manual stretching and jelqing are harder on your dick and thus requiring rest days, hanging is a slow controlled stretch of the tissues which doesn’t.

I think it also depends on the intensity of your routine, so we can’t really make a blanket required rest day formula as there are too many uncontrolled variables. If you feel sore the next day I think a rest day is in order, if you don’t then it’s really up to your discretion. I do think rest days help cement gains though.

:flame: "If you build it, they will cum."

Redwood\'s Progress Report/Routines Thread.

A question I am wondering more about is, does ones ability to exert pressure while manually stretching count for anything? I mean suppose one could curl a 50 pound dumbbell, do 50 lb forearm extensors… would that aid their ability to stretch?

Even certain muscle groups don’t need much rest over night is sufficient. High twitch groups like calf’s, forearms, abs. Even if they are sore the next day.You can work them every day without rest.

The road to hell is paved with good intentions.

Originally Posted by thirdrock
A question I am wondering more about is, does ones ability to exert pressure while manually stretching count for anything? I mean suppose one could curl a 50 pound dumbbell, do 50 lb forearm extensors… would that aid their ability to stretch?

Well a stronger stretch will put more force on the penis, how much difference it makes in gains is debatable though. Because we can’t measure one persons stretch against another’s as we can the weight used by hangers. With hanging though it’s been found that hanging heavier doesn’t necessarily give you better gains, and can actually make your dick more resistant to your PE efforts to stretch the tissues over time.

Originally Posted by deadeye3200
Even certain muscle groups don’t need much rest over night is sufficient. High twitch groups like calf’s, forearms, abs. Even if they are sore the next day.You can work them every day without rest.

And the penis heals exceptionally fast. I think you just have to learn overtime what your penis can handle, and when it’s a good time to take a rest day. But I would be more inclined to lean towards resting too much than not enough in the beginning, until you know what you can handle and make good gains from.

:flame: "If you build it, they will cum."

Redwood\'s Progress Report/Routines Thread.

One thing I’m pretty sure of that seems to be lost in the noise is that there are different types of adaptation. We’ve all read up on the pastic deformation, or micro tears theory. I believe these are two distinct processes. Also soreness might come from tissues that are not your main target, so that might confuse things too.

Originally Posted by Shiver
Also soreness might come from tissues that are not your main target, so that might confuse things too.

Good point. I sometimes have to lay off stretching a little because my frenum gets sore. Doesn’t really have anything to do with the parts I’m targeting but it can’t help but get in the way you know.

2010-01-09: BPEL: 19,7cm [7.75"] EG: 15,0 cm [5.9"]

2010-04-24: BPEL: 20,4cm [8.0"] EG: [???]

I think once the penis is conditioned, it can take a lot of punishment! I would say, someone like myself who has PE’d since February, can stretch and jelq 5 days a weeks, with no problem.

Originally Posted by Shiver
Also soreness might come from tissues that are not your main target, so that might confuse things too.

This is a very good point. I noticed when i first started jelqing i felt allot of pressure really to the point of pain. I assumed it was because i was new. I read a post in here where a guy was telling of his preferred dry jelq method. It’s the method where you use both hands with your thumbs on top. He said he liked it because it didn’t put pressure on his veins. A few other vets posted and said they like that method as well. So i tried it, and even though I don’t use it but maybe 20% of my jelq routine. It really helped me get a feel for what a real jelq should feel like. Instead of just pumping up the veins.

Now I’m jelqing with allot more pressure and no pain at all. And I don’t get as sore either. I think I’m getting a better workout because I’m getting a better pump.

How correct are my assumptions here?

I can now jelq with a full erection and no pain.
Am I finally doing it right?
Or am I finally doing it wrong?
I think I can now milk a cow dry in 5 mins time.

The road to hell is paved with good intentions.

Bump! I’m sorry that I havn’t gained and can’t give advice, but I’d like to see some more replies here.

Struggling with a peyronies injury during sex and loss of size after having been into PE.

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