Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

maca+damiana+arginine+ginkgo biloba+pomegranate extract

maca+damiana+arginine+ginkgo biloba+pomegranate extract

I am going to start a small stack of maca+damiana+arginine+ginkgo biloba+pomegranate extract and see what happens regarding erection quality. My erection quality varies a lot through out a week. One morning I will wake up with morning wood and the next nothing. Or sometimes I can barely get a full erection. So hopefully these supplements will help me out. What do you guys think?

Have you had any experience with any of those before? I don’t, but what I’ve read about L-arginine is that you might want to take a higher dose. Maybe somewhere between 3-10 grams a day.

Also, that might be expensive right? Maybe try them individually first so you know what gives you which results.

I have had experience with Maca, Arginine and Ginkgo Biloba, but never all at the same time and always with very low doses. I do know that arginine works really well since I had taken it for a while and I got better EQ.

Just curious………… but wouldn’t it just be simpler and probably cheaper to get some powder cialis over the internet that is discussed here on the forum than to spend a lot of money on supplements that may or may not help?

So I went ahead and purchased these Maca Exract, Arginine, Pomegranate Extract and Damiana. I will update this in about a month to track my progress on EQ.

Anything I should expect while on these supplements?

Good luck mate, can’t wait to hear your progress :)

Go, do you work out at all? If not, try doing squats or other leg exercise a couple of times a week. Its supposed to increase blood flow to the penis.

Good call sparky….I catch myself falling into this mindset too. I’ll forget or be too lazy to jelq and think that adding another supp will pick up the slack…no way!

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