I’m trying out a supp called “Vahard”. One of its main ingredients is Androstenedione, which is suppose to aid the production og testosterone.
Androstenedione through a specific enzyme, is considered to be
one of the single best “food” that is available to support the
natural healthy production of the body’s testosterone. Androstenedione is a potent androgen; a metabolite of DHEA
which serves as a direct precursor (one step removed) in the
bio-synthesis of Testosterone. Androstenedione is produced
primarily in the adrenal gland. Oral supplementation with
Androstenedione has been shown to have dramatically increase
“free” (the non-bound biologically active) testosterone levels
through a single enzymatic reaction in the liver, with the help
of a zinc-dependent enzyme. Increases as high as 300% have
been reported within just minutes after ingestion. Studies show
that after taking one capsule 100mg of androstenedione, the
testosterone/epitestosterone (T/E) ratios rise as high as 13/1.
This represents a 5 to 6 fold increase over the normal T/E ratio.
Secondary to this increase, other beneficial effects such as
increased energy, enhanced recovery and growth from exercise,
heightened sexual arousal and function, as well as a greater
sense of well being have also been experienced.
Men who have prostate problems and women who may have a
predisposition towards breast cancer should advise their
physician that they are supplementing androstenedione. The
physician may then monitor the levels of testosterone and
estrogen for any changes while taking androstenedione. Also,
because Androstenedione is an androgen (male hormone),
women should watch for signs of masculinization such as
increased growth of facial hair. Also, some men may possibly
experience a slight incidence of gynecomastia. If any changes
are noted, decrease or stop using Androstenedione is advised.
It is recommended that MEN swallow one capsule with some
water, on an empty stomach, twice a day. Be sure to take one
of this daily dose approximately 1 to 2 hours prior to training
as blood levels of androstenedione are raised during exercise,
at which time the blood flow to the muscles is optimized.
Approximately after three weeks of using Androstenedione, the
body begins to acknowlege the additional hormone levels and
reacts by ‘suppressing’ the endogenous testosterone levels.
What this means is that whatever the body was producing in
it’s ‘natural state’ (before the use of supplements, steroids
etc.) will slow it down to accommodate for the new influx of
additional hormone.
Women if they so should choose to use Androstenedione
should take only one capsule of a day, ideally 1 to 2 hours
prior to training. Again, women should ideally choose not to
use Androstene due to it’s androgenic inducing capabilities.