NO2 Arginine for shooting further
Hi all,
Recently been trying out some supplements for my workouts and got this free sample for one of these NO2/ Arginine Alpha Keto glutarate supplement. It also had citrulline malate in it as well as vanadyl sulfate. Anyway I took it the other day before a workout and later on the day when I masturbated the distance I shot and force it came out with was much further than I have experience in a long time, It was at least 3-4 feet when I am more around the 1-2 feet mark.
Anyway I have been reading the articles about NO2/Arginine helping load volume and size but I have not really seen any articles saying NO2/Arginine helps with shooting further. Does anyone feel it helps them , or could it be the Citrulline Malate or Vanadyl Sudlfate that is also in the product??
I would like to hear other opinions as if Arginine or the other ingredients help with shooting further then I would like to know as I can use them in future, thanks!
Start: EBPL 7.0 x EG 5.25
Current: EBPL 7.5 x EG 5.5 (04/03/05)
Goal: EBPL 8.0 x EG 6.0