As part of my overall recovery, it is my goal to begin educating myself again, as I used to before I fell into the traps of addiction. Right now I’m reading “Motivation and Personality” by Abraham Maslow (an absolute genius of the highest degree).
I thought his discussion of personality dynamics, and particularly this quote were very relevant to this thread:
“In a secure person all his behavior expressions are interchangeable in the sense that they all express the same thing, I.e., security.” -p.37
In this section he’s talking about how personality’s and thus person’s are not the sum of their parts, but they are wholes, and one aspect of this is that parts of the personality are interchangeable if they serve the same purpose (e.g., a young boy throwing temper tantrum’s to get attention vs. A young boy being absolutely quiet and unresponsive to gain attention. Maslow says those two behaviors are interchangeable, that they both fit into the whole person). I definitely have to say I agree with him. That’s why when people have discussions about what or who is an Alpha Male, some try to identify specific behaviors, but others simply say that the person just IS Alpha; in this case, both are right. That’s just a simple example, not a full-proof for an argument; I know that it can be debated..
But my point is this: bohm, you were talking about how you are realizing all of these aspects of your life: your view of your body, your clothes, your feelings of competence, etc. That they are all dysfunctional and in each area you are crippled by anxiety (in your opinion, is what I have gathered). Well, that’s inevitably true because your person, as a whole is generally anxious, insecure, unsure, etc.
See for me, it’s always been, I’m very insecure around girls and even when they wanted to hook up with me, and openly communicated that, I often resisted because of that insecurity. However, in the classroom I’m more comfortable than anywhere else, especially if it’s time to take a test or a Final Exam. I get pumped up. This is because for so many years I overcompensated in school to hide my insecurity and feed the persona I formed, when really that behavior is just as interchangeable, I.e., it is dynamically synonymous with my behavior around girls — both expressed my insecurities, but to the outsider it appeared that I was a ‘different’ person in school.
Do you see what I’m saying? Does that make sense? I’ve just come across this passage, and it makes so much sense to me because it’s what I’ve been trying to change about myself for so long. First, I said I’m the smartest person in my high school, I’m going to crush everyone on standardized tests. Then, I said I MAKE the party happen, I got the best drugs and I have the most fun after my school persona fell apart because of my eyes (I only had 6% of my convergence eye strength when it was tested a year after leaving college freshman year). Then I went on this crazy work-out binge and did steroids, in part as a reaction to me herniating 2 more discs, but also to compensate and cover my insecurities in THAT area after I had quit selling drugs. ALL of these efforts fell apart, one by one. That probably does not happen to most people the way it did to me, in such rapid fashion. But it did, and it revealed my true character, that ugly shit I was trying to hide, and so I was trying to die (really, I was trying to die the whole time subconsciously after having to leave college.. That was the most shame I have ever felt, and will ever feel). I went to rehab, spent the past year working on myself in a more holistic manner, working to accept things as they are, and take one step at a time. It hurt a lot. In that time, my doctor fucked up, sent me on a mixed state psychosis and I attempted suicide and ended up in an institution. Then, I pulled myself together, made another attempt this summer, with more success. Now, I’ve had a breakthrough 6 weeks ago and I realize it’s not one part of my life that’s fucking me over. It’s my WHOLE PERSON that’s inhibiting me. I have to change EVERYTHING. I am going to be a fundamentally different person.
I guess my message is this: focusing on area alone to give you more confidence might work for a short period of time, but you’re always going to be stuck with you. I know that’s a universal message across this forum for guys trying to make their dick bigger so their whole life improves.
I hope that made some kind of sense.. Lol.. It was really a spur of the moment thought from reading that line in this book that connected so well with what I’m trying to do with my life, and what some people on this thread describe in how anxiety impacts all aspects of their lives.