Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.


Tribulus Terrestris is a pre-hormonal, not steroids.

So what would be the ideal supplement formula to take along with PE?

I’ve been takin this but still not improved erection


What does lysine do?

I did some superficial research on some of the more popular and largely (except for the lysine (L) supplements and thought I’d put it on here.
I think most of this information is fairly accurate, but it’s pretty vague and I haven’t included any details or studies, though some of the material comes from study. Hope it helps!

Epimedium Sagitum Extract (horny goat weed) inc testosterone, inc libido, control cortisol production, inc energy, inc erection, inc blood flow

Hawthorn Berry - strengthen blood vessels, increase sensation and maintain erection longer

Maca - maybe nothing, aphrodesiac, sperm count inc.

Muira Pauma Extract, (Psychological charging, also relaxes corpus cavernosa, increased engorgement

Cayenne - rich in fatty acids, sexual development, balance hormone levels

Ginko Biloba - mental alertness, enhanced vitality levels, circulatory health and blood vessel health

Ginseng - muscle/sexual fitness, treatment of impotence, aphrodisiac

Tongkat Ali - aphrodisiac, inc testosterone, inc erection, inc energy. Inc estrogen/acne

CATUABA BARK EXTRACT - inc peripheral circulation/sexual function

Damiana - remedy for impotence, frigidity and prostate problems

TRIBULUS TERRESTRIS - libido, athletic ability, sperm and testicle size increase

L-dopa, dangerous, possible increase in size, sexual energy, general energy, aggressiveness.

L-Arginine , precursor synthesis of NO, improve blood pressure and HGH/insulin release.

Just got my clomid… So hopeful it will increase testosterone… Will see if it has any effects

Has anybody tried dopaxetine? Once in while you find it shoveled into a generic version of sildenafil. It supposedly functions as a SSRI and delays ejaculation for two to three times longer than normal. I have found only three places selling it on the net, with two of them looking to be the same. Any experiences would be appreciated.

I haven’t had time to read through the thread so I am sorry if this has been covered, I don’t have the right posting privileges to start my own thread here.

What is the best mushroom? (Don’t say magic ones).. Cordyceps, Maitake or Reishi? Also, where can I get it in the UK for quality and cheapness?

Thanks :)

Time to measure girth soon... previously 4.5", been targeting girth for months!

I don’t know if this area of natural medicine has been mentioned in the forum but Traditional Chinese Medicine has got a great formula for male sexual potency. Not going to list the formula in here because it is quite long. Anyway a good Chinese herbal shop will give you the formula without any problems.

Originally Posted by ultimately

So what would be the ideal supplement formula to take along with PE?

That kooky new guy Herballist seems to think that you should be on magick mushrooms!

Running a Massive Co-Front.

Originally Posted by iamaru
That kooky new guy Herballist seems to think that you should be on magick mushrooms!

Well, I didn’t want to just come right out and say it :P

Time to measure girth soon... previously 4.5", been targeting girth for months!

Vitamin E rubbed on to your clam-splitter helps keep the skin in good condition. Vit E is good for a lot of things.

Do you have any info on CNIDIUM?

I wonder about this too. It seems to be included in a lot of sex enhancing formulas.

Originally Posted by kratos21
Do you have any info on CNIDIUM?

How many grams of horny goat weed do you guys take, and is it ok if it’s taken at once as opposed to twice daily? (I know original post says 1-3, just wanted to hear some more input).


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