Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.


Morning gentlemen, with herbal treatments it’s more like, hit or miss unfortunately. When I realized I had a condition, I ran for herbal information before I educated myself on the proper courses of combat-ion. If you folks have profound experiences with what-ever herbal treatments, please continue to share. And I do hope what ever you folks are taking, it will be safe and grant you what you seek but still continue to have a realistic mentality on “quick fix” formulas.

Originally Posted by sunsoft30
Ashwagandha and tribulus terrestris (Gokshura) are best sexual supplements. I’ve used them personally and founfd tremendous improvement in my libido and erectile strength. The capsules are Tenrex Royal(tribulus terrestris) and Tentex Forte(Ashwagandha)

True! Getting good quality of both is a big problem for most. I usually buy in bulk when i visit Gujurat(India). I think the Tribulus tea I make is much better as i boil it for a long time till I get a highly concentrated liquid.

Walk slowly but never backwards.

Does anyone suggest or have any impart on nitric oxide supplements? I guess it’s kinda like l-arginine. Or what about vig-rx. Is it crap or does it help a good work out program? Just curious. Thanks

Originally Posted by bigdick1

what about vig-rx. Is it crap …

Yes, it is crap.

Running a Massive Co-Front.

It seems the function of many of these herbs is to increase testosterone levels..

So then would it be redundant to use a complex combination of herbs geared toward the same purpose? This is commonly done in those penis pills, but in dosages low enough that you probably wouldn’t notice any benefit from most of the ingredients..

For example, Overlapping the following:

Tribulus, maca, tongkat, ashwaganda, muira, damiana

What would be the point of having ALL of these ingredients? Surely each must have a slightly different effect. What if we took ALL of them at significant dosages (maybe excepting tribulus at a lower dosage because it’s very potent)? Would our testosterone levels skyrocket?

Currently I just take ZMA and a multivitamin (and protein). I’m willing to experiment, but I already naturally have relatively high measured testosterone levels (21 years old, athlete/weightlifter).

Does anyone know of any supplements that help to increase pre-cum?

Yohimbe, L-Arginine and Maca together increases precum and the load size for me. Edging greatly helps with precum and the load. If you take these supplements make sure you drink lot of water.

I recently started using a product called Nitrix. For those of you who are interested, the ingredients are: B-9, L-Arginine,CrtS2(what ever that is),Methocel,phosphoplexx,CEM3,L-Citruline,NAD and Magnesium stearate.

Does anyone else use this?

I’ve only taken four doses and have already noticed the volumizing effect. After this mornings workout my erection was almost as rigid as it is when clamped. And the manufacturer says the full effects don’t begin until 2 to 4 weeks.

Here is my question. It says to only take this for twelve weeks and then take at least a four week break. Does anyone know why?

Is Tribex a good supplement ?

It contains the following herbs : “tribulus, epimedium, muira puama” .

Is this bullshit to combine all these 3 herbs together ?

Anyone got advice , I’ve also read that tribulus doesn’t work for anabolic usage.
It doesn’t increase testosterone level very much than the normal human standard.

How is the nitrix working it’s been long enough. What have your results been?

Been taking vimax for 2 months, but just started noticing a difference now that I’ve been exercising for the past 3 weeks. My erections are so hard it hurts. Maybe the pills do help after all.

Start 3-05: EL- 4.5x EG- 3.8

Now 6-07: EL- 6 x EG- 4.5

Goal: EL- 7.5 x EG- 5.5 Just want a BIG ole peter!

Tribulus made me want to have sex all the time, HAHA it made me lower my standards. I stopped taking it and I think im going to start again I love being horny

Be mindful even when your mind is full

Originally Posted by Verthirz
Is Tribex a good supplement ?

It contains the following herbs : “tribulus, epimedium, muira puama” .

Is this bullshit to combine all these 3 herbs together ?

Anyone got advice , I’ve also read that tribulus doesn’t work for anabolic usage.
It doesn’t increase testosterone level very much than the normal human standard.

I don’t know if tribulus increases testosterone but it does make me horny. Finding a good tribulus product is the key as not all the products contain the active compounds as they claim.
I’m using Diesel trib test from a week and I find it to be very good so far. I take 5 days on and 2 days off as the label says.


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