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No2 or Nox2 users...........

No2 or Nox2 users...........

How are your loads on this stuff? This substance contains arginine correct and that is suppose to be the cum producing amino acid? So…..?


I just got some Pinnacle NOX2 a few days ago. I’ve taken it twice, first time 2 pills, second time the recommended 3 pills. I have yet to feel any change at all, let alone improvement. Hadn’t heard about load size, but no big difference there, either.

Great stuff. I saw a difference right away. I picked up a book at GNC about the N02 experience for a buck. ($ The publication is called, THE NEW SCIENCE OF BODYBUILDINGN N02 THE 21 DAY TRANSFORMATION. It’s written for bodybuilders, but is a pretty interesting read in regards to PE also. Might want to check it out. Common knowledge has it most noticeable changes start about day five. For me it worked a lot quicker, but I’m also using other supplements. Seems to have sharpened my drive, given me more frequent erections, but the thing I really like is the puffed up flaccid hang. One thing that really got my attention is in the book and also on the bottle. Using N02 products with efedra literally renders the N02 useless. No2 is a vasodilator, where efedra is a vasoconstrictor. Makes sense now why efedra tends to shrivel one up where the N02 puffs you up. I’ve heard this before on the forum, but the efedra has really been helping me to whittle away my fat pad. But now I see reducing the fat pad to expose more dick is useless if the efedra is also shriveling you up. These N02 products may or may not deliver what they promise to weightlifters, but for us PEers there may just be a breakthrough on the horizon.


2003: 6X5 2010: 7X7

No Nukes

Does Ephedrine shrivel like Ephedra does? the reason I ask is I started taking Ephedrine HCL about 2 weeks ago and I am actually getting more erections since then. I stopped taking the NO2 for awhile but I liked it. I asm trying to cut down a lot of fat first.

What is the difference in Ephedrine or Ephedra? I use stackers II for best weight loss but worse shrinkage and even a little ED when I take over 8 a day.


2003: 6X5 2010: 7X7

No Nukes

Yea Ephedrine sucks when it comes to trying to have sex. Have had negative type ED effects using it before.

To my knowledge, NO2 products are pretty much just arginine.

There are cheaper ways to get arginine.

And it’s pretty much useless for bodybuilding purposes.

I guess if creatine is useless also.

Creatine is very useful and there’s tons of studies to back it up.

Go to and do a search on Creatine monohydrate.

Originally Posted by kandu
I just got some Pinnacle NOX2 a few days ago. I’ve taken it twice, first time 2 pills, second time the recommended 3 pills. I have yet to feel any change at all, let alone improvement. Hadn’t heard about load size, but no big difference there, either.

Are you still taking the Pills? How are things coming along? I just bought 3 months worth. I will let everyone know how things turn out.

What are you gonna do? Sic your dogs on me? Or your bees? Or dogs with bees in their mouth so when they bark they shoot bees at me? I think Mr. Smithers picked me for my motivational skills. Everyone always says they have to work twice as hard when Im around! Its not easy to juggle a pregnant wife and a troubled child, but somehow I managed to squeeze in 8 hours of TV a day. Getting out of jury duty is easy. The trick is to say youre prejudiced against all races. - Homer Simpson.

I take 6 grams of L-Aginine and half as much L-Orthinine and it give a great puffy dick as well as being great for body building. I have been getting great gains (Muscles) and as mentioned above I started seeing the effects on my body after cutting out ephedrine. (The best thing I have done).

The biggest change in me has been my veins. I look pumped all the time now.

BTW, I have been taking L-Arginine for almost a year now and since I stopped using ephedrine 3 month ago it has had twice the effect. DRINK LOTS OF WATER!

Hi all,

1) Ephedrine does increase erection frequency and really gets the libido going too. But at the same time it also causes shrinkage. :-( I went through a phase where I wouldn’t take ephedrine just because of how tiny it made me feel, especially in the gym showers.

2) The difference between ephedrine and ephedra is that ephedra is an herb from which ephedrine can be had. Most ephedrine is synthetic, however.

3) No2 and NoX2 are _not_ just arginine. This has been covered in other threads. By the way, from my personal experience a $30 bottle of NoX2 works just as well or better than a $90 bottle of No2. So don’t waste your money on that way overpriced stuff. (And both work way better, for me, than just regular arginine)

One problem I’ve had with NoX2 is that it seems to really increase my appetite, especially for simple carbs. This is a problem because it doesn’t really increase your calorie expenditure much. The book that someone already referred to in this thread warns explicitly of this effect. It says that no matter how hungry you think you are, don’t eat more than you used to… easier said than done, and now my stomach definition is starting to blur. <damnit>

all for now,
busted bus

I dont think anyone answered my question on this thread, but your replies were still interesting!


Originally Posted by Big Girtha
Great stuff. I saw a difference right away. I picked up a book at GNC about the N02 experience for a buck. ($ The publication is called, THE NEW SCIENCE OF BODYBUILDINGN N02 THE 21 DAY TRANSFORMATION. It’s written for bodybuilders, but is a pretty interesting read in regards to PE also.

The PE stuff was a great side benefit that I didn’t expect to find when I was perusing that book. Cool.

Yeah, for a buck, that book is a great read. I’m starting cycling into it tomorrow, along with some Damania. I also take a non-ephedra thermogenic fat burner, mostly caffiene; hopefully everything will play nice together.

I’ll keep posted here my opinions on it. Ed Byrd was the driving force behind EAS, and I really personally love their products. I had great results using various stuff they made. I’ve tried cheaper stuff, but always came back around to them. Plus, their protein shakes don’t taste like shit.

I really want to bump my gym workouts up to the next level, and get the vascular health top notch. When I started shucking the fat off, it was good to see the veins popping out of my forearms once again….. I also want to get under 1/2 pack a day of cigs, and only when I’m working ( I drive, and I just love my 2AM cup of Dark Roast, a good rockin’ CD in the deck and a smoke……)

If you want to read about it, and can’t snag the book take a peek here. is for sale | HugeDomains

Starting: 6.25 BPEL x 5.5 EG

Now : 6.75 BPEL x 5.75 EG

Goal : 8.0 BPEL x 6.5 EG

I found that my loads did increase by about 30% or so. Also, for me it tended to “thin” the load or water it down so to speak- thus enabling me to shoot quite a bit further. Note that I also used the Pinnacle product with a 10 tablet per day dosage for 21 days. This stuff in my opinion is not all that it is hyped up to be. Minimal effects in the gym at best.

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